10 December 2024

On day 10 of RIELA advent, we have a song selected by our PhD student Pinar Aksu. It's a song from the '70s by Turkish singer-songwriter Şenay called Hayat Bayram Olsa which is about life being a festival full of laughter and joy.

Take a couple of minutes to listen to the song with a cup of tea or coffee, and read the lyrics alongside in Turkish or English. We hope you enjoy it!

Hayat Bayram Olsa

Şenay - Hayat Bayram Olsa (1972)

Türkçe şarkı sözleri

Şu dünyadaki en mutlu kişi
Mutluluk verendir
Şu dünyadaki sevilen kişi
Sevmeyi bilendir

Şu dünyadaki en güçlü kişi
Güçlükten gelendir
Şu dünyadaki en bilgin kişi
Kendini bilendir

Bütün dünya buna inansa
Bir inansa
Hayat bayram olsa
İnsanlar el ele tutuşsa
Birlik olsa
Uzansak sonsuza

Şu dünyadaki en olgun kişi
Acıya gülendir
Şu dünyadaki en soylu kişi
İnsafa gelendir

Şu dünyadaki en zengin kişi
Gönül fethedendir
Şu dünyadaki en üstün kişi
İnsanı sevendir

Bütün dünya buna inansa
Bir inansa
Hayat bayram olsa
İnsanlar el ele tutuşsa
Birlik olsa
Uzansak sonsuza

English lyrics

[Verse 1] 
The happiest person in this world is the one who gives happiness
The loved one in this world is the one who knows how to love
The most strong person in this world is the who had difficulties
The most knowledgeable person in this world is the one who know themself

If the whole world believed it
I wish they would, life would become a festival
I wish the people hold hands, become united
Wе would go forever
If the wholе world believed it
I wish they would, life would become a festival
I wish the people hold hands, become united
We would go forever

[Verse 2]
The most mature person in this world is the one who laughs at the pain
The noblest person in this world is the one who is merciful
The richest person in this world is the one who captures the hearts
The highest person in this world is the one who loves people

If the whole world believed it
I wish they would, life would become a festival
I wish the people hold hands, become united
We would go forever
If the whole world believed it
I wish they would, life would become a festival
I wish the people hold hands, become united
We would go forever
If the whole world believed it
I wish they would, life would become a festival
I wish the people hold hands, become united
We would go forever
If the whole world believed it
I wish they would, life would become a festival
I wish the people hold hands, become united
We would go forever

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