Professor David Sanderson
- Professor of Environmental Physics (Scottish Universities Environmental Research Centre)
R156 Level 1, Suerc, Rankine Avenue, East Kilbride G75 0QF
Research interests
Airborne and vehicular gamma ray surveys.
Environmental radioactivity.
Luminescence dating: Thermoluminescence and Photostimulated luminescence.
Detection of irradiated food.
Archaeological sciences.
Doran, H. R. , Brown, C. S. , Kolo, I. , Falcone, G. and Sanderson, D. C.W. (2025) Modelling a novel technique to remove excess decay heat from a geological disposal facility using a closed-loop geothermal system. Thermal Science and Engineering Progress, 57, 103090. (doi: 10.1016/j.tsep.2024.103090)
Carling, P. A., Tada, T., Tada, R., Songtham, W., Cresswell, A. J. , Sanderson, D. C.W. , Porat, N., Duangkrayom, J., Darby, S. E. and Chansom, P. (2024) Regionally extensive ejecta layer of the Australasian tektite strewn field: the MIS 19/20 large meteorite impact in mainland South-East Asia. Progress in Earth and Planetary Science, 11, 58. (doi: 10.1186/s40645-024-00660-9) (PMID:39574518) (PMCID:PMC11576802)
Bench, T., Sanderson, D. and Feathers, J. (2024) Observing impacts on luminescence depth profile evolutions from surface altered quartzite using OSL laser scanning and controlled light exposed rock sampling techniques. Quaternary Geochronology, 83, 101600. (doi: 10.1016/j.quageo.2024.101600)
Staff, R. A. et al. (2024) A luminescence-derived cryptostratigraphy from the Lake Suigetsu sedimentary profile, Japan: 45,000–30,200 IntCal20yr BP. Quaternary Geochronology, 83, 101588. (doi: 10.1016/j.quageo.2024.101588)
Roman, M. et al. (2024) The Late-Holocene deglaciation of James Ross Island, Antarctic Peninsula: OSL and 14C-dated multi-proxy sedimentary record from Monolith Lake. Quaternary Science Reviews, 333, 108693. (doi: 10.1016/j.quascirev.2024.108693)
Palczewski, P. et al. (2024) Testing emergency radiation doses by metastable TL peaks in quartz - preliminary investigations. Radiation Measurements, 174, 107128. (doi: 10.1016/j.radmeas.2024.107128)
Spencer, J. Q.G. , Sanderson, D. C.W. , Rader, M., Fitzgerald, S. K., Rex, C. , Sprynskyy, M. and Staff, R. A. (2024) Luminescence and thermometry studies of plant opal phytoliths. Quaternary Geochronology, 82, 101544. (doi: 10.1016/j.quageo.2024.101544)
Stone, A., Bateman, M.D., Sanderson, D. , Burrough, S.L., Cutts, R. and Cresswell, A. (2024) Probing sediment burial age, provenance and geomorphic processes in dryland dunes and lake shorelines using portable luminescence data. Quaternary Geochronology, 82, 101542. (doi: 10.1016/j.quageo.2024.101542)
Muñoz-Salinas, E., Castillo, M., De Pablo, N., Palacios, D., Sanderson, D. and Cresswell, A. (2024) Mid to late holocene alluvial fans activity at the southern sector of sierra de gredos in central Spain: Climate literature review, OSL and topographical analysis. Quaternary International, 688, pp. 44-52. (doi: 10.1016/j.quaint.2024.02.007)
Scarre, C., Oosterbeek, L., Kinnaird, T. C., Sanderson, D. , Burbidge, C., Cardoso, G., Dias, M. I., Prudêncio, M. I. and Caple, C. (2024) Cabeço dos Pendentes (Mação, Portugal): OSL dating of an enigmatic monument. Revista Portuguesa de Arqueologia, 26-27, pp. 31-71.
Martin, L. , Sanderson, D. , Paling, S., Cresswell, A. and Fitzgerald, S. (2023) Quantitative beta autoradiography of a heterogeneous granulite sample and implications for luminescence dating. Radiation Measurements, 168, 107001. (doi: 10.1016/j.radmeas.2023.107001)
Valoix, A., Munoz-Salinas, E., Castillo, M., Sanderson, D. and Cresswell, A. (2023) Understanding the landscape evolution of El Mogote barrier spit, Baja California Sur, Mexico, using OSL dating, satellite images and a multivariate analysis. Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 127, 104418. (doi: 10.1016/j.jsames.2023.104418)
Doran, H. R. , Renaud, T., Brown, C. S. , Kolo, I. , Falcone, G. and Sanderson, D. C.W. (2023) Radioactive Waste as an Anthropogenic Heat Source: Shallow and Deep Geothermal Applications. In: European Geothermal Congress 2022, Berlin, Germany, 17-21 Oct 2022, ISBN 9782960194623
Tahir, M. U., Doran, H. R. , Falcone, G. and Sanderson, D. C.W. (2023) Harnessing the Waste Heat from Radioactive Waste in a Notional UK Geological Disposal Facility Using a Closed-Loop Geothermal System. In: 48th Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering, Stanford, CA, USA, 06-08 Feb 2023,
King, A. J. et al. (2022) The Winchcombe meteorite, a unique and pristine witness from the outer solar system. Science Advances, 8(46), eabq3925. (doi: 10.1126/sciadv.abq3925) (PMID:36383648) (PMCID:PMC9668287)
Alghamdi, H., Sanderson, D. , Carmichael, L., Cresswell, A. and Martin, L. (2022) The use of portable OSL and IRSL measurements of NaCl in low dose assessments following a radiological or nuclear emergency. Frontiers in Public Health, 10, 969829. (doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2022.969829) (PMID:36111193) (PMCID:PMC9468860)
Fitzgerald, S., Sanderson, D. C. W. , Cresswell, A. J. and Martin, L. (2022) Using Infra-red stimulated luminescence and phototransferred thermoluminescence to investigate electron trapping and charge transport in feldspars. Radiation Measurements, 156, 106817. (doi: 10.1016/j.radmeas.2022.106817)
Rex, C. L. , Staff, R. A. , Sanderson, D. C.W. , Cresswell, A. J. , Marshall, M. H., Hyodo, M., Horiuchi, D., Tada, R. and Nakagawa, T. (2022) Controls on luminescence signals in lake sediment cores: a study from Lake Suigetsu, Japan. Quaternary Geochronology, 71, 101319. (doi: 10.1016/j.quageo.2022.101319)
Doran, H. R. , Cresswell, A. J. , Sanderson, D. C.W. and Falcone, G. (2022) Nuclear data evaluation for decay heat analysis of spent nuclear fuel over 1–100 k year timescale. European Physical Journal Plus, 137, 665. (doi: 10.1140/epjp/s13360-022-02865-7)
Martin, L. , Sanderson, D. , Paling, S., Cresswell, A. and Murphy, S. (2022) Advancing dosimetry for dating environmental materials: development of an ultra-sensitive beta dosimeter system and potential for beta autoradiography. Radiation Measurements, 154, 106760. (doi: 10.1016/j.radmeas.2022.106760)
Ghilardi, M., Kinnaird, T., Kouli, K., Bicket, A., Crest, Y., Demory, F., Delanghe, D., Fachard, S. and Sanderson, D. (2022) Reconstructing the fluvial history of the Lilas river (Euboea Island, Central West Aegean Sea) from the Mycenaean times to the Ottoman period. Geosciences, 12(5), 204. (doi: 10.3390/geosciences12050204)
Cresswell, A.J. , Sanderson, D.C.W. , Carling, P.A. and Darby, S.E. (2022) Quartz age extension applied to SE Asian cover sands. Quaternary Geochronology, 69, 101271. (doi: 10.1016/j.quageo.2022.101271)
Turner, S. et al. (2021) Agricultural terraces in the Mediterranean: medieval intensification revealed by OSL profiling and dating. Antiquity, 95(381), pp. 773-790. (doi: 10.15184/aqy.2020.187)
Munyikwa, K., Kinnaird, T. C. and Sanderson, D. C.W. (2021) The potential of portable luminescence readers in geomorphological investigations: a review. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 46(1), pp. 131-150. (doi: 10.1002/esp.4975)
Carter, J., Ickert, R. B. , Mark, D. F. , Tremblay, M. M. , Cresswell, A. J. and Sanderson, D. C.W. (2020) Production of 40Ar by an overlooked mode of 40K decay with implications for K-Ar geochronology. Geochronology, 2, pp. 355-365. (doi: 10.5194/gchron-2-355-2020)
Castillo, M., Muñoz-Salinas, E., Sanderson, D. and Cresswell, A. (2020) Landscape evolution of Punta Arena sand spit (SE Baja California Peninsula, NW Mexico): Implications of ENSO on landscape erosion rates. CATENA, 193, 104601. (doi: 10.1016/j.catena.2020.104601)
Muñoz-Salinas, E., Castillo, M., Franco-Ramos, O., Arce, J. L., Sanderson, D. C. W. and Cresswell, A. C. (2020) Assessing paraglacial processes at Nexpayantla Gorge (Popocatépetl volcano, Central Mexico) using OSL and 14C. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 45(11), pp. 2450-2462. (doi: 10.1002/esp.4890)
Pears, B., Brown, A. G., Toms, P. S., Wood, J., Sanderson, D. and Jones, R. (2020) A sub-centennial-scale optically stimulated luminescence chronostratigraphy and late Holocene flood history from a temperate river confluence. Geology, 48(8), pp. 819-825. (doi: 10.1130/G47079.1)
Preston, J., Sanderson, D. , Kinnaird, T., Newton, A., Nitter, M., Coolen, J., Mehler, N. and Dugmore, A. (2020) Dynamic beach response to changing storminess of Unst, Shetland: implications for landing places exploited by Norse communities. Journal of Island and Coastal Archaeology, 15(2), pp. 153-178. (doi: 10.1080/15564894.2018.1555193)
Píšková, A. et al. (2019) Late-Holocene palaeoenvironmental changes at Lake Esmeralda (Vega Island, Antarctic Peninsula) based on a multi-proxy analysis of laminated lake sediment. Holocene, 29(7), pp. 1155-1175. (doi: 10.1177/0959683619838033)
Cresswell, A. J. , Sanderson, D. C. W. and Carling, P. A. (2019) Luminescence Analyses of Samples from Thailand and Laos. [Research Reports or Papers]
Cresswell, A.J. , Sanderson, D.C.W. , Carling, P.A. and Darby, S. (2019) SE Asia Agricultural Soils Age Analysis. [Research Reports or Papers]
Cresswell, A. J. , Sanderson, D. C.W. and Carter, J. (2019) Review of nuclear data for naturally occurring radionuclides applied to environmental applications. European Physical Journal Plus, 134(2), 69. (doi: 10.1140/epjp/i2019-12437-1)
Sanderson, D. C.W. and Kinnaird, T. C. (2019) Optically stimulated luminescence dating as a geochronological tool for late quaternary sediments in the Red Sea region. In: Rasul, Najeeb M.A. and Stewart, Ian C.F. (eds.) Geological Setting, Palaeoenvironment and Archaeology of the Red Sea. Series: Environmental earth sciences. Springer International Publishing, pp. 685-707. ISBN 9783319994079 (doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-99408-6_31)
Kinnaird, T., Dawson, T., Sanderson, D. , Hamilton, D. , Cresswell, A. and Rennell, R. (2019) Chronostratigraphy of an eroding complex Atlantic round house, Baile Sear, Scotland. Journal of Island and Coastal Archaeology, 14(1), pp. 46-60. (doi: 10.1080/15564894.2017.1368744)
Munyikwa, K., Lindemann, R., Wondrasek, R., Kinnaird, T.C. and Sanderson, D.C.W. (2019) Temporal constraints for Holocene geomorphic evolution at an archeological site near Hardisty, east-central Alberta: hunter gatherer interactions with the landscape on the northern Plains. Canadian Journal of Archaeology, 43(1),
Carter, J., Cresswell, A.J. , Kinnaird, T.C., Carmichael, L.A., Murphy, S. and Sanderson, D.C.W. (2018) Non-Poisson variations in photomultipliers and implications for luminescence dating. Radiation Measurements, 120, pp. 267-273. (doi: 10.1016/j.radmeas.2018.05.010)
Cresswell, A.J. , Carter, J. and Sanderson, D.C.W. (2018) Dose rate conversion parameters: assessment of nuclear data. Radiation Measurements, 120, pp. 195-201. (doi: 10.1016/j.radmeas.2018.02.007)
French, C., Taylor, S., McLaughlin, R., Cresswell, A. , Kinnaird, T., Sanderson, D. , Stoddart, S. and Malone, C. (2018) A Neolithic palaeo-catena for the Xagħra Upper Coralline Limestone plateau of Gozo, Malta, and its implications for past soil development and land use. CATENA, 171, pp. 337-358. (doi: 10.1016/j.catena.2018.07.039)
Muñoz-Salinas, E., Castillo, M., Sanderson, D. C.W. and Cresswell, A. (2018) First luminescence geochronology of the beach-dune ridges of Nayarit strand-plain (west-central Mexico). Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 88, pp. 642-648. (doi: 10.1016/j.jsames.2018.08.003)
Cresswell, A.J. , Sanderson, D.C.W. and Carling, P.A. (2018) Dose Extension of a Sample at the Base of a Sedimentary Sequence in Vietnam. [Research Reports or Papers]
Sanderson, D. (2018) Martin J. Aitken (1922-2017). Quaternary Newsletter, 145, pp. 4-17.
Cresswell, A.J. , Sanderson, D.C.W. , Muñoz-Salinas, E. and Castillo, M. (2018) Luminescence Dating of Beach Dunes and Fluvial Sediments, Nayarit, Mexico. [Research Reports or Papers]
Cresswell, A.J. , Sanderson, D.C.W. and Carling, P.A. (2018) Luminescence Profile Measurements on Samples from Vietnam Submitted by P. Carling. [Research Reports or Papers]
Schmidt, C. et al. (2018) How reproducible are kinetic parameter constraints of quartz luminescence? An interlaboratory comparison for the 110 °C TL peak. Radiation Measurements, 110, pp. 14-24. (doi: 10.1016/j.radmeas.2018.01.002)
Cresswell, A. J. , Sanderson, D. C.W. and Yamaguchi, K. (2018) Assessment of the calibration of gamma spectrometry systems in forest environments. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 181, pp. 70-77. (doi: 10.1016/j.jenvrad.2017.10.019)
Kreutzer, S., Friedrich, J., Sanderson, D. , Adamiec, G., Chruscinska, A., Fasoli, M., Martini, M., Polymeris, G. S., Burbidge, C. I. and Schmidt, C. (2017) Les sables de Fontainebleau: a natural quartz reference sample and its characterisation. Ancient TL, 35(2), pp. 21-31.
