A selection of publications from the UNESCO Chair team, our projects and our colleagues.
- UNESCO publication February 2025: Languages matter: Global guidance on multilingual education / Les langues comptent : orientations mondiales sur l’éducation multilingue. Alison Phipps wrote the first draft of this document.
- Phipps, A., 'On Strike on Mother Language Day: Critical Reflections, Toilet Signs and Language Geneaologies' and 'A World Glasgow Minding on the International Day of Peace' in Hospitable Linguistics: Alternative, Indigenous and Critical Approaches to Language Research and Language Encounters, eds. Faraclas, N. G., Storch, A., Velupillai, V. (2025) - two chapters in book exploring the possibilities of what the authors call a 'hospitable linguistics'. Available to pre-order now from Multilingual Matters.
- Yohannes, H., Phipps, A., Sitholé, T. (eds.), Cultures of Sustainable peace: Conflict Transformation, Gender-Based Violence, Decolonial Praxes (2024) - this book shifts the focus of peacebuilding away from nation-states and international organisations to make a powerful argument that sustainable peacebuilding is the work of ordinary people. It brings together work done in Gaza, Ghana, Mexico, Morocco and Zimbabwe, alongside work with refugees in Scotland, to argue for a place for successful intercultural relations as a central aim of peacebuilding, moving beyond the more usual focus on economic development.
- Phipps, A., ''I hope you love it': poetry, protest and posthumous publishing with and for Palestinian colleagues in Gaza during scholasticide' in Curriculum Perspectives (2024) - a short Point and Counterpoint contribution offering the statements and obituaries written by UNESCO RIELA through the first year of the ongoing genocide in Gaza.
- Badwan, K., Phipps, A., Keep Telling of Gaza (2024) - a beautifully painful call-and-response poetry book. All proceeds of the book are going towards educational initiatives in Gaza.
- Sitholé, T., 'Kufunda Hakuperi' (2024) - poem created and performed for the School of Education's 25th anniversary celebrations at the University of Glasgow.
Kufunda Hakuperi
- Phipps, A., 'Ten years of struggles for refugee rights in Scotland' in 10 Years of a Changed Scotland: Independence then, now and in years to come... (2024) - essay on refugee rights in Scotland over the past decade in collection marking the ten-year anniversary of the Independence Referendum.
- Egido, A. A., Novelli, J., Phipps, A., "There is not a word I speak that has not been given to me by somebody else": an interview with Dr. Alison Phipps in The ESpecialist, Volume 45, Number 4 (2024) - Alison Phipps interviewed for Special Issue on language policies for multilingualism in the Global South.
- New Scots Refugee Integration Strategy: Delivery Plan 2024-2026 (2024) - sets out the actions that the Scottish Government, Convention of Scottish Local Authorities (COSLA) and Scottish Refugee Council will take forward with partners during the period 2024 to 2026 to support the recently published Strategy.
- New Scots Refugee Integration Strategy 2024 - strategy supporting the integration of refugees, people seeking asylum and other forced migrants within Scotland’s communities, led jointly by the Scottish Government, COSLA and Scottish Refugee Council.
- Yohannes, H. T., Phipps, A., Fernandes, F., Silva, J., Intercultural knowledge production: against gender-based violence and towards epistemic justice in Language and Intercultural Communication, Volume 23, Issue 6 (2023) - introduction to Special Issue on decolonial and peripheral forms of knowledge production with a focus on conflict transformation and intercultural dialogue in the Global South.
- Roberts, L., Phipps, A., UNESCO RILA Phase 2 Interim Report (2020 - 2022) - report on UNESCO RILA programme covering June 2020-September 2022, including information on research projects, influence on policy and practice, public engagement, postgraduate researchers, and more.
- Phipps, A., Aldegheri, E., Fisher, D., The New Scots Refugee Integration Strategy: A report on the local and international dimensions of integrating refugees in Scotland (2022) - presents academic research on the New Scots Refugee Integration Delivery Project (NSRIDP) undertaken from 2020-2022.
- Phipps, A., Section 4.4 The Pathway of Culture and Arts in We need to talk: measuring intercultural dialogue for peace and inclusion, UNESCO (2022) - presents the structures, processes and values needed to support intercultural dialogue.
- Papers by Sitholé, T., Tordzro, G. K., Tordzro, N. D., Phipps, A., in Zanj: The Journal of Critical Global South Studies - Volume 5, Issue 1/2 (2022) - contributions to Special Issue drawing on the work of migration scholars, artists, and activists from the Global South collaborating through the South-South Migration for Development and Equality (MIDEQ) Hub.
- Sitholé, T., 'Seeds of Antiracist Education' (2022) – poem for the Building Racial Literacy Programme, Education Scotland.
Seeds of Antiracist Education
- Fassetta, G., Imperiale, M. G., Revisiting Indigenous Engagement, Research Partnerships, and Knowledge Mobilisation - Think Piece in Indigenous Research Methods: Partnerships, Engagement And Knowledge Mobilisation, People's Palace Projects (2021) - revised think piece expanding on initial 2018 paper and incorporating new literature and insights.
- Reducing Inequalities And Decolonising Heritage Practices: People-Centred Approaches (2021) - brief report from the UK National Commission for UNESCO and PRAXIS at the University of Leeds.
- RSE advice paper May 2021 NO: 21–04 (2021) - Royal Soceity of Edinburgh response to proposed UK Asylum system changes.
- Phipps, A., Decolonising the languages curriculum: linguistic justice for linguistic ecologies in Innovative Language Pedagogy Report, (2021) - summary of decolonising language curricula as a pedagogy.
- Imperiale, M. G., Mander, S., Ross, D., Early career English teacher identity project report: Exploring teacher identity and agency through the Tree of Life approach, Teaching English (2021) - findings from a participatory research project conducted with early career English teachers as part of the British Council’s Widening Participation programme.
- National Value of UNESCO to the UK Report (2020) - features case study on UNESCO RILA programme.
- Key recommendations from the Art-Lab review (2020) - presented on the 10th of December 2020 during 'Art-Lab #4 - The imperative of cultural justice: arts for inclusion, equity and human rights'.
- Fassetta, G., Imperiale, M. G, Indigenous engagement, research partnerships, and knowledge mobilisation: Think Piece (2018) - think piece informing the international development research community on best practice when engaging with indigenous peoples as part of ESRC/AHRC GCRF Indigenous Engagement programme.
- Phipps, A., Why Cultural Work with Refugees? In-depth analysis (2017) - research for Culture and Education (CULT) Committee (European Parliament).