GALLANT Gathering 2024

The Gathering will take place on Monday 26th - Wednesday 28th August in the Advanced Research Centre (ARC) at the University of Glasgow. We look forward to you joining us for an exciting three days of engaging talks, workshops, dialogues and events focused on how place-based partnerships drive transformative and sustainable change.

Find out more about the GALLANT project here.

Explore the GALLANT Gathering 2024 programme below.

Day 1 - Monday 26 August - Systems approaches








ARC Reception

Register and enjoy some pre-conference nourishment. 


Opening Remarks

Room 237BC

Opening remarks will introduce the theme of "Systems Approaches".

Prof Jaime Toney (University of Glasgow)

Kevin Rush (Glasgow City Council) 

Uzma Khan (University of Glasgow)


The Importance of Systems Approaches

Room 237BC

A summary of how the GALLANT programme uses systems thinking and modelling to support decision-making for a more climate-resilient city, while also tackling health, social and economic inequalities. 

Prof Petra Meier (University of Glasgow)



Exhibition Space  10 minutes to recharge and refocus. 


Plenary Talks

Room 237BC 

A series of talks hosted by GALLANT co-PI Prof Petra Meier.

Prof Petra Meier (University of Glasgow) 

Jeremy Hilton (Cranfield University)

Prof Rosie McEachan (Bradford Institute for Health Research)

12:30  Lunch  Exhibition Space   Enjoy a sustainable spread of lunch options provided by University of Glasgow catering. 
13:30  Plenary Session: Engaging with Systems for Transformation  Room 237BC  

Part I: Enabling Practices for Systems Transformation

Dr Elaine Heslop (Lucidity & University of Glasgow) 

15:05  Break  Exhibition Space    25 minutes to recharge and refocus.  
15:30  Plenary Session: Engaging with Systems for Transformation  Room 237BC  

Part II: A Perspective on GALLANT

Dr Elaine Heslop (Lucidity & University of Glasgow) 

16:25  Closing Remarks  Room 237BC 

Closing remarks to summarise and round off the "Systems Approaches" day.

Prof Petra Meier (University of Glasgow)  

16:30  Drinks Reception  Exhibition Space   Join the GALLANT team for complimentary refreshments after the main conference session. 
17:30  Close     
08:30 - 17:30 Quiet Reflection Space Room 242 A quiet space you are welcome to visit throughout the day.

Day 2 - Tuesday 27th August - Place-based Approaches








ARC Reception

Register for the day and confirm your break-out sessions 


Opening Remarks

Room 237BC

Opening remarks will introduce the day and the theme of "Place-based Approaches".

Prof Jaime Toney (University of Glasgow)


Plenary Talk

Room 237BC

This plenary talk session will focus on Sustainable Communities and Participatory Engagement with Research.

Prof Ria Dunkley (University of Glasgow)

Aekus Kamboj (CEMVO)

Struan Fraser (Centre for Civic Innovation)


Posters & Lightning Talks

Room 237BC An introduction to the work of GALLANT's Early Career Researchers.



Exhibition Space  

20 minutes to recharge and re-focus.

12:00 Concurrent Break-Out Sessions    
  Benefits, barriers and challenges of participatory community science: learning from the field Room 237BC  

Prof Ria Dunkley (University of Glasgow)

Dr Flo Halstead (University of Glasgow)

Dr Sarah Gambell (University of Glasgow)

Charlotte Wallace (Glasgow City Council)

Becky Duncan (OpenAye)

  Implementing place-based adaptation approaches – collaboration opportunities at VDL sites Studio 1

Dr Kat Fradera (University of Glasgow)

Dr Octria adi Prasojo (University of Glasgow)

Simla Green (University of Glasgow)

  Sustainability Communications and Impact Training Room 225

Practical workshop exploring the most effective approaches to creating impact amongst GALLANT audiences through content creation.

Cameron Mackay (University of Glasgow)

13:00 Lunch Exhibition Space   

 Enjoy a sustainable selection of food supplied by University of Glasgow catering.

14:00 Concurrent Break-Out Sessions  


  Reclamation of VDLs as an example of a placed-based challenge (and opportunity!): past, present and future Studio 1

This workshop will help participants explore the intersection of historical trends, current challenges, and future opportunities in contaminated land reclamation, providing a comprehensive understanding of place-based challenges.