Sanderson, D. , Cresswell, A. , Roman, M., Píšková, A., Kopalová, K., Nývlt, D. and Lirio, J. M. (2017) Luminescence Measurements of Sediment Cores from Lake Esmeralda and Monolith Lake, James Ross Island Archipelago. [Research Reports or Papers]
Munoz-Salinas, E., Castillo, M., Sanderson, D. and Kinnaird, T. (2017) Geochronology and landscape evolution of the strand-plain of the Usumacinta and Grijalva rivers, southern Mexico. Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 79, pp. 394-400. (doi: 10.1016/j.jsames.2017.08.021)
Kinnaird, T.C., Sanderson, D.C.W. , Preston, J., Dugmore, A.J. and Newton, A.J. (2017) Luminescence dating of sediments from Underhoull and Lund, Unst, Shetland. [Research Reports or Papers]
Xu, S. et al. (2016) Radiocarbon releases from the 2011 Fukushima nuclear accident. Scientific Reports, 6, 36947. (doi: 10.1038/srep36947) (PMID:27841312) (PMCID:PMC5107918)
Xu, S., Cook, G. T. , Cresswell, A. J. , Dunbar, E. , Freeman, S. P.H.T. , Hou, X., Kinch, H. , Naysmith, P. , Sanderson, D. W.C. and Zhang, L. (2016) Carbon, cesium and iodine isotopes in Japanese cedar 1 leaves from Iwaki, Fukushima. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 310(2), pp. 927-934. (doi: 10.1007/s10967-016-4830-5) (PMID:27746518) (PMCID:PMC5042993)
Sanderson, D.C.W. , Cresswell, A.J. , Tamura, K., Iwasaka, T. and Matsuzaki, K. (2016) Evaluating remediation of radionuclide contaminated forest near Iwaki, Japan, using radiometric methods. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 162-63, pp. 118-128. (doi: 10.1016/j.jenvrad.2016.05.019) (PMID:27232824)
Xu, S. et al. (2016) 14C levels in the vicinity of the Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant prior to the 2011 accident. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 157, pp. 90-96. (doi: 10.1016/j.jenvrad.2016.03.013) (PMID:27023156)
Muñoz-Salinas, E., Castillo, M., Sanderson, D. , Kinnaird, T. and Cruz-Zaragoza, E. (2016) Using three different approaches of OSL for the study of young fluvial sediments at the coastal plain of the Usumacinta–Grijalva River Basin, southern Mexico. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 41(6), pp. 823-834. (doi: 10.1002/esp.3880)
Xu, S., Zhang, L., Freeman, S. P.H.T. , Hou, X., Watanabe, A., Sanderson, D. C.W. , Cresswell, A. and Yamaguchi, K. (2016) Iodine isotopes in precipitation: Four-year time series variations before and after 2011 Fukushima nuclear accident. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 155-56, pp. 38-45. (doi: 10.1016/j.jenvrad.2016.02.011) (PMID:26913975)
Buchanan, E., Cresswell, A.J. , Seitz, B. and Sanderson, D.C.W. (2016) Operator related attenuation effects in radiometric surveys. Radiation Measurements, 86, pp. 24-31. (doi: 10.1016/j.radmeas.2015.12.029)
Cresswell, A.J. , Kinnaird, T.C. and Sanderson, D.C.W. (2016) Exploratory Single Grain OSL Analysis of Sediments from Capu di Locu, Corsica. [Research Reports or Papers]
Palamakumbura, R. N., Robertson, A. H.F., Kinnaird, T. C. and Sanderson, D. C.W. (2016) Sedimentary development and correlation of Late Quaternary terraces in the Kyrenia Range, northern Cyprus, using a combination of sedimentology and optical luminescence data. International Journal of Earth Sciences, 105(1), pp. 439-462. (doi: 10.1007/s00531-015-1173-3)
Xu, S., Zhang, L., Freeman, S. P.H.T. , Hou, X., Yamaguchi, K., Cresswell, A. J. and Sanderson, D. C.W. (2016) 129I and 137Cs in groundwater in the vicinity of Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear power plant. Geochemical Journal, 50(3), pp. 287-291. (doi: 10.2343/geochemj.2.0414)
Ghilardi, M., Sanderson, D. , Kinnaird, T., Bickett, A., Balossino, S., Parisot, J.-C., Hermitte, D., Guibal, F. and Fleury, J. T. (2015) Dating the bridge at Avignon (south France) and reconstructing the Rhone River fluvial palaeo-landscape in Provence from medieval to modern times. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 4, pp. 336-354. (doi: 10.1016/j.jasrep.2015.10.002)
Kinnaird, T. C., Sanderson, D. C.W. and Bigelow, G. F. (2015) Feldspar SARA IRSL dating of very low dose rate aeolian sediments from Sandwick South, Unst, Shetland. Quaternary Geochronology, 30(Part B), pp. 168-174. (doi: 10.1016/j.quageo.2015.02.019)
Kinnaird, T.C., Munyikwa, K. and Sanderson, D.C.W. (2015) OSL investigations at Hardisty, Alberta, Canada: Sections HD03, HD04 & HD05. [Research Reports or Papers]
Kinnaird, T. C., Munyikwa, K. and Sanderson, D. C.W. (2015) OSL investigations at Hardisty, Alberta, Canada. [Research Reports or Papers]
Xu, S., Cook, G. T. , Cresswell, A. J. , Dunbar, E. , Freeman, S. P.H.T. , Hastie, H., Hou, X., Jacobsson, P. , Naysmith, P. and Sanderson, D. C.W. (2015) Radiocarbon concentration in modern tree rings from Fukushima, Japan. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 146, pp. 67-72. (doi: 10.1016/j.jenvrad.2015.04.004) (PMID:25917022)
Kinnaird, T. C., Sanderson, D. C.W. , Sakellariou, D. and Bailey, G. (2015) Palaeographic reconstructions of the submerged prehistoric landscapes of the Farasan continental shelf, South Red Sea: Chronological Constraints (OSL investigations of sedimentary cores FA6 and Core FA13). [Research Reports or Papers] (Unpublished)
Xu, S., Zhang, L., Freeman, S. P.H.T. , Hou, X., Shibata, Y., Sanderson, D. , Cresswell, A. , Doi, T. and Tanaka, A. (2015) Speciation of radiocesium and radioiodine in Aarosols from Tsukuba after the Fukushima nuclear accident. Environmental Science and Technology, 49(2), pp. 1017-1024. (doi: 10.1021/es504431w)
Kinnaird, T. C., Sanderson, D. C.W. , Inglis, R. and Bailey, G. (2015) OSL Dating of Terrestrial Sediments from SW Saudi Arabia: Wadi Sabiya (Jirzan Region) and Harrat Al Birk (Asir Region). [Research Reports or Papers] (Unpublished)
Kinnaird, T. C., Simpson, I. A. and Sanderson, D. C.W. (2015) Further luminescence investigations at Lumbini and Tilaurakot, Nepal. [Research Reports or Papers] (Unpublished)
Sanderson, D. , Sanada, Y., Cresswell, A. , Xu, S., Murphy, S., Nakanishi, C. and Yamada, T. (2015) Integrating nuclide specific and dose rate based methods for airborne and ground based gamma spectrometry. In: Proceedings of the International Symposium on Radiological Issues for Fukushima's Revitalized Future. Kyoto University Research Reactor Institute, pp. 18-23. ISBN 9784990681531
King, G. E., Sanderson, D. C.W. , Robinson, R. A.J. and Finch, A. A. (2014) Understanding processes of sediment bleaching in glacial settings using a portable OSL reader. Boreas, 43(4), pp. 955-972. (doi: 10.1111/bor.12078)
Muñoz-Salinas, E., Bishop, P., Sanderson, D. and Kinnaird, T. (2014) Using OSL to assess hypotheses related to the impacts of land use change with the early nineteenth century arrival of Europeans in south-eastern Australia: an exploratory case study from Grabben Gullen Creek, New South Wales. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 39(12), pp. 1576-1586. (doi: 10.1002/esp.3542)
Mccay, A. , Harley, T., Younger, P. , Sanderson, D. and Cresswell, A. (2014) Gamma-ray spectrometry in geothermal exploration: state of the art techniques. Energies, 7(8), pp. 4757-4780. (doi: 10.3390/en7084757)
Kinnaird, T.C. et al. (2014) Characterising Luminescence Stratigraphies in the Mount Elgon Caves (Chepnaylil Rockshelter and Kiptogot Cave). [Research Reports or Papers] (Unpublished)
Kinnaird, T. C., Sanderson, D. C.W. and Bigelow, G. (2014) Luminescence Dating of Windblown Sands from Archaeological Sites in Shetland (Early Modern Farmstead, Broo Peninsula; Norse settlement, Sandwick South, Unst). [Research Reports or Papers]
Kinnaird, T. C., Gilliland, K. and Sanderson, D. C.W. (2014) Stratigraphy, Chronology and the Boreal Black Hole: Exploratory OSL Studies in North Alberta Archaeology. [Research Reports or Papers] (Unpublished)
Kinnaird, T. C., Muñoz-Salinas, E., Sanderson, D. C.W. , Castillo Rodriguez, M. and Cruz-Zaragoza, E. (2014) OSL Characterisation of Two Fluvial Sequences of the River Usmacinta in its Middle Catchment (SE Mexico). [Research Reports or Papers]
Sanderson, D. C.W. , Kinnaird, T. C., Leandri, F. and Leandri, C. (2014) OSL Dating of Neolithic Monuments at Capu di Lugu, Belvédère-Campomoro, SW Corsica. [Research Reports or Papers] (Unpublished)
Coningham, R.A.E., Acharya, K.P., Strickland, K.M., Davis, C.E., Manuel, M.J., Simpson, I.A., Gilliland, K., Tremblay, J., Kinnaird, T.C. and Sanderson, D.C.W. (2013) The earliest Buddhist shrine: excavating the birthplace of the Buddha, Lumbini (Nepal). Antiquity, 87(338), pp. 1104-1123.
Muñoz-Salinas, E., Castillo, M., Sanderson, D. and Kinnaird, T. (2013) Unraveling paraglacial activity on Sierra de Gredos, Central Spain: a study based on geomorphic markers, stratigraphy and OSL. CATENA, 110, pp. 207-214. (doi: 10.1016/j.catena.2013.06.018)
Tisdall, E.W., McCulloch, R.D., Sanderson, D.C.W. , Simpson, I.A. and Woodward, N.L. (2013) Living with sand: a record of landscape change and storminess during the Bronze and Iron Ages Orkney, Scotland. Quaternary International, 308-09, pp. 205-215. (doi: 10.1016/j.quaint.2013.05.016)
Cresswell, A.J. , Sanderson, D.C.W. , Harrold, M., Kirley, B., Mitchell, C. and Weir, A. (2013) Demonstration of lightweight gamma spectrometry systems in urban environments. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 124, pp. 22-28. (doi: 10.1016/j.jenvrad.2013.03.006)
Sanderson, D. , Cresswell, A. , Seitz, B. , Yamaguchi, K., Takase, T., Kawatsu, K., Suzuki, C. and Sasaki, M. (2013) Validated Radiometric Mapping in 2012 of Areas in Japan Affected by the Fukushima-Daiichi Nuclear Accident. University of Glasgow. ISBN 9780852619377
Gilliland, K. et al. (2013) The dry tank: development and disuse of water management infrastructure in the Anuradhapura hinterland, Sri Lanka. Journal of Archaeological Science, 40(2), pp. 1012-1028. (doi: 10.1016/j.jas.2012.09.034)
Kinnaird, T., Sanderson, D. , Laigre, L. and Cresswell, A. (2013) Using OSL to Reconstruct the Fluvial Dynamics of the River Rhône, Upstream of Lake Geneva. [Research Reports or Papers] (Unpublished)
Kinnaird, T.C., Gilliland, K. and Sanderson, D.C.W. (2013) Luminescence Investigations at Thunder Bay (Lake Superior, Ontario). [Research Reports or Papers] (Unpublished)
Kinnaird, T. C., Dixon, J. E., Robertson, A. H.F., Peltenburg, E. and Sanderson, D. C.W. (2013) Insights on topography development in the Vasilikós and Dhiarizos valleys, Cyprus, from integrated OSL and landscape studies. Mediterranean Archaeology and Archaeometry, 13(3), pp. 49-62.
