Esmé Foxworthy-Bowers

Photo of Esmé Foxworthy-Bowers

I am a PhD student in the Edgar and Craig labs. My project focuses on using an in vitro model of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis in myelinating central nervous system cultures to test therapeutics, working with the biopharmaceutical company, Medannex. My project seeks to understand myelin-axon interactions in health and disease, and test a novel therapeutic, provided by Medannex, in the context of autoimmune conditions in vitro to help reduce the number of mice we use in research. My undergraduate degree was in Psychology and Biology at the University of Stirling, followed by an MSc in Neuroscience and Mental Health at the University of Strathclyde. 

If I'm not in the lab, I am on the hockey pitch, at the gym, or cooking and baking!