Issue 9: Challenges of Development
Edited by Emma Gascoigne, Nicola Carty, Nick Goodrick, Mira Knoche, Henna Karhapaa, Calum Rodger, Luca Guariento & Sophie Kromholz

Finnieston Crane - Challenges of Development
by Dr Thomas Endlein (see below for artists statement)
Welcome to the ninth issue of The Kelvingrove Review. The texts under review in this issue engage with the theme of Challenges of Development, a subject currently being encountered in a wide variety of disciplines. This seemed a natural progression from our previous issue's theme of Crisis - in the aftermath of a crisis, be it political, financial, intellectual or ideological, new avenues of development must be sought. However, progress can be subjective and overcoming one barrier to development often has the unintended consequence of creating yet another obstacle. Many of the texts reviewed in this issue explore how we, as people, develop and the factors that can assist or impede our growth - from discussion on children's use of the Internet to our understanding and connection with religion during times of trouble. Complementing this focus, other reviews discuss the development of the world around us - from economic theories on competition to how we deal with war and its repercussions.
Issue 9 also features three non-themed reviews covering, respectively, Japanese erotic art, Scottish involvement in the British anti-slavery movement, and Jewish women writers in the Soviet Union.
TKR is pleased to present these thirteen postgraduate reviewers, who have demonstrated in their writing an ability to critically evaluate the writings of other scholars and communicate this to a broad, interdisciplinary audience. Their success highlights TKR's key role in providing a publishing platform for emerging scholars.
This issue displays two creative pieces: one visual and one text-based. Thomas Endlein's photograph of the Finnieston crane focuses our attention on the physical development of the cityscape, making us dwell on this moment of visible transition and causing us to reflect upon how the built environment affects our identification with place. Richard McCaffery's poem 'Peace Cup' concentrates on past challenges of development, which still resonate and are relevant today. It begs the question: has the challenge of peace become any easier in our modern world?
Articles are in PDF format. If you do not already have Adobe Reader on your computer, you can download it for free from
Peace Cup
by Richard McCaffery
They gave the commemorative cups
to your school, like porcelain doves,
breakable souvenirs of peace.
A gift from the Committee in 1919.
Over the decades you supped milk,
tea, gin and liver salts from it.
Thirty-nine / forty-five did not shatter
that ceramic armistice but a hairline
crack formed and darkened soon after.
Richard McCaffery is a PhD Candidate in Scottish Literature at the University of Glasgow. His research examines Scottish poets of World War Two.
Finnieston Crane - Challenges of Development
by Dr Thomas Endlein
The image shows the iconic Finnieston crane near the river Clyde. I shot the image from across the river to include some of the cranes from the construction site near the SECC. The construction site cranes look rather slender in comparison with the big Titan-class crane and therefore enhance the massive build of the latter. By setting all of them against the evening sky, I reduced them to silhouettes and created a more abstract image, concentrating on shapes and forms. What makes the image work nicely with the theme, is that the University tower peeks up from the bottom, symbolising a challenged but uprising institution whereas the cranes stand for construction and development.
Dr Thomas Endlein is a Research Associate with the Institute of Molecular Cell and Systems Biology at the University of Glasgow. His research investigates the biomechanics of tree frog adhesive pads. As a zoologist, his interest in photography initially derived from his fascination with nature and wildlife but has now also broadened to include the built environment. His work can be found online at
Themed Reviews
The Autism Matrix: The Social Origins of the Autism Epidemic
Written by Gil Eyal et al.
Reviewed by Ruth Dunster TKR9-1
Children and the Internet: Great Expectations, Challenging Realities
Written by Sonia Livingstone
Reviewed by David T. Macknet TKR9-2
The Darwin Economy: Liberty, Competition, and the Common Good
Written by Robert H. Frank
Reviewed by Rory Fairweather TKR9-3
Rural People and Communities in the 21st Century: Resilience and Transformation
Written by David L. Brown and Kai A. Schafft
Reviewed by Anna Terje TKR9-4
Peacebuilding: War and Conflict in the Modern World
Written by Dennis J. D. Sandole
Reviewed by Ryan Cowdin TKR9-5
Sudan's Wars and Peace Agreements
Edited by Jay Spaulding et al.
Reviewed by Jessica Gregson TKR9-6
Theatricality in Early Modern Art and Architecture
Edited by Caroline van Eck and Stijn Bussels
Reviewed by Lucy Weir TKR9-7
What is Gender History?
Written by Sonya O. Rose
Reviewed by Katie Close TKR9-8
Religion at Ground Zero: Theological Responses to Times of Crisis
Written by Christopher Craig Brittain
Reviewed by Hannah M. Strømmen TKR9-9
The Terror of History
Written by Teofilo F. Ruiz
Reviewed by Luca Guariento TKR9-10
Non-themed Reviews
Shunga: Erotic Art in Japan
Written by Rosina Buckland
Reviewed by Louise Boyd TKR9-11
Jewish Women Writers in the Soviet Union
Written by Rina Lapidus
Reviewed by Defne Cizakca TKR9-12
Zachary Macaulay 1768-1838: The Steadfast Scot in the British Anti-Slavery Movement
Written by Iain Whyte
Reviewed by Stephen Mullen TKR9-13