Kinnaird, T. C., Sanderson, D. C.W. and Simpson, I. A. (2013) Luminescence investigations at Quendale (Broo Peninsula, Shetland). [Research Reports or Papers]
Kinnaird, T. C., Sanderson, D. C.W. , Waddington, C. and Sommerville, A. A. (2013) Characterising Luminescence Stratigraphies In Sedimentary Sequences Associated With the Lower Hauxley (Northumberland) Bronze Age Cairn: Field Report and Initial Luminescence Screening. [Research Reports or Papers] (Unpublished)
Munro, R.N., Walkington, H., Franks, S., Wilkinson, T.J. and Sanderson, D.C.W. (2013) Aspects of late Cainozoic Aeolian landscapes in Arabia: implications for early Man. In: Al-Ansary, A.R., Al-Muaikel, K.I. and Alsharekh, A.M. (eds.) Man and Environment in the Arab World in Light of Archaeological Discoveries. Abdul Rahman Al-Sudairy Foundation: Al-Jouf, Saudi Arabia, pp. 7-46. ISBN 9786039032656
Sanderson, D. , Burbidge, C. and Kinnaird, T. (2013) Optically stimulated luminescence dating [of pit and ditch infills from the Lismullin National Monument]. In: O’Connell, A. (ed.) Harvesting the Stars: A Pagan Temple at Lismullin, Co. Meath. Series: NRA scheme monographs (11). The National Roads Agency: Dublin, pp. 146-149. ISBN 9780957438002
Xu, S., Freeman, S.P.H.T. , Sanderson, D. , Shanks, R. and Wilcken, K.M. (2013) Cl can interfere with Al3+ AMS but B need not matter to Be measurement. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 294, pp. 403-405. (doi: 10.1016/j.nimb.2012.01.045)
Kinnaird, T.C., Simpson, I. and Sanderson, D.C.W. (2012) Luminescence dating of wind-blown sands from the Broo Peninsula, Shetland. [Research Reports or Papers]
Spencer, J.Q.G. and Sanderson, D.C.W. (2012) Decline in firing technology or poorer fuel resources? High-temperature thermoluminescence (HTTL) archaeothermometry of Neolithic ceramics from Pool, Sanday, Orkney. Journal of Archaeological Science, 39(12), pp. 3542-3552. (doi: 10.1016/j.jas.2012.05.036)
Cresswell, A.J. and Sanderson, D.C.W. (2012) Evaluating airborne and ground based gamma spectrometry methods for detecting particulate radioactivity in the environment: a case study of Irish Sea beaches. Science of the Total Environment, 437, pp. 285-296. (doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2012.08.064)
Bateman, M.D., Swift, D.A., Piotrowski, J.A. and Sanderson, D.C.W. (2012) Investigating the effects of glacial shearing of sediment on luminescence. Quaternary Geochronology, 10, pp. 230-236. (doi: 10.1016/j.quageo.2011.11.012)
Kinnaird, T., Sanderson, D. and Agate, A. (2012) Luminescence Dating of Sediment from the University of Newcastle Archaeological Excavations at Mothecombe Beach, Devon. [Research Reports or Papers]
Kinnaird, T., Sanderson, D. , Gilliland, K. and Adderley, P. (2012) Luminescence Dating of Sediments Rrom the Western Hertiage Excavation of Archaeological Sites at Thunder Bay (Ontario, Canada). [Research Reports or Papers]
Kinnaird, T., Sanderson, D. and Dawson, T.C. (2012) Luminescence Dating of Sediments from the Baile Sear Wheelhouse, North Uist. [Research Reports or Papers]
Munoz-Salinas, E., Bishop, P., Zamorano, J.J. and Sanderson, D.C.W. (2012) Sedimentological processes in lahars: insights from optically stimulated luminescence analysis. Geomorphology, 136(1), pp. 106-113. (doi: 10.1016/j.geomorph.2011.06.024)
Cresswell, A. , Kinnaird, T., Sanderson, D. and Simpson, I. (2012) Luminescence Dating of Samples Collected from the Lumbini World Heritage Site, Nepal, January 2012. [Research Reports or Papers]
Cresswell, A. , Sanderson, D. and Burbidge, C. (2012) Portable Gamma Spectrometry Surveys of Sites in Portugal in Support of the VADOSE Project. [Research Reports or Papers]
Kinnaird, T.C., Cresswell, A.J. , Sanderson, D.C.W. , Ghilardi, M., Bicket, A., Vella, M.A. and Diouf, O. (2012) Optically Stimulated Luminescence Investigations of Sediment Obtained From Boreholes in the Vicinity of the Pont'd Avignon (South France). [Research Reports or Papers]
Kinnaird, T.C., Sanderson, D. and Woodward, N. (2012) Applying luminescence methods to geo-archaeology: a case study from Stronsay, Orkney. Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh: Earth Sciences,
Kinnaird, T.K., Sanderson, D. and Munoz-Salinas, E. (2012) Using Optically Stimulated Luminescence to Unravel Sedimentary Processes of the Usumacinta and Grijalva Rivers (SE Mexico). [Research Reports or Papers]
Cresswell, A. and Sanderson, D. (2011) Modelling gamma spectrometry systems for use in beach monitoring near Sellafield. Part II: effect of 137Cs background and simulation of finds. [Research Reports or Papers]
Munoz-Salinas, E., Bishop, P., Sanderson, D.C.W. and Zamorano, J.-J. (2011) Interpreting luminescence data from a portable OSL reader: three case studies in fluvial settings. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 36(5), pp. 651-660. (doi: 10.1002/esp.2084)
Kinnaird, T., Sanderson, D. , Bishop, P. and Munoz-Salinas, E. (2011) OSL Dating of Sediment from the Grabben Gullen Creek, Upper Lachlan River Catchment, SE Australia. [Research Reports or Papers]
Kinnaird, T., Sanderson, D. and Munoz-Salinas, E. (2011) OSL Dating of Fluvioglacial and Post-Glacial Debris Flow Deposits in the Gredos Mountain Range, Central Spain. [Research Reports or Papers]
Kinnaird, T.C., Sanderson, D.C.W. and Cresswell, A.C. (2011) Optically Stimulated Luminescence Dating of Ditch and Pit Fills From NAA Ltd Excavations at Scorton Quarry, North Yorkshire: Field Report and Initial Luminescence Assessments. [Research Reports or Papers]
Cresswell, A.J. , Sanderson, D.C.W. and Maneuski, D. (2010) Mobile gamma Spectrometry Measurements of Coneyside Beach, Cumbria. [Research Reports or Papers]
Kinnaird, T. and Sanderson, D. (2010) Luminescence Dating of Sediments from the Fahien-lena Rockshelter, Southern Sri Lanka. [Research Reports or Papers]
Kinnaird, T.C. and Sanderson, D.C.W. (2010) Luminescence Dating of Sediment from Mill Bay, Stronsay, Orkney. [Research Reports or Papers]
Kinnaird, T., Cresswell, A. , Bishop, P. and Sanderson, D. (2010) Luminescence Dating of Samples from Raised Beaches in Tanzania. [Research Reports or Papers]
Sanderson, D. C. W. and Cresswell, A. J. (2010) Modelling gamma spectrometry systems for use in beach monitoring near Sellafield. [Research Reports or Papers]
Sanderson, D. , Cresswell, A. , Ellen, R. and Davies, A.D. (2010) Luminescence Dating of Samples Collected from the Ring of Brodgar, Orkney. [Research Reports or Papers]
Cresswell, A.C. and Sanderson, D.C.W. (2010) Appraisal of Denham Aerodrome and HOSDB Sandridge Site for Radiological Survey Calibration Facility and Operating the SUERC AGS System Using PremiAir. [Research Reports or Papers]
Cresswell, A.C. and Sanderson, D.C.W. (2010) Establishment of CAA Approvals to Operate SUERC Airborne Gamma Spectrometry Equipment in Aircraft Operated by PremiAir. [Research Reports or Papers]
Cresswell, A.J. , Sanderson, D.C.W., Weir, A. and Mitchell, C. (2010) Mobile Gamma Spectrometry Survey of the Scottish Enterprise Technology Park, East Kilbride, 17th-19th August 2009. [Research Reports or Papers]
Sanderson, D.C.W. and Murphy, S. (2010) Using simple portable OSL measurements and laboratory characterization to help understand complex and heterogeneous sediment sequences for luminescence dating. Quaternary Geochronology, 5(2-3), pp. 299-305. (doi: 10.1016/j.quageo.2009.02.001)
Swift, D.A., Sanderson, D. , Nienow, P.W. and Bingham, R.G. (2010) Anomalous luminescence of subglacial sediment at Haut glacier d'Arolla, Switzerland - a consequence of resetting at the glacier bed? Boreas, 40(3), pp. 446-458. (doi: 10.1111/j.1502-3885.2010.00196.x)
Davies, A.D. and Sanderson, D. (2009) Single grain OSL analysis: a discussion of how to clean discs. Ancient TL, 27(2), pp. 47-50.
Cresswell, A. , Burbidge, C. and Sanderson, D. (2009) Luminescence Dating of Samples from Headland Archaeology Ltd. Excavations of Sites 25 and 28, A4/5 Corridor Improvement, Northern Ireland. [Research Reports or Papers]
Hodgson, D.A., Roberts, S.J., Bentley, M.J., Carmichael, E.L., Smith, J.A., Verleyen, E., Vyverman, W., Geissler, P., Leng, M.J. and Sanderson, D. (2009) Exploring former subglacial Hodgson Lake, Antarctica. Paper II: palaeolimnology. Quaternary Science Reviews, 28(23-24), pp. 2310-2325. (doi: 10.1016/j.quascirev.2009.04.014)
Hodgson, D.A. et al. (2009) Exploring former subglacial Hodgson Lake, Antarctica Paper I: site description, geomorphology and limnology. Quaternary Science Reviews, 28(23-24), pp. 2295-2309. (doi: 10.1016/j.quascirev.2009.04.011)
Cresswell, A. and Sanderson, D. (2009) Luminescence dating of dune sand and sabkha sediments, Saudi Arabia. [Research Reports or Papers]
Sanderson, D. , Fisk, S. and Carmichael, L. (2009) Optimisation of the Photostimulated Luminescence (PSL) Tests to Detect Irradiated Dietary Supplements: Experimental Studies of Pre-Concentration, Depletion Rate Analysis and Multiwavelength PSL Analysis. [Research Reports or Papers]
Cresswell, A.J. and Sanderson, D.C.W. (2009) The use of difference spectra with a filtered rolling average background in mobile gamma spectrometry measurements. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors, and Associated Equipment, 607(3), pp. 685-694. (doi: 10.1016/j.nima.2009.06.001)
Cresswell, A.J. , Sanderson, D.C.W. and Simpson, I.A. (2009) Luminescence dating of sediments from two sites near Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka. [Research Reports or Papers]
Roberts, S.J., Hodgson, D.A., Bentley, M.J., Sanderson, D. , Milne, G., Smith, J.A., Verleyen, E. and Balbo, A. (2009) Holocene relative sea-level change and deglaciation on Alexander iosland, Antarctic Peninsula, from elevated lake deltas. Geomorphology, 112(1-2), pp. 122-134. (doi: 10.1016/j.geomorph.2009.05.011)
Hansom, J. D. , Evans, D. J.A., Sanderson, D. C.W., Bingham, R. G. and Bentley, M. J. (2008) Constraining the age and formation of stone runs in the Falkland Islands using Optically Stimulated Luminescence. Geomorphology, 94(1-2), pp. 117-130. (doi: 10.1016/j.geomorph.2007.05.006)
Burbidge, C. and Sanderson, D. (2008) Luminescence Dating of Ditch and Pit Fills from the ACS Ltd. Excavation of Lismullin National Monument, Republic of Ireland. [Research Reports or Papers]
Burbidge, C.I., Sanderson, D.C.W. and Fülöp, R. (2008) Luminescence dating of ditch fills from the Headland Archaeology Ltd. excavation of Newry Ring Fort, Northern Ireland. [Research Reports or Papers]
Burbidge, C., Sanderson, D. , Simpson, I.A. and Adderley, P.W. (2008) Luminescence Dating of Sediments from Ancient Irrigation Features, and Associated with Occupation of the Hinterland around Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka. [Research Reports or Papers]
Housley, R.A., Sanderson, D.C.W. and Burbidge, C.I. (2008) Luminescence analysis (OSL and TL) and AMS radiocarbon determinations from Kabazi V. In: Yevtushenko, A.I., Chabai, V.P., Richter, J. and Uthmeier, T. (eds.) Kabazi V: Middle Palaeolithic occupation, environment and subsistence. Palaeolithic sites of the Crimea. National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine: Simferopol, Ukraine, pp. 51-67.
Sanderson, D.C.W. , Cresswell, A.J. and White, D.C. (2008) The effect of flight line spacing on radioactivity inventory and spatial feature characteristics of airborne gamma-ray spectrometry data. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 29(1), pp. 31-46. (doi: 10.1080/01431160701268970)
Sanderson, D. , Carmichael, L., Fisk, S., Key, P. and Scott, E.M. (2007) Development of proficiency testing for detection of irradiated food project E01068. Volume III: results of third round PSL and TL trials, June 2007. [Research Reports or Papers]
Sanderson, D.C.W. et al. (2007) Development of Proficiency Testing for Detection of Irradiated Food: Project E01068. Results of Second Round PSL and TL Trials, September 2006. [Research Reports or Papers]
Sanderson, D.C.W. et al. (2007) Development of Proficiency Testing for Detection of Irradiated Food: Project E01068. Results of First Round PSL Trials, September 2005. [Research Reports or Papers]
Reinhardt, L.J., Bishop, P., Hoey, T.B. , Dempster, T.J. and Sanderson, D.C.W. (2007) Quantification of the transient response to base-level fall in a small mountain catchment: Sierra Nevada, southern Spain. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 112, F03S05. (doi: 10.1029/2006JF000524)
Burbidge, C., McIlveny, J. and Sanderson, D., (2007) Luminescence Dating of Back-Dune Sedimentary Sequences from Dunnet Bay, Caithness. [Research Reports or Papers]
Burbidge, C., Sanderson, D. , Simpson, I.A. and Adderley, P.W. (2007) Luminescence Dating of Sediments Associated with Norse Agriculture from Søndre Igaliku, Greenland. [Research Reports or Papers]
Jones, R.E. , Kilikoglou, V., Olive, V. , Bassiakos, Y., Ellam, R. , Bray, I.S.J.. and Sanderson, D.C.W. (2007) A new protocol for the chemical characterisation of steatite - two case studies in Europe: the Shetland Islands and Crete. Journal of Archaeological Science, 34(4), pp. 626-641. (doi: 10.1016/j.jas.2006.07.002)
Burbidge, C., Sanderson, D. and Fulop, R.-H. (2007) Luminescence Dating of Dune Sand, Wadi, Sabkha and Playa Sediments, Saudi Arabia. [Research Reports or Papers]
Burbidge, C.I., Sanderson, D.C.W. , Housley, R.A. and Jones, P. A. (2007) Survey of Palaeolithic sites by luminescence profiling, a case study from Eastern Europe. Quaternary Geochronology, 2(1-4), pp. 296-302. (doi: 10.1016/j.quageo.2006.05.024)
Kinnaird, T., Sanderson, D. C. , Burbidge, C. and Peltenburg, E. (2007) OSL dating of Neolithic Kissonerga-Mylouthkia, Cyprus. Neolithics, 07(2), pp. 51-57.
Sanderson, D.C.W. and Cresswell, A.J. (2007) Preliminary Report on Airborne Radiometric Survey of the Thurso Area, 15-17 November 2006. [Research Reports or Papers]
Sanderson, D.C.W. and Cresswell, A.J. (2007) Report on Airborne Radiometric Survey of the Thurso Area, 15th to 17th November 2006. Scottish Universities Environmental Research Centre.
Sanderson, D. (2007) Optically Stimulated Luminescence (OSL) Dating Of Coastal Aeolian Sand Accumulation In Sanday, Orkney Islands, Scotland. Holocene, 17(5), pp. 657-637.
Sanderson, D.C.W. , Bishop, P., Stark, M., Alexander, S. and Penny, D. (2007) Luminescence dating of canal sediments from Angkor borei, mekong delta, southern Cambodia. Quaternary Geochronology, 2, pp. 322-329. (doi: 10.1016/j.quageo.2006.05.032)
Sommerville, A., Hansom, J., Housley, R. and Sanderson, D. (2007) Optically stimulated luminescence (OSC) dating of coastal aeolian sand accumulation in Sanday, Orkney Islands, Scotland. Holocene, 17, pp. 627-637. (doi: 10.1177/0959683607078987)
Cresswell, A.J. , Sanderson, D.C.W. and White, D.C. (2006) 137Cs measurement uncertainties and detection limits for airborne gamma spectrometry (AGS) data analysed using a spectral windows method. Applied Radiation and Isotopes, 64(2), pp. 247-253. (doi: 10.1016/j.apradiso.2005.07.013)
Housley, R.A., Van Andel, T.H. and Sanderson, D.C.W. (2006) A new research project to investigate the chronology connected with Neanderthal climate preferences and tolerances in the North-East Black Sea region. In: Anikovich, M.V. and Platonova, N.I. (eds.) The Early Paleolithic of Eurasia: General Trends, Local Developments (International Conference Devoted to the 125th Anniversary of the Paleolithic Investigations in Kostenki, August, 23-26th, 2004). Nestor Historia: St. Petersburg, Russia, pp. 26-38.
