The WEFWEBs launch event was held on Tuesday 27th and Wednesday 28th October 2015. The event was chaired by Professor Marian Scott, the Principal Investigator for the project. 

WEFWEBs is one of three EPSRC funded projects researching the water-energy- food nexus.  This WEF nexus phrase has been coined to capture the interconnections between water, energy and food systems at global, national and regional scales.

The project partners from Imperial College London, Open Lab at Newcastle University, Rothamsted Research, University of Cambridge, University College London, University of Exeter and the University of Oxford, came together for two days to begin the process of planning the workshops, data collection, assimilation and modelling and modelling that will form the core of the project.   Our partners come from many different disciplines which makes this project especially exciting.


First published: 4 November 2015