About the Unit
The Blantyre Blantyre project is a £2 million project funded over 5 years by the Scottish Government International Development Department with matched funding from the World Bank and the Wellcome Trust. The project, to establish a fully internationally accredited clinical research facility within University of Malawi, College of Medicine (COM), was identified as a pressing need during a senior level visit to the University of Glasgow by a delegation from COM. The University of Glasgow and COM were tasked with delivering the new lab space.
The Blantyre Blantyre lab refurbishment is now complete and will allow researchers to compare the causes of poor health and low life expectancy in both Blantyre, Scotland and Blantyre, Malawi. Hence the lab name - Blantyre Blantyre.
Delegation from College of Medicine and Scottish Government meet with University of Glasgow staff.
The lab houses state of the art diagnostic equipment. Over the last year, lab equipment two -80 freezers and a state-of-the-art microscope (first of its kind) in Malawi have been shipped from University of Glasgow to the new lab facility. The new microscope was jointly funded by the Wellcome Centre for Integrative Parasitology and the High School of Glasgow through fundraising activities by students.

The new lab - before and after.
Professor Paul Garside Dean for Global Engagement (Africa & Middle East) University of Glasgow said:
“This is the start of a very exciting new development which will bring educational and health benefits to the people of both Malawi and Scotland.”
Professor Andy Waters Director, Wellcome Centre for Integrative Parasitology added:
“Our most recent visit to Blantyre, Malawi was highly successful and the caliber of the applicants for the posts within the Blantyre Blantyre lab gives every promise that our partnership will flourish and provide tangible benefits for all.”