Sanderson, D. (2006) Thermoluminescence dating results, 117-122, in Dundonald Castle Excavations, 1986-1993. Scottish Archaeological Journal, 26(01-Feb),
Sanderson, D. (2006) Monumentality in the Mekong Delta: Luminescence dating and Implications. Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association, 26, pp. 110-120.
Bishop, P., Sanderson, D. , Hansom, J. and Chaimanee, N. (2005) Age-dating of tsunami deposits: lessons from the 26 December 2004 tsunami in Thailand. Geographical Journal, 171(4), pp. 379-384. (doi: 10.1111/j.1475-4959.2005.00175_4.x)
Bishop, P., Sanderson, D. and Hansom, J.D. (2005) Dates for tsunamis: light on an ancient problem. Planet Earth,
Burbidge, C.I., Allsworth-Jones, P., Housley, R.A., Sanderson, D.C.W. , Pyle, D.M., Bazely, O., McCave, I.N. and van Andel, T.H. (2005) Middle Palaeolithic sites in Russian and Ukraine: site summaries and fieldwork 2004. Series: Environmental factors in the chronology of human evolution and dispersal (Natural Environment Research Council). University of Glagow Archaeological Research Division. ISBN 9780852618196
Cresswell, A.J. and Sanderson, D.C.W. (2005) Brief Demonstration Flight of SUERC AGS System. Inner Solway, 20th July 2005. [Research Reports or Papers]
Deckers, K., Sanderson, D.C.W. and Spencer, J.Q. (2005) Short contribution: Thermoluminescence screening of non-diagnostic sherds from stream sediments to obtain a preliminary alluvial chronology: An example from Cyprus. Geoarchaeology: An International Journal, 20(1), pp. 67-77. (doi: 10.1002/gea.20033)
Sanderson, D. (2005) Thermoluminescence screening of non-diagnostic sherds from stream sediments to obtain a preliminary alluvial chronology: an example from Cyprus. Geoarchaeology: An International Journal, 20(1), pp. 67-77. (doi: 10.1002/gea.20033)
Adderley, P.W., Simpson, I.A., Kirscht, H., Adam, M., Spencer, J.Q. and Sanderson, D. (2004) Enhancing ethno-pedology: integrated approaches to Kanuri and Shuwa Arab definitions in the Kala–Balge region, northeast Nigeria. CATENA, 58(1), pp. 41-64. (doi: 10.1016/j.catena.2003.12.003)
Bishop, P., Sanderson, D.C.W. and Stark, M.T. (2004) OSL and radiocarbon dating of a pre-Angkorian canal in the Mekong delta, southern Cambodia. Journal of Archaeological Science, 31(3), 319 -336. (doi: 10.1016/j.jas.2003.09.002)
Sanderson, D.C.W., Cresswell, A., Hardeman, F. and Debauche, A. (2004) An airborne gamma-ray spectrometry survey of nuclear sites in Belgium. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 72(1-2), 213 -224. (doi: 10.1016/S0265-931X(03)00204-2)
Sanderson, D.C.W., Cresswell, A.J., Scott, E.M. and Lang, J.J. (2004) Demonstrating the European capability for airborne gamma spectrometry: Results from the ECCOMAGS exercise. Radiation Protection Dosimetry, 109(1-2), pp. 119-125. (doi: 10.1093/rpd/nch243)
Sanderson, D. C.W. , Anthony, I.M.C. and Kerr, C. (2004) Luminescence Dating of Sediments from Droughduil Mound, Dunragit. [Research Reports or Papers]
Sanderson, D.C.W., Bishop, P., Stark, M.T. and Spencer, J.Q. (2003) Luminescence dating of anthropogenically reset canal sediments from Angkor Borei, Mekong Delta, Cambodia. Quaternary Science Reviews, 22(10-13), pp. 1111-1121. (doi: 10.1016/S0277-3791(03)00055-6)
Lauritzen, B., Sanderson, D.W. , Cresswell, A. , Scott, E.M. , Finck, R.R. and Karlsson, S. (2003) ECCOMAGS: Initial Results from the RESUME 2002 Exercise. [Research Reports or Papers]
Sanderson, D. (2003) Photostimulated luminescence detection of irradiated shellfish: international interlaboratory trial. Journal of AOAC International, 86(5), pp. 983-989.
Sanderson, D.C.W., Carmichael, L. and Fisk, S. (2003) Photostimulated luminescence detection of irradiated herbs, spices and seasonings: international interlaboratory trial. Journal of AOAC International, 86(5), pp. 990-997.
Sanderson, D.C.W. , Carmichael, L. and Fisk, S. (2003) Photostimulated luminescence detection of irradiation shellfish: international interlaboratory trial. Journal of AOAC International, 86(5), pp. 983-989.
Sanderson, D.C.W., Carmichael, L. and Fisk, S. (2003) Thermoluminescence Detection of irradiated fruits and vegetables: international interlaboratory trial. Journal of AOAC International, 86(5), pp. 971-975.
Sanderson, D.C.W., Carmichael, L. and Fisk, S. (2003) Thermoluminescence detection of irradiation shellfish: international interlaboratory trial. Journal of AOAC International, 86(5), pp. 976-982.
Sommerville, A., Hansom, J., Sanderson, D. and Housley, R. (2003) Optically stimulated luminescence dating of large storm events in Northern Scotland. Quaternary Science Reviews, 22, pp. 1085-1092. (doi: 10.1016/S0277-3791(03)00057-X)
Spencer, J., Sanderson, D. , Deckers, K. and Sommerville, A. (2003) Assessing mixed dose distributions in young sediments identified using small aliquots and a simple two-step SAR procedure: the F-statistic as a diagnostic tool. Radiation Measurements, 37, pp. 425-431. (doi: 10.1016/S1350-4887(03)00064-7)
Sanderson, D.C.W. and Cresswell, A.J. (2002) Upgrade of Airborne Gamma Spectrometry Equipment. [Research Reports or Papers]
Bonsall, C., Cook, G., Manson, J.L. and Sanderson, D. (2002) Direct dating of Neolithic pottery: progress and prospects. Documenta Praehistorica, XXIX, pp. 47-59.
Sanderson, D.C.W. , Cresswell, A.J. , Anthony, I.M. and Murphy, S. (2002) Report on SURRC Participation in the ECCOMAGS Project Resume 2002 Exercise. [Research Reports or Papers]
Sanderson, D.C.W. , Kerr, C. and Carmichael, L. (2002) A Short Investigation of the Luminescence Properties of Talc. [Research Reports or Papers] (Unpublished)
Anthony, I.M.C., Sanderson, D.C.W., Cook, G.T., Abernethy, D. and Housley, R.A. (2001) Dating a burnt mound from Kilmartin, Argyll, Scotland. Quaternary Science Reviews, 20(5-9), pp. 921-925. (doi: 10.1016/S0277-3791(00)00025-1)
Sommerville, A.A., Sanderson, D.C.W., Hansom, J.D. and Housley, R.A. (2001) Luminescence dating of aeolian sands from archaeological sites in Northern Britain: a preliminary study. Quaternary Science Reviews, 20(5-9), pp. 913-919. (doi: 10.1016/S0277-3791(00)00015-9)
Sanderson, D.C.W. , Cresswell, A.J. , White, D.C., Murphy, S. and McLeod, J. (2001) Investigation of Spatial and Temporal Aspects of Airborne Gamma Spectrometry: Final Report. [Research Reports or Papers]
Sanderson, D.C.W. , Cresswell, A.J. , White, D.C. and Murphy, S. (2001) Investigation of Spatial and Temporal Aspects of Airborne Gamma Spectrometry: Report on Phase III Survey of West Cumbria and Inner Solway, Conducted June 2000. [Research Reports or Papers]
Sanderson, D.C.W. , Cresswell, A.J. , Murphy, S. and McLeod, J.J. (2001) An Airborne Gamma-Ray Spectrometry Survey of Nuclear Sites in Belgium. [Research Reports or Papers]
Allyson, J.D. and Sanderson, D.C.W. (2001) Spectral deconvolution and operational use of stripping ratios in airborne radiometrics. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 53(3), pp. 351-363. (doi: 10.1016/S0265-931X(00)00141-7)
Cresswell, A.J., Allyson, J.D. and Sanderson, D.C.W. (2001) A code to simulate nuclear reactor inventories and associated gamma-ray spectra. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 53(3), pp. 399-409. (doi: 10.1016/S0265-931X(00)00143-0)
Sanderson, D.C.W. , Carmichael, L., Murphy, S., Whitely, V., Scott, E.M. and Cresswell, A. (2001) Investigation of Statistical and Imaging Methods for Luminescence Detection of Irradiated Ingredients. [Research Reports or Papers]
Sanderson, D. (2001) A code to simulate nuclear reactor inventories and associated gamma-ray. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 35(3), pp. 399-499. (doi: 10.1016/S0265-931X(00)00143-0)
Sanderson, D.C.W., Bishop, P., Houston, I. and Boonsener, M. (2001) Luminescence characterisation of quartz-rich cover sands from NE Thailand. Quaternary Science Reviews, 20(5-9), pp. 893-900. (doi: 10.1016/S0277-3791(00)00014-7)
Sanderson, D.C.W., Mcleod, J.J. and Ferguson, J.M. (2001) A European bibliography on airborne gamma-ray spectrometry. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 53(3), pp. 411-422. (doi: 10.1016/S0265-931X(00)00145-4)
Sanderson, D.C.W. and Scott, E.M. (2001) Special issue on environmental radiometrics. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 53(3), pp. 269-270. (doi: 10.1016/S0265-931X(00)00135-1)
Sanderson, D.C.W. , Cresswell, A.J. , McLeod, J., Murphy, S., Tyler, A.N. and Atkin, P.A. (2000) Investigation of Spatial and Temporal Aspects of Airborne Gamma Spectrometry: Report on Phase I Survey, Conducted April 1999. [Research Reports or Papers]
Sanderson, D.C.W. , Cresswell, A.J. and Murphy, S. (2000) Investigation of Spatial and Temporal Aspects of Airborne Gamma Spectrometry: Preliminary Report on Phase II Survey of the Sellafield Vicinity, the Former RAF Carlisle site, the Albright & Wilson Plant, Workington Harbour and the Cumbrian Coastline, Conducted March 2000. [Research Reports or Papers]
Carmichael, L.A. and Sanderson, D.C.W. (2000) The use of acid hydrolysis for extracting minerals from shellfish for thermoluminescence detection of irradiation. Food Chemistry, 68(2), pp. 233-238. (doi: 10.1016/S0308-8146(99)00200-9)
Ledingham, K.W.D. et al. (2000) Photonuclear physics when a multiterawatt laser pulse interacts with solid targets. Physical Review Letters, 84(5), 899 -902. (doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.84.899)
Ledingham, K.W.D. et al. (2000) Photonuclear physics when a multiterawatt laser pulse interacts with solid targets. Physical Review Letters, 84(5), pp. 899-902.