Prof Caroline Gauchotte-Lindsay (University of Glasgow)

Dr Carla Comadran Casas (University of Glasgow)

Elmira Khaksar Najafi (University of Glasgow)

  Sustainability of place-based energy solutions: beyond net zero Room 237AB 

This session will provide updates on the GALLANT Community Energy team's activities and will also include a workshop to facilitate engagement.

Prof Gioia Falcone (University of Glasgow)

Nicola Tait (University of Glasgow)

Dr Graeme Hunt (University of Glasgow)

Anton Soderqvist (University of Glasgow)

  Place-based approaches to mobility  Room 237C

This session is designed to showcase the current work of the GALLANT Active Travel team, in relation to initiatives working at different levels to promote engagement in active travel within Glasgow.

Prof Cindy Gray (University of Glasgow)

Prof Jason Gill (University of Glasgow)

Dr Emma Lawlor (University of Glasgow)

Kassandra Moosbrugger (University of Glasgow)

15:00 Posters Exhibition Space    Dedicated time for PhDs and Early Career Researchers to represent their posters.
16:00 Community Gathering Exhibition Space    Join us for this informal social event which will bring together community members, participants, partners, and friends of the project.
18:00 Close    
08:30 - 17:30 Quiet Reflection Space Room 242  A quiet space you are welcome to visit throughout the day.  

Day 3 - Wednesday 28th August - Evidence-based Approaches








ARC Reception

Register for the day and confirm your break-out sessions 


Opening Remarks

Room 237BC

Opening remarks will introduce the day and the theme of "Evidence-based Approaches".

Prof Jaime Toney (University of Glasgow)


Plenary Talk: Data and the role of evidence-based policy

Room 237BC

GALLANT principal investigator Prof Jaime Toney hosts talks and a panel from academic and governmental perspectives on evidence-based approaches to data and sustainability. 

Prof Marian Scott (University of Glasgow)

Prof Nicola McEwen (University of Glasgow)

Prof Julie Fitzpatrick (Scottish Government)

Dr Justine Betja (DEFRA)



Exhibition Space  

20 minutes to recharge and refocus.

12:00 Concurrent Break-Out Sessions    
  Data Tools for (Urban) Environmental Planning Room 237BC  

This session will discuss ‘Data Tools’ that are being developed to specifically help to understand urban environmental planning.

Heather Sinclair (UBDC)

David Hazle (Glasgow City Council)

Prof Richard Kingston (NERC)

Andrew Clarke (UBDC)

Barbara Solanilla (UBDC)

  Global indicators Studio 1

This sesson will explore key questions: Given the complexity of global supply chains and the gaps in granular level data, how can we best measure, and detect changes in Glasgow’s global impact? How can the global impact indicators shed light on interlinkages and help us identify leverage points for systems change?

Dr Mary Menton (University of Glasgow)

13:00 Lunch Exhibition Space   

 Enjoy a sustainable spread of lunch options provided by University of Glasgow catering. 

14:00 Concurrent Break-Out Sessions  


  Quantifying and valuing ecosystem services in urban open spaces Studio 1

This panel session aims at discussing how we can quantify ecosystem services in urban areas, with a particular focus on the work that we are doing as part of GALLANT WP2 in Glasgow.

Dr Davide Dominoni (University of Glasgow)

Dr Dominic McCafferty (University of Glasgow)

Prof Nick Hanley (University of Glasgow)

Dr Alejandro Gonzalez Ollauri (Glasgow Caledonian University)

  AI and data analytics pipelines applications for a sustainable and socially beneficial urban planning Room 237BC 

This session will explore AI and data analytics pipelines applications for a sustainable and socially beneficial urban planning.

Dr Luigi Cao Pinna (University of Glasgow)

Dr Joe Shingleton (University of Glasgow)

Dr Cris Hasan (University of Glasgow)

  Sustainability Communications and Impact Training Room 237A

Practical workshop exploring the most effective approaches to creating impact amongst GALLANT audiences through content creation.

Cameron Mackay (University of Glasgow)

15:00 Plenary Showcase: ClimateView Room 237BC

In this session, Tomer Shalit will provide insights into the ClimateView Platform, offer an overview of how this data-driven decision-making tool has been applied in various contexts, and share examples both at the national and regional levels.

Tomer Shalit (ClimateView)

Dr Cris Hasan (University of Glasgow)

16:00 Closing Remarks Room 237BC

Closing remarks to summarise and round off the GALLANT Gathering 2024.

Prof Jaime Toney (University of Glasgow)

16:30 Close    
08:30 - 17:30 Quiet Reflection Space Room 242  A quiet space you are welcome to visit throughout the day.