Previous events
War Studies Seminar Series 2022-23
War Studies Seminar Series 2020-21
War Studies Seminar Series 2019-20
War Studies Seminar Series 2018-19
War Studies Seminar Series 2017-18
War Studies Seminar Series 2016-17
War Studies Seminar Series 2015-16
War Studies Seminar Series 2014-15
War Studies Seminar Series 2012-13
Wednesday 20 March 2013
Professor Warren Brown, Instrumental Terror in Medieval Europe
at 5pm in the Lecture Room, 10 University Gardens(tbc)
Joint War Studies/Medieval History seminar
Warren C. Brown is Associate Professor of History at the California Institute of Technology. His publications include Unjust Seizure: Conflict, Interest and Authority in an Early Medieval Societ (Cornell University Press, 2001); with Piotr Górecki, eds., Conflict in Medieval Europe: Changing Perspectives on Society and Culture (Ashgate Press, 2003); Violence in Medieval Europe (Longman, 2011); and with Marios Costambeys, Matthew Innes, and Adam J. Kosto, eds., Documentary Culture and the Laity in the Early Middle Ages (Cambridge University Press, 2013).
Tuesday 7 May 2013 - CANCELLED: rescheduled to Tues 25 Feb 2014
Professor Michael Broers (University of Oxford, Lady Margaret Hall): 'The Evolution of Counter-Insurgency Policy in Napoleonic Europe'
at 5pm, in the Lecture Room, 10 University Gardens
Tuesday 14 May 2013
(University of Glasgow): The Significance of United States Strategic Fighters in the European Theatre of Operations During WWII
at 5pm in the Lecture Room, 2 University Gardens
Tuesday 25 February 2014
Professor Michael Broers (University of Oxford, Lady Margaret Hall): 'The Evolution of Counter-Insurgency Policy in Napoleonic Europe'
at 5pm - room tbc
War Studies Seminar Series 2011-12
Tuesday 4 October 2011
Professor Jeremy Black: War, Technology and the Rise of the West 1450-2011 Reconsidered
at 5pm in the Seminar Room, 2 University Gardens
Tuesday 11 October 2011 
Book launch: Tim Bird JSCSC and Alex Marshall, Afghanistan: How the West Lost Its Way
In the Lecture Room of 2 University Gardens (Room 209), tea/coffee at 5:00 with the presentation starting at 5:30.
Monday 21 November 2011
Hew Strachan. Global Security Inaugural talk: The Changing Character of War
at 5.15pm in the Melville Room, main building
Tuesday 6 December 2011
Book presentation by Professor Peter Jackson (Professor of International History, University of Strathclyde), of Professor Evan Mawdsley's new book December 1941.
At 5pm for 5.30pm in the Lecture Room, 2 University Gardens.
All welcome. Evan Mawdsley's book presentation
War Studies Seminar Series 2010-11
Thursday 27 January 2011
Historical Ties Between Scotland and Canada. A major event involving the High Commissioner of Canada and leading academics.
Talks will begin at 530pm in the Senate Room, Gilbert Scott Building. Afterwards there will be a reception and live music. People who want to reserve a space should contact:
Tuesday 25 January 2011
Dr Andrew MacKillop (Aberdeen University), Local & Global: the Evolution of Scotland’s Military Economy, 1690s-1815. at 5.15pm in Room 209, 2 University Gardens.Tuesday 18 January 2011
Dr John Gilmour, (Edinburgh University), Sweden and the Second World 5.15pm in Room 209, 2 University Gardens.
Wednesday 20 October 2010
Professor Matthew Strickland, 'Strategy, Loyalty and the Imperative of Battle in the Anglo-Norman World: Henry I and the Brémule Campaign, 1119' (Medieval Research seminar, in conjunction with the Scottish Centre for War Studies)at 4.00 pm in the McKechnie Room, 10 University Gardens. All welcome.
Tuesday 12 October 2010
Book launch of Alex Marshall's new book : The Caucasus under Soviet Rule
At 5pm in the seminar room, 2 University Gardens. All welcome
Tuesday 5 October 2010
Professor Daniel Szechi (University of Manchester), Reconceptualising the Dynamics of Early Modern Rebellion: a military effectiveness study of the 1715 Jacobite risingAt 5.30pm in Room 209, 2 University Gardens. Tea will be served from 5pm.