Cresswell, A.J. , Sanderson, D.C.W. and Murphy, S. (1999) Improved NaI(Tl) and CsI(Tl)Detector Arrays for Environmental Airborne Gamma Spectrometry: Technical Progress Report. [Research Reports or Papers]
Carmichael, L. and Sanderson, D.C.W. (1999) A Preliminary Investigation of the Impact of Blending on Luminescence Detection of Irradiated Herbs and Spices. [Research Reports or Papers]
Sanderson, D.C.W. , Allyson, J.D. and Cresswell, A.J. (1998) An Investigation of Off-Site Radiation Levels at Harwell and Rutherford Appleton Laboratory Following Airborne Gamma Spectrometry in 1996: Final Report. [Research Reports or Papers]
Allyson, J.D. and Sanderson, D.C.W. (1998) Monte Carlo simulation of environmental airborne gamma-spectrometry. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 38(3), pp. 259-282. (doi: 10.1016/S0265-931X(97)00040-4)
Sanderson, D.C.W. , Cresswell, A. , Allyson, J.D. and McConville, P. (1997) Experimental Measurements and Computer Simulation of Fission Product Gamma-Ray Spectra. [Research Reports or Papers]
Sanderson, D.C.W. , Allyson, J.D., Cresswell, A. and McConville, P. (1997) An Airborne and Vehicular Gamma Survey of Greenham Common, Newbury District and Surrounding Areas. [Research Reports or Papers]
Sanderson, D.C.W. , Cresswell, A. , Allyson, J.D. and McConville, P. (1997) Review of Past Nuclear Accidents: Source Terms and Recorded Gamma-Ray Spectra. [Research Reports or Papers]
Sanderson, D.C.W. , Allyson, J.D. and Cresswell, A. (1997) An Aerial Gamma Ray Survey of the Surrounding Area of Sizewell Nuclear Power Station. [Research Reports or Papers]
Sanderson, D.C.W. , Allyson, J.D., Gordon, G., Murphy, S., Tyler, A.N. and Fisk, S. (1994) An Aerial Gamma Ray Survey of Hunterston Nuclear Power Station in 14-15 April and 4 May 1994. [Research Reports or Papers]
Sanderson, D.C.W. , Allyson, J.D., Ni Riain, S., Gordon, G., Murphy, S. and Fisk, S. (1994) An Aerial Gamma Ray Survey of Torness Nuclear Power Station on 27-30 March 1994. [Research Reports or Papers]
Sanderson, D.C.W. , Carmichael, L., Spencer, J.Q. and Naylor, J.D. (1994) Detection of Irradiated Shellfish. [Research Reports or Papers] (Unpublished)
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Sanderson, D.C.W. , Allyson, J.D., Tyler, A.N. and Teasdale, I. (1993) An Airborne Gamma Ray survey of the Duddon Estuary in February 1993. [Research Reports or Papers]
Sanderson, D.C.W. , Scott, E.M. , Baxter, M.S., Martin, E. and Ni Riain, S. (1993) The Use of Aerial Radiometrics for Epidemiological Studies of Leukaemia: a Preliminary Investigation in SW England. [Research Reports or Papers]
Sanderson, D.C.W. , Allyson, J.D. and Tyler, A.N. (1992) An Aerial Gamma Ray Survey of Chapelcross and its Surroundings in February 1992. [Research Reports or Papers]
Sanderson, D.C.W. , Allyson, J.D., Tyler, A.N. and Murphy, S. (1992) An Aerial Gamma Ray Survey of Springfields and the Ribble Estuary in September 1992. [Research Reports or Papers]
Sanderson, D.C.W. , Carmichael, L., Clark, P.A. and Clark, R.J. (1992) Development of Luminescence Tests to Identify Irradiated Foods. Project N1701. [Research Reports or Papers] (Unpublished)
Sanderson, D.C.W. and Allyson, J.D. (1991) An Aerial Gamma Ray Search for a Missing 137Cs Source in the Niger Delta, May 1991. [Research Reports or Papers]
Sanderson, D.C.W. , Tyler, A.N. and Cairns, K.J. (1991) Radiometric Flight Trials in the Forth Estuary on 7/8/91. [Research Reports or Papers]
Sanderson, D.C.W. , Allyson, J.D., Cairns, K.J. and MacDonald, P. (1990) A Brief Aerial Survey in the Vicinity of Sellafield in September 1990. [Research Reports or Papers]
Sanderson, D.C.W. , Allyson, J.D., Martin, E., Tyler, A.N. and Scott, E.M. (1990) An Airborne Gamma Ray Survey of Three Ayrshire Districts. [Research Reports or Papers]
Sanderson, D.C.W. and Scott, E.M. (1989) Aerial Radiometric Survey in West Cumbria 1988. Final Report: Project N611. [Research Reports or Papers]
Sanderson, D.C.W. , East, B.W. and Scott, E.M. (1989) Aerial Radiometric Survey of Parts of North Wales in July 1989. [Research Reports or Papers]
Sanderson, D.C.W. , Slater, C. and Cairns, K. (1989) Development of Luminescence Tests to Identify Irradiated Foods. Project N384: Project Report 2. [Research Reports or Papers]
Sanderson, D.C.W. , Scott, E.M. , Baxter, M.S. and Preston, T. (1988) A Feasibility Study of Airborne Radiometric Survey for UK Fallout. [Research Reports or Papers]
Sanderson, D.C.W. , Slater, C. and Cairns, K. (1988) Development of Luminescence Tests to Identify Irradiated Foods. Project N384: Project Report 1. [Research Reports or Papers]
Doran, H. R. , Brown, C. S. , Kolo, I. , Falcone, G. and Sanderson, D. C.W. (2025) Modelling a novel technique to remove excess decay heat from a geological disposal facility using a closed-loop geothermal system. Thermal Science and Engineering Progress, 57, 103090. (doi: 10.1016/j.tsep.2024.103090)
Carling, P. A., Tada, T., Tada, R., Songtham, W., Cresswell, A. J. , Sanderson, D. C.W. , Porat, N., Duangkrayom, J., Darby, S. E. and Chansom, P. (2024) Regionally extensive ejecta layer of the Australasian tektite strewn field: the MIS 19/20 large meteorite impact in mainland South-East Asia. Progress in Earth and Planetary Science, 11, 58. (doi: 10.1186/s40645-024-00660-9) (PMID:39574518) (PMCID:PMC11576802)
Bench, T., Sanderson, D. and Feathers, J. (2024) Observing impacts on luminescence depth profile evolutions from surface altered quartzite using OSL laser scanning and controlled light exposed rock sampling techniques. Quaternary Geochronology, 83, 101600. (doi: 10.1016/j.quageo.2024.101600)
Staff, R. A. et al. (2024) A luminescence-derived cryptostratigraphy from the Lake Suigetsu sedimentary profile, Japan: 45,000–30,200 IntCal20yr BP. Quaternary Geochronology, 83, 101588. (doi: 10.1016/j.quageo.2024.101588)
Roman, M. et al. (2024) The Late-Holocene deglaciation of James Ross Island, Antarctic Peninsula: OSL and 14C-dated multi-proxy sedimentary record from Monolith Lake. Quaternary Science Reviews, 333, 108693. (doi: 10.1016/j.quascirev.2024.108693)
Palczewski, P. et al. (2024) Testing emergency radiation doses by metastable TL peaks in quartz - preliminary investigations. Radiation Measurements, 174, 107128. (doi: 10.1016/j.radmeas.2024.107128)
Spencer, J. Q.G. , Sanderson, D. C.W. , Rader, M., Fitzgerald, S. K., Rex, C. , Sprynskyy, M. and Staff, R. A. (2024) Luminescence and thermometry studies of plant opal phytoliths. Quaternary Geochronology, 82, 101544. (doi: 10.1016/j.quageo.2024.101544)
Stone, A., Bateman, M.D., Sanderson, D. , Burrough, S.L., Cutts, R. and Cresswell, A. (2024) Probing sediment burial age, provenance and geomorphic processes in dryland dunes and lake shorelines using portable luminescence data. Quaternary Geochronology, 82, 101542. (doi: 10.1016/j.quageo.2024.101542)
Muñoz-Salinas, E., Castillo, M., De Pablo, N., Palacios, D., Sanderson, D. and Cresswell, A. (2024) Mid to late holocene alluvial fans activity at the southern sector of sierra de gredos in central Spain: Climate literature review, OSL and topographical analysis. Quaternary International, 688, pp. 44-52. (doi: 10.1016/j.quaint.2024.02.007)
Scarre, C., Oosterbeek, L., Kinnaird, T. C., Sanderson, D. , Burbidge, C., Cardoso, G., Dias, M. I., Prudêncio, M. I. and Caple, C. (2024) Cabeço dos Pendentes (Mação, Portugal): OSL dating of an enigmatic monument. Revista Portuguesa de Arqueologia, 26-27, pp. 31-71.
Martin, L. , Sanderson, D. , Paling, S., Cresswell, A. and Fitzgerald, S. (2023) Quantitative beta autoradiography of a heterogeneous granulite sample and implications for luminescence dating. Radiation Measurements, 168, 107001. (doi: 10.1016/j.radmeas.2023.107001)
Valoix, A., Munoz-Salinas, E., Castillo, M., Sanderson, D. and Cresswell, A. (2023) Understanding the landscape evolution of El Mogote barrier spit, Baja California Sur, Mexico, using OSL dating, satellite images and a multivariate analysis. Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 127, 104418. (doi: 10.1016/j.jsames.2023.104418)
King, A. J. et al. (2022) The Winchcombe meteorite, a unique and pristine witness from the outer solar system. Science Advances, 8(46), eabq3925. (doi: 10.1126/sciadv.abq3925) (PMID:36383648) (PMCID:PMC9668287)
Alghamdi, H., Sanderson, D. , Carmichael, L., Cresswell, A. and Martin, L. (2022) The use of portable OSL and IRSL measurements of NaCl in low dose assessments following a radiological or nuclear emergency. Frontiers in Public Health, 10, 969829. (doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2022.969829) (PMID:36111193) (PMCID:PMC9468860)
Fitzgerald, S., Sanderson, D. C. W. , Cresswell, A. J. and Martin, L. (2022) Using Infra-red stimulated luminescence and phototransferred thermoluminescence to investigate electron trapping and charge transport in feldspars. Radiation Measurements, 156, 106817. (doi: 10.1016/j.radmeas.2022.106817)
Rex, C. L. , Staff, R. A. , Sanderson, D. C.W. , Cresswell, A. J. , Marshall, M. H., Hyodo, M., Horiuchi, D., Tada, R. and Nakagawa, T. (2022) Controls on luminescence signals in lake sediment cores: a study from Lake Suigetsu, Japan. Quaternary Geochronology, 71, 101319. (doi: 10.1016/j.quageo.2022.101319)
Doran, H. R. , Cresswell, A. J. , Sanderson, D. C.W. and Falcone, G. (2022) Nuclear data evaluation for decay heat analysis of spent nuclear fuel over 1–100 k year timescale. European Physical Journal Plus, 137, 665. (doi: 10.1140/epjp/s13360-022-02865-7)
Martin, L. , Sanderson, D. , Paling, S., Cresswell, A. and Murphy, S. (2022) Advancing dosimetry for dating environmental materials: development of an ultra-sensitive beta dosimeter system and potential for beta autoradiography. Radiation Measurements, 154, 106760. (doi: 10.1016/j.radmeas.2022.106760)
Ghilardi, M., Kinnaird, T., Kouli, K., Bicket, A., Crest, Y., Demory, F., Delanghe, D., Fachard, S. and Sanderson, D. (2022) Reconstructing the fluvial history of the Lilas river (Euboea Island, Central West Aegean Sea) from the Mycenaean times to the Ottoman period. Geosciences, 12(5), 204. (doi: 10.3390/geosciences12050204)
Cresswell, A.J. , Sanderson, D.C.W. , Carling, P.A. and Darby, S.E. (2022) Quartz age extension applied to SE Asian cover sands. Quaternary Geochronology, 69, 101271. (doi: 10.1016/j.quageo.2022.101271)
Turner, S. et al. (2021) Agricultural terraces in the Mediterranean: medieval intensification revealed by OSL profiling and dating. Antiquity, 95(381), pp. 773-790. (doi: 10.15184/aqy.2020.187)
Munyikwa, K., Kinnaird, T. C. and Sanderson, D. C.W. (2021) The potential of portable luminescence readers in geomorphological investigations: a review. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 46(1), pp. 131-150. (doi: 10.1002/esp.4975)
Carter, J., Ickert, R. B. , Mark, D. F. , Tremblay, M. M. , Cresswell, A. J. and Sanderson, D. C.W. (2020) Production of 40Ar by an overlooked mode of 40K decay with implications for K-Ar geochronology. Geochronology, 2, pp. 355-365. (doi: 10.5194/gchron-2-355-2020)
Castillo, M., Muñoz-Salinas, E., Sanderson, D. and Cresswell, A. (2020) Landscape evolution of Punta Arena sand spit (SE Baja California Peninsula, NW Mexico): Implications of ENSO on landscape erosion rates. CATENA, 193, 104601. (doi: 10.1016/j.catena.2020.104601)
Muñoz-Salinas, E., Castillo, M., Franco-Ramos, O., Arce, J. L., Sanderson, D. C. W. and Cresswell, A. C. (2020) Assessing paraglacial processes at Nexpayantla Gorge (Popocatépetl volcano, Central Mexico) using OSL and 14C. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 45(11), pp. 2450-2462. (doi: 10.1002/esp.4890)
Pears, B., Brown, A. G., Toms, P. S., Wood, J., Sanderson, D. and Jones, R. (2020) A sub-centennial-scale optically stimulated luminescence chronostratigraphy and late Holocene flood history from a temperate river confluence. Geology, 48(8), pp. 819-825. (doi: 10.1130/G47079.1)
Preston, J., Sanderson, D. , Kinnaird, T., Newton, A., Nitter, M., Coolen, J., Mehler, N. and Dugmore, A. (2020) Dynamic beach response to changing storminess of Unst, Shetland: implications for landing places exploited by Norse communities. Journal of Island and Coastal Archaeology, 15(2), pp. 153-178. (doi: 10.1080/15564894.2018.1555193)
Píšková, A. et al. (2019) Late-Holocene palaeoenvironmental changes at Lake Esmeralda (Vega Island, Antarctic Peninsula) based on a multi-proxy analysis of laminated lake sediment. Holocene, 29(7), pp. 1155-1175. (doi: 10.1177/0959683619838033)
Cresswell, A. J. , Sanderson, D. C.W. and Carter, J. (2019) Review of nuclear data for naturally occurring radionuclides applied to environmental applications. European Physical Journal Plus, 134(2), 69. (doi: 10.1140/epjp/i2019-12437-1)
Kinnaird, T., Dawson, T., Sanderson, D. , Hamilton, D. , Cresswell, A. and Rennell, R. (2019) Chronostratigraphy of an eroding complex Atlantic round house, Baile Sear, Scotland. Journal of Island and Coastal Archaeology, 14(1), pp. 46-60. (doi: 10.1080/15564894.2017.1368744)
Munyikwa, K., Lindemann, R., Wondrasek, R., Kinnaird, T.C. and Sanderson, D.C.W. (2019) Temporal constraints for Holocene geomorphic evolution at an archeological site near Hardisty, east-central Alberta: hunter gatherer interactions with the landscape on the northern Plains. Canadian Journal of Archaeology, 43(1),
Carter, J., Cresswell, A.J. , Kinnaird, T.C., Carmichael, L.A., Murphy, S. and Sanderson, D.C.W. (2018) Non-Poisson variations in photomultipliers and implications for luminescence dating. Radiation Measurements, 120, pp. 267-273. (doi: 10.1016/j.radmeas.2018.05.010)
Cresswell, A.J. , Carter, J. and Sanderson, D.C.W. (2018) Dose rate conversion parameters: assessment of nuclear data. Radiation Measurements, 120, pp. 195-201. (doi: 10.1016/j.radmeas.2018.02.007)
French, C., Taylor, S., McLaughlin, R., Cresswell, A. , Kinnaird, T., Sanderson, D. , Stoddart, S. and Malone, C. (2018) A Neolithic palaeo-catena for the Xagħra Upper Coralline Limestone plateau of Gozo, Malta, and its implications for past soil development and land use. CATENA, 171, pp. 337-358. (doi: 10.1016/j.catena.2018.07.039)
Muñoz-Salinas, E., Castillo, M., Sanderson, D. C.W. and Cresswell, A. (2018) First luminescence geochronology of the beach-dune ridges of Nayarit strand-plain (west-central Mexico). Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 88, pp. 642-648. (doi: 10.1016/j.jsames.2018.08.003)
Sanderson, D. (2018) Martin J. Aitken (1922-2017). Quaternary Newsletter, 145, pp. 4-17.
Schmidt, C. et al. (2018) How reproducible are kinetic parameter constraints of quartz luminescence? An interlaboratory comparison for the 110 °C TL peak. Radiation Measurements, 110, pp. 14-24. (doi: 10.1016/j.radmeas.2018.01.002)
Cresswell, A. J. , Sanderson, D. C.W. and Yamaguchi, K. (2018) Assessment of the calibration of gamma spectrometry systems in forest environments. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 181, pp. 70-77. (doi: 10.1016/j.jenvrad.2017.10.019)
Kreutzer, S., Friedrich, J., Sanderson, D. , Adamiec, G., Chruscinska, A., Fasoli, M., Martini, M., Polymeris, G. S., Burbidge, C. I. and Schmidt, C. (2017) Les sables de Fontainebleau: a natural quartz reference sample and its characterisation. Ancient TL, 35(2), pp. 21-31.
