Welcome to Ultrasurge
Ultrasurge is a 5-year programme investigating ultrasound in surgery. Supported by a programme grant from EPSRC for over £6m in funding, Ultrasurge looks into a series of interelated themes around the effect of ultrasound on tissue, the miniaturisation of ultrasound transducers, and using external robots to direct ultrasound tipped robot tentacles to the surgery site within the body.

Phantom Arteries

Prof Lucas Recognised by the RSE and IET
What's Going On
16 AprIn order to train robotic systems we need to create models that mimic real-life, like arteries within organs.
25 Feb
Nicola Fenu Piezo 2021
Nicola Fenu's conference paper given at Piezo 2021: High power Characterisation of PIC 181 Piezoceramic and Mn:PIN PMN PT Piezocrystal Langevin Transducers for Robotic Minimally Invasive Surgery -
18 Jan
Prof Margaret Lucas was elected a Fellow of the RSE, awarded the IET Achievement Medal for Ultrasonic Technology, and has become the new Dean of Research for the College of Science and Engineering at the University of Glasgow.