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Facilitating community collaboration research that incorporates local knowledge and community input.

GALLANT's "Community Collaboration" Goal 

Recognising the pivotal role of community collaboration in environmental research, the GALLANT project has a dedicated team for fostering partnerships with Glasgow's diverse communities.

Employing a Participatory Action Research (PAR) methodology, GALLANT is committed to evolving meaningful collaborations that position communities as integral co-researchers. This approach acknowledges their inherent knowledge and expertise, prioritising their perspectives within the broader remit of GALLANT's environmental initiatives. 

Our Approach to Community Collaboration

The Community Collaboration team engages with Glasgow's multifaceted and dynamic communities. This facilitates community members' evolution into co-researchers, and ensures their substantial influence in shaping the city's environmental values, co-creating intervention strategies, and co-designing evaluative measures to assess the impact, value, and significance of GALLANT's environmental endeavours.

By fostering deeper connections with community groups, GALLANT aims to gain insightful understandings of their needs, perceptions, and viewpoints on impending environmental challenges. This research initiative is poised to explore innovative avenues for enhancing diverse participation in environmental research, democratising the process and outcomes of sustainable urban development.

Research Areas 

  • Participatory Action Research.  
  • Geography.
  • Participatory Mapping.  
  • Social Justice. 
  • Sustainability and Climate Change. 
  • Community Science. 
  • Digital Humanities. 
  • Digital Cultural Heritage.  
  • Intangible Cultural Heritage.
  • Performance Practice.