Munoz-Salinas, E., Castillo, M., Sanderson, D. and Kinnaird, T. (2017) Geochronology and landscape evolution of the strand-plain of the Usumacinta and Grijalva rivers, southern Mexico. Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 79, pp. 394-400. (doi: 10.1016/j.jsames.2017.08.021)
Xu, S. et al. (2016) Radiocarbon releases from the 2011 Fukushima nuclear accident. Scientific Reports, 6, 36947. (doi: 10.1038/srep36947) (PMID:27841312) (PMCID:PMC5107918)
Xu, S., Cook, G. T. , Cresswell, A. J. , Dunbar, E. , Freeman, S. P.H.T. , Hou, X., Kinch, H. , Naysmith, P. , Sanderson, D. W.C. and Zhang, L. (2016) Carbon, cesium and iodine isotopes in Japanese cedar 1 leaves from Iwaki, Fukushima. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 310(2), pp. 927-934. (doi: 10.1007/s10967-016-4830-5) (PMID:27746518) (PMCID:PMC5042993)
Sanderson, D.C.W. , Cresswell, A.J. , Tamura, K., Iwasaka, T. and Matsuzaki, K. (2016) Evaluating remediation of radionuclide contaminated forest near Iwaki, Japan, using radiometric methods. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 162-63, pp. 118-128. (doi: 10.1016/j.jenvrad.2016.05.019) (PMID:27232824)
Xu, S. et al. (2016) 14C levels in the vicinity of the Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant prior to the 2011 accident. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 157, pp. 90-96. (doi: 10.1016/j.jenvrad.2016.03.013) (PMID:27023156)
Muñoz-Salinas, E., Castillo, M., Sanderson, D. , Kinnaird, T. and Cruz-Zaragoza, E. (2016) Using three different approaches of OSL for the study of young fluvial sediments at the coastal plain of the Usumacinta–Grijalva River Basin, southern Mexico. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 41(6), pp. 823-834. (doi: 10.1002/esp.3880)
Xu, S., Zhang, L., Freeman, S. P.H.T. , Hou, X., Watanabe, A., Sanderson, D. C.W. , Cresswell, A. and Yamaguchi, K. (2016) Iodine isotopes in precipitation: Four-year time series variations before and after 2011 Fukushima nuclear accident. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 155-56, pp. 38-45. (doi: 10.1016/j.jenvrad.2016.02.011) (PMID:26913975)
Buchanan, E., Cresswell, A.J. , Seitz, B. and Sanderson, D.C.W. (2016) Operator related attenuation effects in radiometric surveys. Radiation Measurements, 86, pp. 24-31. (doi: 10.1016/j.radmeas.2015.12.029)
Palamakumbura, R. N., Robertson, A. H.F., Kinnaird, T. C. and Sanderson, D. C.W. (2016) Sedimentary development and correlation of Late Quaternary terraces in the Kyrenia Range, northern Cyprus, using a combination of sedimentology and optical luminescence data. International Journal of Earth Sciences, 105(1), pp. 439-462. (doi: 10.1007/s00531-015-1173-3)
Xu, S., Zhang, L., Freeman, S. P.H.T. , Hou, X., Yamaguchi, K., Cresswell, A. J. and Sanderson, D. C.W. (2016) 129I and 137Cs in groundwater in the vicinity of Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear power plant. Geochemical Journal, 50(3), pp. 287-291. (doi: 10.2343/geochemj.2.0414)
Ghilardi, M., Sanderson, D. , Kinnaird, T., Bickett, A., Balossino, S., Parisot, J.-C., Hermitte, D., Guibal, F. and Fleury, J. T. (2015) Dating the bridge at Avignon (south France) and reconstructing the Rhone River fluvial palaeo-landscape in Provence from medieval to modern times. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 4, pp. 336-354. (doi: 10.1016/j.jasrep.2015.10.002)
Kinnaird, T. C., Sanderson, D. C.W. and Bigelow, G. F. (2015) Feldspar SARA IRSL dating of very low dose rate aeolian sediments from Sandwick South, Unst, Shetland. Quaternary Geochronology, 30(Part B), pp. 168-174. (doi: 10.1016/j.quageo.2015.02.019)
Xu, S., Cook, G. T. , Cresswell, A. J. , Dunbar, E. , Freeman, S. P.H.T. , Hastie, H., Hou, X., Jacobsson, P. , Naysmith, P. and Sanderson, D. C.W. (2015) Radiocarbon concentration in modern tree rings from Fukushima, Japan. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 146, pp. 67-72. (doi: 10.1016/j.jenvrad.2015.04.004) (PMID:25917022)
Xu, S., Zhang, L., Freeman, S. P.H.T. , Hou, X., Shibata, Y., Sanderson, D. , Cresswell, A. , Doi, T. and Tanaka, A. (2015) Speciation of radiocesium and radioiodine in Aarosols from Tsukuba after the Fukushima nuclear accident. Environmental Science and Technology, 49(2), pp. 1017-1024. (doi: 10.1021/es504431w)
King, G. E., Sanderson, D. C.W. , Robinson, R. A.J. and Finch, A. A. (2014) Understanding processes of sediment bleaching in glacial settings using a portable OSL reader. Boreas, 43(4), pp. 955-972. (doi: 10.1111/bor.12078)
Muñoz-Salinas, E., Bishop, P., Sanderson, D. and Kinnaird, T. (2014) Using OSL to assess hypotheses related to the impacts of land use change with the early nineteenth century arrival of Europeans in south-eastern Australia: an exploratory case study from Grabben Gullen Creek, New South Wales. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 39(12), pp. 1576-1586. (doi: 10.1002/esp.3542)
Mccay, A. , Harley, T., Younger, P. , Sanderson, D. and Cresswell, A. (2014) Gamma-ray spectrometry in geothermal exploration: state of the art techniques. Energies, 7(8), pp. 4757-4780. (doi: 10.3390/en7084757)
Coningham, R.A.E., Acharya, K.P., Strickland, K.M., Davis, C.E., Manuel, M.J., Simpson, I.A., Gilliland, K., Tremblay, J., Kinnaird, T.C. and Sanderson, D.C.W. (2013) The earliest Buddhist shrine: excavating the birthplace of the Buddha, Lumbini (Nepal). Antiquity, 87(338), pp. 1104-1123.
Muñoz-Salinas, E., Castillo, M., Sanderson, D. and Kinnaird, T. (2013) Unraveling paraglacial activity on Sierra de Gredos, Central Spain: a study based on geomorphic markers, stratigraphy and OSL. CATENA, 110, pp. 207-214. (doi: 10.1016/j.catena.2013.06.018)
Tisdall, E.W., McCulloch, R.D., Sanderson, D.C.W. , Simpson, I.A. and Woodward, N.L. (2013) Living with sand: a record of landscape change and storminess during the Bronze and Iron Ages Orkney, Scotland. Quaternary International, 308-09, pp. 205-215. (doi: 10.1016/j.quaint.2013.05.016)
Cresswell, A.J. , Sanderson, D.C.W. , Harrold, M., Kirley, B., Mitchell, C. and Weir, A. (2013) Demonstration of lightweight gamma spectrometry systems in urban environments. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 124, pp. 22-28. (doi: 10.1016/j.jenvrad.2013.03.006)
Gilliland, K. et al. (2013) The dry tank: development and disuse of water management infrastructure in the Anuradhapura hinterland, Sri Lanka. Journal of Archaeological Science, 40(2), pp. 1012-1028. (doi: 10.1016/j.jas.2012.09.034)
Kinnaird, T. C., Dixon, J. E., Robertson, A. H.F., Peltenburg, E. and Sanderson, D. C.W. (2013) Insights on topography development in the Vasilikós and Dhiarizos valleys, Cyprus, from integrated OSL and landscape studies. Mediterranean Archaeology and Archaeometry, 13(3), pp. 49-62.
Xu, S., Freeman, S.P.H.T. , Sanderson, D. , Shanks, R. and Wilcken, K.M. (2013) Cl can interfere with Al3+ AMS but B need not matter to Be measurement. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 294, pp. 403-405. (doi: 10.1016/j.nimb.2012.01.045)
Spencer, J.Q.G. and Sanderson, D.C.W. (2012) Decline in firing technology or poorer fuel resources? High-temperature thermoluminescence (HTTL) archaeothermometry of Neolithic ceramics from Pool, Sanday, Orkney. Journal of Archaeological Science, 39(12), pp. 3542-3552. (doi: 10.1016/j.jas.2012.05.036)
Cresswell, A.J. and Sanderson, D.C.W. (2012) Evaluating airborne and ground based gamma spectrometry methods for detecting particulate radioactivity in the environment: a case study of Irish Sea beaches. Science of the Total Environment, 437, pp. 285-296. (doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2012.08.064)
Bateman, M.D., Swift, D.A., Piotrowski, J.A. and Sanderson, D.C.W. (2012) Investigating the effects of glacial shearing of sediment on luminescence. Quaternary Geochronology, 10, pp. 230-236. (doi: 10.1016/j.quageo.2011.11.012)
Munoz-Salinas, E., Bishop, P., Zamorano, J.J. and Sanderson, D.C.W. (2012) Sedimentological processes in lahars: insights from optically stimulated luminescence analysis. Geomorphology, 136(1), pp. 106-113. (doi: 10.1016/j.geomorph.2011.06.024)
Kinnaird, T.C., Sanderson, D. and Woodward, N. (2012) Applying luminescence methods to geo-archaeology: a case study from Stronsay, Orkney. Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh: Earth Sciences,
Munoz-Salinas, E., Bishop, P., Sanderson, D.C.W. and Zamorano, J.-J. (2011) Interpreting luminescence data from a portable OSL reader: three case studies in fluvial settings. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 36(5), pp. 651-660. (doi: 10.1002/esp.2084)
Sanderson, D.C.W. and Murphy, S. (2010) Using simple portable OSL measurements and laboratory characterization to help understand complex and heterogeneous sediment sequences for luminescence dating. Quaternary Geochronology, 5(2-3), pp. 299-305. (doi: 10.1016/j.quageo.2009.02.001)
Swift, D.A., Sanderson, D. , Nienow, P.W. and Bingham, R.G. (2010) Anomalous luminescence of subglacial sediment at Haut glacier d'Arolla, Switzerland - a consequence of resetting at the glacier bed? Boreas, 40(3), pp. 446-458. (doi: 10.1111/j.1502-3885.2010.00196.x)
Davies, A.D. and Sanderson, D. (2009) Single grain OSL analysis: a discussion of how to clean discs. Ancient TL, 27(2), pp. 47-50.
Hodgson, D.A., Roberts, S.J., Bentley, M.J., Carmichael, E.L., Smith, J.A., Verleyen, E., Vyverman, W., Geissler, P., Leng, M.J. and Sanderson, D. (2009) Exploring former subglacial Hodgson Lake, Antarctica. Paper II: palaeolimnology. Quaternary Science Reviews, 28(23-24), pp. 2310-2325. (doi: 10.1016/j.quascirev.2009.04.014)
Hodgson, D.A. et al. (2009) Exploring former subglacial Hodgson Lake, Antarctica Paper I: site description, geomorphology and limnology. Quaternary Science Reviews, 28(23-24), pp. 2295-2309. (doi: 10.1016/j.quascirev.2009.04.011)
Cresswell, A.J. and Sanderson, D.C.W. (2009) The use of difference spectra with a filtered rolling average background in mobile gamma spectrometry measurements. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors, and Associated Equipment, 607(3), pp. 685-694. (doi: 10.1016/j.nima.2009.06.001)
Roberts, S.J., Hodgson, D.A., Bentley, M.J., Sanderson, D. , Milne, G., Smith, J.A., Verleyen, E. and Balbo, A. (2009) Holocene relative sea-level change and deglaciation on Alexander iosland, Antarctic Peninsula, from elevated lake deltas. Geomorphology, 112(1-2), pp. 122-134. (doi: 10.1016/j.geomorph.2009.05.011)
Hansom, J. D. , Evans, D. J.A., Sanderson, D. C.W., Bingham, R. G. and Bentley, M. J. (2008) Constraining the age and formation of stone runs in the Falkland Islands using Optically Stimulated Luminescence. Geomorphology, 94(1-2), pp. 117-130. (doi: 10.1016/j.geomorph.2007.05.006)
Sanderson, D.C.W. , Cresswell, A.J. and White, D.C. (2008) The effect of flight line spacing on radioactivity inventory and spatial feature characteristics of airborne gamma-ray spectrometry data. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 29(1), pp. 31-46. (doi: 10.1080/01431160701268970)
Reinhardt, L.J., Bishop, P., Hoey, T.B. , Dempster, T.J. and Sanderson, D.C.W. (2007) Quantification of the transient response to base-level fall in a small mountain catchment: Sierra Nevada, southern Spain. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 112, F03S05. (doi: 10.1029/2006JF000524)
Jones, R.E. , Kilikoglou, V., Olive, V. , Bassiakos, Y., Ellam, R. , Bray, I.S.J.. and Sanderson, D.C.W. (2007) A new protocol for the chemical characterisation of steatite - two case studies in Europe: the Shetland Islands and Crete. Journal of Archaeological Science, 34(4), pp. 626-641. (doi: 10.1016/j.jas.2006.07.002)
Burbidge, C.I., Sanderson, D.C.W. , Housley, R.A. and Jones, P. A. (2007) Survey of Palaeolithic sites by luminescence profiling, a case study from Eastern Europe. Quaternary Geochronology, 2(1-4), pp. 296-302. (doi: 10.1016/j.quageo.2006.05.024)
Kinnaird, T., Sanderson, D. C. , Burbidge, C. and Peltenburg, E. (2007) OSL dating of Neolithic Kissonerga-Mylouthkia, Cyprus. Neolithics, 07(2), pp. 51-57.
Sanderson, D. (2007) Optically Stimulated Luminescence (OSL) Dating Of Coastal Aeolian Sand Accumulation In Sanday, Orkney Islands, Scotland. Holocene, 17(5), pp. 657-637.
Sanderson, D.C.W. , Bishop, P., Stark, M., Alexander, S. and Penny, D. (2007) Luminescence dating of canal sediments from Angkor borei, mekong delta, southern Cambodia. Quaternary Geochronology, 2, pp. 322-329. (doi: 10.1016/j.quageo.2006.05.032)
Sommerville, A., Hansom, J., Housley, R. and Sanderson, D. (2007) Optically stimulated luminescence (OSC) dating of coastal aeolian sand accumulation in Sanday, Orkney Islands, Scotland. Holocene, 17, pp. 627-637. (doi: 10.1177/0959683607078987)
Cresswell, A.J. , Sanderson, D.C.W. and White, D.C. (2006) 137Cs measurement uncertainties and detection limits for airborne gamma spectrometry (AGS) data analysed using a spectral windows method. Applied Radiation and Isotopes, 64(2), pp. 247-253. (doi: 10.1016/j.apradiso.2005.07.013)
Sanderson, D. (2006) Thermoluminescence dating results, 117-122, in Dundonald Castle Excavations, 1986-1993. Scottish Archaeological Journal, 26(01-Feb),
Sanderson, D. (2006) Monumentality in the Mekong Delta: Luminescence dating and Implications. Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association, 26, pp. 110-120.
Bishop, P., Sanderson, D. , Hansom, J. and Chaimanee, N. (2005) Age-dating of tsunami deposits: lessons from the 26 December 2004 tsunami in Thailand. Geographical Journal, 171(4), pp. 379-384. (doi: 10.1111/j.1475-4959.2005.00175_4.x)
Bishop, P., Sanderson, D. and Hansom, J.D. (2005) Dates for tsunamis: light on an ancient problem. Planet Earth,
Deckers, K., Sanderson, D.C.W. and Spencer, J.Q. (2005) Short contribution: Thermoluminescence screening of non-diagnostic sherds from stream sediments to obtain a preliminary alluvial chronology: An example from Cyprus. Geoarchaeology: An International Journal, 20(1), pp. 67-77. (doi: 10.1002/gea.20033)
Sanderson, D. (2005) Thermoluminescence screening of non-diagnostic sherds from stream sediments to obtain a preliminary alluvial chronology: an example from Cyprus. Geoarchaeology: An International Journal, 20(1), pp. 67-77. (doi: 10.1002/gea.20033)
Adderley, P.W., Simpson, I.A., Kirscht, H., Adam, M., Spencer, J.Q. and Sanderson, D. (2004) Enhancing ethno-pedology: integrated approaches to Kanuri and Shuwa Arab definitions in the Kala–Balge region, northeast Nigeria. CATENA, 58(1), pp. 41-64. (doi: 10.1016/j.catena.2003.12.003)
Bishop, P., Sanderson, D.C.W. and Stark, M.T. (2004) OSL and radiocarbon dating of a pre-Angkorian canal in the Mekong delta, southern Cambodia. Journal of Archaeological Science, 31(3), 319 -336. (doi: 10.1016/j.jas.2003.09.002)
Sanderson, D.C.W., Cresswell, A., Hardeman, F. and Debauche, A. (2004) An airborne gamma-ray spectrometry survey of nuclear sites in Belgium. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 72(1-2), 213 -224. (doi: 10.1016/S0265-931X(03)00204-2)
Sanderson, D.C.W., Cresswell, A.J., Scott, E.M. and Lang, J.J. (2004) Demonstrating the European capability for airborne gamma spectrometry: Results from the ECCOMAGS exercise. Radiation Protection Dosimetry, 109(1-2), pp. 119-125. (doi: 10.1093/rpd/nch243)
Sanderson, D.C.W., Bishop, P., Stark, M.T. and Spencer, J.Q. (2003) Luminescence dating of anthropogenically reset canal sediments from Angkor Borei, Mekong Delta, Cambodia. Quaternary Science Reviews, 22(10-13), pp. 1111-1121. (doi: 10.1016/S0277-3791(03)00055-6)
Sanderson, D. (2003) Photostimulated luminescence detection of irradiated shellfish: international interlaboratory trial. Journal of AOAC International, 86(5), pp. 983-989.
Sanderson, D.C.W., Carmichael, L. and Fisk, S. (2003) Photostimulated luminescence detection of irradiated herbs, spices and seasonings: international interlaboratory trial. Journal of AOAC International, 86(5), pp. 990-997.
Sanderson, D.C.W. , Carmichael, L. and Fisk, S. (2003) Photostimulated luminescence detection of irradiation shellfish: international interlaboratory trial. Journal of AOAC International, 86(5), pp. 983-989.
Sanderson, D.C.W., Carmichael, L. and Fisk, S. (2003) Thermoluminescence Detection of irradiated fruits and vegetables: international interlaboratory trial. Journal of AOAC International, 86(5), pp. 971-975.
Sanderson, D.C.W., Carmichael, L. and Fisk, S. (2003) Thermoluminescence detection of irradiation shellfish: international interlaboratory trial. Journal of AOAC International, 86(5), pp. 976-982.
Sommerville, A., Hansom, J., Sanderson, D. and Housley, R. (2003) Optically stimulated luminescence dating of large storm events in Northern Scotland. Quaternary Science Reviews, 22, pp. 1085-1092. (doi: 10.1016/S0277-3791(03)00057-X)
Spencer, J., Sanderson, D. , Deckers, K. and Sommerville, A. (2003) Assessing mixed dose distributions in young sediments identified using small aliquots and a simple two-step SAR procedure: the F-statistic as a diagnostic tool. Radiation Measurements, 37, pp. 425-431. (doi: 10.1016/S1350-4887(03)00064-7)
Bonsall, C., Cook, G., Manson, J.L. and Sanderson, D. (2002) Direct dating of Neolithic pottery: progress and prospects. Documenta Praehistorica, XXIX, pp. 47-59.
Anthony, I.M.C., Sanderson, D.C.W., Cook, G.T., Abernethy, D. and Housley, R.A. (2001) Dating a burnt mound from Kilmartin, Argyll, Scotland. Quaternary Science Reviews, 20(5-9), pp. 921-925. (doi: 10.1016/S0277-3791(00)00025-1)
Sommerville, A.A., Sanderson, D.C.W., Hansom, J.D. and Housley, R.A. (2001) Luminescence dating of aeolian sands from archaeological sites in Northern Britain: a preliminary study. Quaternary Science Reviews, 20(5-9), pp. 913-919. (doi: 10.1016/S0277-3791(00)00015-9)
Allyson, J.D. and Sanderson, D.C.W. (2001) Spectral deconvolution and operational use of stripping ratios in airborne radiometrics. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 53(3), pp. 351-363. (doi: 10.1016/S0265-931X(00)00141-7)
Cresswell, A.J., Allyson, J.D. and Sanderson, D.C.W. (2001) A code to simulate nuclear reactor inventories and associated gamma-ray spectra. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 53(3), pp. 399-409. (doi: 10.1016/S0265-931X(00)00143-0)
Sanderson, D. (2001) A code to simulate nuclear reactor inventories and associated gamma-ray. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 35(3), pp. 399-499. (doi: 10.1016/S0265-931X(00)00143-0)
Sanderson, D.C.W., Bishop, P., Houston, I. and Boonsener, M. (2001) Luminescence characterisation of quartz-rich cover sands from NE Thailand. Quaternary Science Reviews, 20(5-9), pp. 893-900. (doi: 10.1016/S0277-3791(00)00014-7)
Sanderson, D.C.W., Mcleod, J.J. and Ferguson, J.M. (2001) A European bibliography on airborne gamma-ray spectrometry. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 53(3), pp. 411-422. (doi: 10.1016/S0265-931X(00)00145-4)
Sanderson, D.C.W. and Scott, E.M. (2001) Special issue on environmental radiometrics. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 53(3), pp. 269-270. (doi: 10.1016/S0265-931X(00)00135-1)
Carmichael, L.A. and Sanderson, D.C.W. (2000) The use of acid hydrolysis for extracting minerals from shellfish for thermoluminescence detection of irradiation. Food Chemistry, 68(2), pp. 233-238. (doi: 10.1016/S0308-8146(99)00200-9)
Ledingham, K.W.D. et al. (2000) Photonuclear physics when a multiterawatt laser pulse interacts with solid targets. Physical Review Letters, 84(5), 899 -902. (doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.84.899)
Ledingham, K.W.D. et al. (2000) Photonuclear physics when a multiterawatt laser pulse interacts with solid targets. Physical Review Letters, 84(5), pp. 899-902.
Allyson, J.D. and Sanderson, D.C.W. (1998) Monte Carlo simulation of environmental airborne gamma-spectrometry. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 38(3), pp. 259-282. (doi: 10.1016/S0265-931X(97)00040-4)
Sanderson, D. , Cresswell, A. , Seitz, B. , Yamaguchi, K., Takase, T., Kawatsu, K., Suzuki, C. and Sasaki, M. (2013) Validated Radiometric Mapping in 2012 of Areas in Japan Affected by the Fukushima-Daiichi Nuclear Accident. University of Glasgow. ISBN 9780852619377
Sanderson, D.C.W. and Cresswell, A.J. (2007) Report on Airborne Radiometric Survey of the Thurso Area, 15th to 17th November 2006. Scottish Universities Environmental Research Centre.
Burbidge, C.I., Allsworth-Jones, P., Housley, R.A., Sanderson, D.C.W. , Pyle, D.M., Bazely, O., McCave, I.N. and van Andel, T.H. (2005) Middle Palaeolithic sites in Russian and Ukraine: site summaries and fieldwork 2004. Series: Environmental factors in the chronology of human evolution and dispersal (Natural Environment Research Council). University of Glagow Archaeological Research Division. ISBN 9780852618196
Book Sections
Sanderson, D. C.W. and Kinnaird, T. C. (2019) Optically stimulated luminescence dating as a geochronological tool for late quaternary sediments in the Red Sea region. In: Rasul, Najeeb M.A. and Stewart, Ian C.F. (eds.) Geological Setting, Palaeoenvironment and Archaeology of the Red Sea. Series: Environmental earth sciences. Springer International Publishing, pp. 685-707. ISBN 9783319994079 (doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-99408-6_31)
Sanderson, D. , Sanada, Y., Cresswell, A. , Xu, S., Murphy, S., Nakanishi, C. and Yamada, T. (2015) Integrating nuclide specific and dose rate based methods for airborne and ground based gamma spectrometry. In: Proceedings of the International Symposium on Radiological Issues for Fukushima's Revitalized Future. Kyoto University Research Reactor Institute, pp. 18-23. ISBN 9784990681531
Munro, R.N., Walkington, H., Franks, S., Wilkinson, T.J. and Sanderson, D.C.W. (2013) Aspects of late Cainozoic Aeolian landscapes in Arabia: implications for early Man. In: Al-Ansary, A.R., Al-Muaikel, K.I. and Alsharekh, A.M. (eds.) Man and Environment in the Arab World in Light of Archaeological Discoveries. Abdul Rahman Al-Sudairy Foundation: Al-Jouf, Saudi Arabia, pp. 7-46. ISBN 9786039032656
Sanderson, D. , Burbidge, C. and Kinnaird, T. (2013) Optically stimulated luminescence dating [of pit and ditch infills from the Lismullin National Monument]. In: O’Connell, A. (ed.) Harvesting the Stars: A Pagan Temple at Lismullin, Co. Meath. Series: NRA scheme monographs (11). The National Roads Agency: Dublin, pp. 146-149. ISBN 9780957438002
Housley, R.A., Sanderson, D.C.W. and Burbidge, C.I. (2008) Luminescence analysis (OSL and TL) and AMS radiocarbon determinations from Kabazi V. In: Yevtushenko, A.I., Chabai, V.P., Richter, J. and Uthmeier, T. (eds.) Kabazi V: Middle Palaeolithic occupation, environment and subsistence. Palaeolithic sites of the Crimea. National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine: Simferopol, Ukraine, pp. 51-67.
Housley, R.A., Van Andel, T.H. and Sanderson, D.C.W. (2006) A new research project to investigate the chronology connected with Neanderthal climate preferences and tolerances in the North-East Black Sea region. In: Anikovich, M.V. and Platonova, N.I. (eds.) The Early Paleolithic of Eurasia: General Trends, Local Developments (International Conference Devoted to the 125th Anniversary of the Paleolithic Investigations in Kostenki, August, 23-26th, 2004). Nestor Historia: St. Petersburg, Russia, pp. 26-38.
Research Reports or Papers
Cresswell, A. J. , Sanderson, D. C. W. and Carling, P. A. (2019) Luminescence Analyses of Samples from Thailand and Laos. [Research Reports or Papers]
Cresswell, A.J. , Sanderson, D.C.W. , Carling, P.A. and Darby, S. (2019) SE Asia Agricultural Soils Age Analysis. [Research Reports or Papers]
Cresswell, A.J. , Sanderson, D.C.W. and Carling, P.A. (2018) Dose Extension of a Sample at the Base of a Sedimentary Sequence in Vietnam. [Research Reports or Papers]
Cresswell, A.J. , Sanderson, D.C.W. , Muñoz-Salinas, E. and Castillo, M. (2018) Luminescence Dating of Beach Dunes and Fluvial Sediments, Nayarit, Mexico. [Research Reports or Papers]
Cresswell, A.J. , Sanderson, D.C.W. and Carling, P.A. (2018) Luminescence Profile Measurements on Samples from Vietnam Submitted by P. Carling. [Research Reports or Papers]
Sanderson, D. , Cresswell, A. , Roman, M., Píšková, A., Kopalová, K., Nývlt, D. and Lirio, J. M. (2017) Luminescence Measurements of Sediment Cores from Lake Esmeralda and Monolith Lake, James Ross Island Archipelago. [Research Reports or Papers]
Kinnaird, T.C., Sanderson, D.C.W. , Preston, J., Dugmore, A.J. and Newton, A.J. (2017) Luminescence dating of sediments from Underhoull and Lund, Unst, Shetland. [Research Reports or Papers]
Cresswell, A.J. , Kinnaird, T.C. and Sanderson, D.C.W. (2016) Exploratory Single Grain OSL Analysis of Sediments from Capu di Locu, Corsica. [Research Reports or Papers]
Kinnaird, T.C., Munyikwa, K. and Sanderson, D.C.W. (2015) OSL investigations at Hardisty, Alberta, Canada: Sections HD03, HD04 & HD05. [Research Reports or Papers]
Kinnaird, T. C., Munyikwa, K. and Sanderson, D. C.W. (2015) OSL investigations at Hardisty, Alberta, Canada. [Research Reports or Papers]
Kinnaird, T. C., Sanderson, D. C.W. , Sakellariou, D. and Bailey, G. (2015) Palaeographic reconstructions of the submerged prehistoric landscapes of the Farasan continental shelf, South Red Sea: Chronological Constraints (OSL investigations of sedimentary cores FA6 and Core FA13). [Research Reports or Papers] (Unpublished)
Kinnaird, T. C., Sanderson, D. C.W. , Inglis, R. and Bailey, G. (2015) OSL Dating of Terrestrial Sediments from SW Saudi Arabia: Wadi Sabiya (Jirzan Region) and Harrat Al Birk (Asir Region). [Research Reports or Papers] (Unpublished)
Kinnaird, T. C., Simpson, I. A. and Sanderson, D. C.W. (2015) Further luminescence investigations at Lumbini and Tilaurakot, Nepal. [Research Reports or Papers] (Unpublished)
Kinnaird, T.C. et al. (2014) Characterising Luminescence Stratigraphies in the Mount Elgon Caves (Chepnaylil Rockshelter and Kiptogot Cave). [Research Reports or Papers] (Unpublished)
Kinnaird, T. C., Sanderson, D. C.W. and Bigelow, G. (2014) Luminescence Dating of Windblown Sands from Archaeological Sites in Shetland (Early Modern Farmstead, Broo Peninsula; Norse settlement, Sandwick South, Unst). [Research Reports or Papers]
Kinnaird, T. C., Gilliland, K. and Sanderson, D. C.W. (2014) Stratigraphy, Chronology and the Boreal Black Hole: Exploratory OSL Studies in North Alberta Archaeology. [Research Reports or Papers] (Unpublished)
Kinnaird, T. C., Muñoz-Salinas, E., Sanderson, D. C.W. , Castillo Rodriguez, M. and Cruz-Zaragoza, E. (2014) OSL Characterisation of Two Fluvial Sequences of the River Usmacinta in its Middle Catchment (SE Mexico). [Research Reports or Papers]
Sanderson, D. C.W. , Kinnaird, T. C., Leandri, F. and Leandri, C. (2014) OSL Dating of Neolithic Monuments at Capu di Lugu, Belvédère-Campomoro, SW Corsica. [Research Reports or Papers] (Unpublished)
Kinnaird, T., Sanderson, D. , Laigre, L. and Cresswell, A. (2013) Using OSL to Reconstruct the Fluvial Dynamics of the River Rhône, Upstream of Lake Geneva. [Research Reports or Papers] (Unpublished)
Kinnaird, T.C., Gilliland, K. and Sanderson, D.C.W. (2013) Luminescence Investigations at Thunder Bay (Lake Superior, Ontario). [Research Reports or Papers] (Unpublished)
Kinnaird, T. C., Sanderson, D. C.W. and Simpson, I. A. (2013) Luminescence investigations at Quendale (Broo Peninsula, Shetland). [Research Reports or Papers]
Kinnaird, T. C., Sanderson, D. C.W. , Waddington, C. and Sommerville, A. A. (2013) Characterising Luminescence Stratigraphies In Sedimentary Sequences Associated With the Lower Hauxley (Northumberland) Bronze Age Cairn: Field Report and Initial Luminescence Screening. [Research Reports or Papers] (Unpublished)
Kinnaird, T.C., Simpson, I. and Sanderson, D.C.W. (2012) Luminescence dating of wind-blown sands from the Broo Peninsula, Shetland. [Research Reports or Papers]
Kinnaird, T., Sanderson, D. and Agate, A. (2012) Luminescence Dating of Sediment from the University of Newcastle Archaeological Excavations at Mothecombe Beach, Devon. [Research Reports or Papers]
Kinnaird, T., Sanderson, D. , Gilliland, K. and Adderley, P. (2012) Luminescence Dating of Sediments Rrom the Western Hertiage Excavation of Archaeological Sites at Thunder Bay (Ontario, Canada). [Research Reports or Papers]
Kinnaird, T., Sanderson, D. and Dawson, T.C. (2012) Luminescence Dating of Sediments from the Baile Sear Wheelhouse, North Uist. [Research Reports or Papers]
Cresswell, A. , Kinnaird, T., Sanderson, D. and Simpson, I. (2012) Luminescence Dating of Samples Collected from the Lumbini World Heritage Site, Nepal, January 2012. [Research Reports or Papers]
Cresswell, A. , Sanderson, D. and Burbidge, C. (2012) Portable Gamma Spectrometry Surveys of Sites in Portugal in Support of the VADOSE Project. [Research Reports or Papers]
Kinnaird, T.C., Cresswell, A.J. , Sanderson, D.C.W. , Ghilardi, M., Bicket, A., Vella, M.A. and Diouf, O. (2012) Optically Stimulated Luminescence Investigations of Sediment Obtained From Boreholes in the Vicinity of the Pont'd Avignon (South France). [Research Reports or Papers]
Kinnaird, T.K., Sanderson, D. and Munoz-Salinas, E. (2012) Using Optically Stimulated Luminescence to Unravel Sedimentary Processes of the Usumacinta and Grijalva Rivers (SE Mexico). [Research Reports or Papers]
Cresswell, A. and Sanderson, D. (2011) Modelling gamma spectrometry systems for use in beach monitoring near Sellafield. Part II: effect of 137Cs background and simulation of finds. [Research Reports or Papers]
Kinnaird, T., Sanderson, D. , Bishop, P. and Munoz-Salinas, E. (2011) OSL Dating of Sediment from the Grabben Gullen Creek, Upper Lachlan River Catchment, SE Australia. [Research Reports or Papers]
Kinnaird, T., Sanderson, D. and Munoz-Salinas, E. (2011) OSL Dating of Fluvioglacial and Post-Glacial Debris Flow Deposits in the Gredos Mountain Range, Central Spain. [Research Reports or Papers]
Kinnaird, T.C., Sanderson, D.C.W. and Cresswell, A.C. (2011) Optically Stimulated Luminescence Dating of Ditch and Pit Fills From NAA Ltd Excavations at Scorton Quarry, North Yorkshire: Field Report and Initial Luminescence Assessments. [Research Reports or Papers]
Cresswell, A.J. , Sanderson, D.C.W. and Maneuski, D. (2010) Mobile gamma Spectrometry Measurements of Coneyside Beach, Cumbria. [Research Reports or Papers]
Kinnaird, T. and Sanderson, D. (2010) Luminescence Dating of Sediments from the Fahien-lena Rockshelter, Southern Sri Lanka. [Research Reports or Papers]
Kinnaird, T.C. and Sanderson, D.C.W. (2010) Luminescence Dating of Sediment from Mill Bay, Stronsay, Orkney. [Research Reports or Papers]
Kinnaird, T., Cresswell, A. , Bishop, P. and Sanderson, D. (2010) Luminescence Dating of Samples from Raised Beaches in Tanzania. [Research Reports or Papers]
Sanderson, D. C. W. and Cresswell, A. J. (2010) Modelling gamma spectrometry systems for use in beach monitoring near Sellafield. [Research Reports or Papers]
Sanderson, D. , Cresswell, A. , Ellen, R. and Davies, A.D. (2010) Luminescence Dating of Samples Collected from the Ring of Brodgar, Orkney. [Research Reports or Papers]
Cresswell, A.C. and Sanderson, D.C.W. (2010) Appraisal of Denham Aerodrome and HOSDB Sandridge Site for Radiological Survey Calibration Facility and Operating the SUERC AGS System Using PremiAir. [Research Reports or Papers]
Cresswell, A.C. and Sanderson, D.C.W. (2010) Establishment of CAA Approvals to Operate SUERC Airborne Gamma Spectrometry Equipment in Aircraft Operated by PremiAir. [Research Reports or Papers]
Cresswell, A.J. , Sanderson, D.C.W., Weir, A. and Mitchell, C. (2010) Mobile Gamma Spectrometry Survey of the Scottish Enterprise Technology Park, East Kilbride, 17th-19th August 2009. [Research Reports or Papers]
Cresswell, A. , Burbidge, C. and Sanderson, D. (2009) Luminescence Dating of Samples from Headland Archaeology Ltd. Excavations of Sites 25 and 28, A4/5 Corridor Improvement, Northern Ireland. [Research Reports or Papers]
Cresswell, A. and Sanderson, D. (2009) Luminescence dating of dune sand and sabkha sediments, Saudi Arabia. [Research Reports or Papers]
Sanderson, D. , Fisk, S. and Carmichael, L. (2009) Optimisation of the Photostimulated Luminescence (PSL) Tests to Detect Irradiated Dietary Supplements: Experimental Studies of Pre-Concentration, Depletion Rate Analysis and Multiwavelength PSL Analysis. [Research Reports or Papers]
Cresswell, A.J. , Sanderson, D.C.W. and Simpson, I.A. (2009) Luminescence dating of sediments from two sites near Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka. [Research Reports or Papers]
Burbidge, C. and Sanderson, D. (2008) Luminescence Dating of Ditch and Pit Fills from the ACS Ltd. Excavation of Lismullin National Monument, Republic of Ireland. [Research Reports or Papers]
Burbidge, C.I., Sanderson, D.C.W. and Fülöp, R. (2008) Luminescence dating of ditch fills from the Headland Archaeology Ltd. excavation of Newry Ring Fort, Northern Ireland. [Research Reports or Papers]
Burbidge, C., Sanderson, D. , Simpson, I.A. and Adderley, P.W. (2008) Luminescence Dating of Sediments from Ancient Irrigation Features, and Associated with Occupation of the Hinterland around Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka. [Research Reports or Papers]
Sanderson, D. , Carmichael, L., Fisk, S., Key, P. and Scott, E.M. (2007) Development of proficiency testing for detection of irradiated food project E01068. Volume III: results of third round PSL and TL trials, June 2007. [Research Reports or Papers]
Sanderson, D.C.W. et al. (2007) Development of Proficiency Testing for Detection of Irradiated Food: Project E01068. Results of Second Round PSL and TL Trials, September 2006. [Research Reports or Papers]
Sanderson, D.C.W. et al. (2007) Development of Proficiency Testing for Detection of Irradiated Food: Project E01068. Results of First Round PSL Trials, September 2005. [Research Reports or Papers]
Burbidge, C., McIlveny, J. and Sanderson, D., (2007) Luminescence Dating of Back-Dune Sedimentary Sequences from Dunnet Bay, Caithness. [Research Reports or Papers]
Burbidge, C., Sanderson, D. , Simpson, I.A. and Adderley, P.W. (2007) Luminescence Dating of Sediments Associated with Norse Agriculture from Søndre Igaliku, Greenland. [Research Reports or Papers]
Burbidge, C., Sanderson, D. and Fulop, R.-H. (2007) Luminescence Dating of Dune Sand, Wadi, Sabkha and Playa Sediments, Saudi Arabia. [Research Reports or Papers]
Sanderson, D.C.W. and Cresswell, A.J. (2007) Preliminary Report on Airborne Radiometric Survey of the Thurso Area, 15-17 November 2006. [Research Reports or Papers]
Cresswell, A.J. and Sanderson, D.C.W. (2005) Brief Demonstration Flight of SUERC AGS System. Inner Solway, 20th July 2005. [Research Reports or Papers]
Sanderson, D. C.W. , Anthony, I.M.C. and Kerr, C. (2004) Luminescence Dating of Sediments from Droughduil Mound, Dunragit. [Research Reports or Papers]
Lauritzen, B., Sanderson, D.W. , Cresswell, A. , Scott, E.M. , Finck, R.R. and Karlsson, S. (2003) ECCOMAGS: Initial Results from the RESUME 2002 Exercise. [Research Reports or Papers]
Sanderson, D.C.W. and Cresswell, A.J. (2002) Upgrade of Airborne Gamma Spectrometry Equipment. [Research Reports or Papers]
Sanderson, D.C.W. , Cresswell, A.J. , Anthony, I.M. and Murphy, S. (2002) Report on SURRC Participation in the ECCOMAGS Project Resume 2002 Exercise. [Research Reports or Papers]
Sanderson, D.C.W. , Kerr, C. and Carmichael, L. (2002) A Short Investigation of the Luminescence Properties of Talc. [Research Reports or Papers] (Unpublished)
Sanderson, D.C.W. , Cresswell, A.J. , White, D.C., Murphy, S. and McLeod, J. (2001) Investigation of Spatial and Temporal Aspects of Airborne Gamma Spectrometry: Final Report. [Research Reports or Papers]
Sanderson, D.C.W. , Cresswell, A.J. , White, D.C. and Murphy, S. (2001) Investigation of Spatial and Temporal Aspects of Airborne Gamma Spectrometry: Report on Phase III Survey of West Cumbria and Inner Solway, Conducted June 2000. [Research Reports or Papers]
Sanderson, D.C.W. , Cresswell, A.J. , Murphy, S. and McLeod, J.J. (2001) An Airborne Gamma-Ray Spectrometry Survey of Nuclear Sites in Belgium. [Research Reports or Papers]
Sanderson, D.C.W. , Carmichael, L., Murphy, S., Whitely, V., Scott, E.M. and Cresswell, A. (2001) Investigation of Statistical and Imaging Methods for Luminescence Detection of Irradiated Ingredients. [Research Reports or Papers]
Sanderson, D.C.W. , Cresswell, A.J. , McLeod, J., Murphy, S., Tyler, A.N. and Atkin, P.A. (2000) Investigation of Spatial and Temporal Aspects of Airborne Gamma Spectrometry: Report on Phase I Survey, Conducted April 1999. [Research Reports or Papers]
Sanderson, D.C.W. , Cresswell, A.J. and Murphy, S. (2000) Investigation of Spatial and Temporal Aspects of Airborne Gamma Spectrometry: Preliminary Report on Phase II Survey of the Sellafield Vicinity, the Former RAF Carlisle site, the Albright & Wilson Plant, Workington Harbour and the Cumbrian Coastline, Conducted March 2000. [Research Reports or Papers]
Cresswell, A.J. , Sanderson, D.C.W. and Murphy, S. (1999) Improved NaI(Tl) and CsI(Tl)Detector Arrays for Environmental Airborne Gamma Spectrometry: Technical Progress Report. [Research Reports or Papers]
Carmichael, L. and Sanderson, D.C.W. (1999) A Preliminary Investigation of the Impact of Blending on Luminescence Detection of Irradiated Herbs and Spices. [Research Reports or Papers]
Sanderson, D.C.W. , Allyson, J.D. and Cresswell, A.J. (1998) An Investigation of Off-Site Radiation Levels at Harwell and Rutherford Appleton Laboratory Following Airborne Gamma Spectrometry in 1996: Final Report. [Research Reports or Papers]
Sanderson, D.C.W. , Cresswell, A. , Allyson, J.D. and McConville, P. (1997) Experimental Measurements and Computer Simulation of Fission Product Gamma-Ray Spectra. [Research Reports or Papers]
Sanderson, D.C.W. , Allyson, J.D., Cresswell, A. and McConville, P. (1997) An Airborne and Vehicular Gamma Survey of Greenham Common, Newbury District and Surrounding Areas. [Research Reports or Papers]
Sanderson, D.C.W. , Cresswell, A. , Allyson, J.D. and McConville, P. (1997) Review of Past Nuclear Accidents: Source Terms and Recorded Gamma-Ray Spectra. [Research Reports or Papers]
Sanderson, D.C.W. , Allyson, J.D. and Cresswell, A. (1997) An Aerial Gamma Ray Survey of the Surrounding Area of Sizewell Nuclear Power Station. [Research Reports or Papers]
Sanderson, D.C.W. , Allyson, J.D., Gordon, G., Murphy, S., Tyler, A.N. and Fisk, S. (1994) An Aerial Gamma Ray Survey of Hunterston Nuclear Power Station in 14-15 April and 4 May 1994. [Research Reports or Papers]
Sanderson, D.C.W. , Allyson, J.D., Ni Riain, S., Gordon, G., Murphy, S. and Fisk, S. (1994) An Aerial Gamma Ray Survey of Torness Nuclear Power Station on 27-30 March 1994. [Research Reports or Papers]
Sanderson, D.C.W. , Carmichael, L., Spencer, J.Q. and Naylor, J.D. (1994) Detection of Irradiated Shellfish. [Research Reports or Papers] (Unpublished)
Sanderson, D. , Allyson, J.D., Tyler, A.N., Ni Riain, S. and Murphy, S. (1993) An Airborne Gamma Ray Survey of Parts of SW Scotland in February 1993. Final Report. [Research Reports or Papers]
Sanderson, D.C.W. , Allyson, J.D., Tyler, A.N. and Teasdale, I. (1993) An Airborne Gamma Ray survey of the Duddon Estuary in February 1993. [Research Reports or Papers]
Sanderson, D.C.W. , Scott, E.M. , Baxter, M.S., Martin, E. and Ni Riain, S. (1993) The Use of Aerial Radiometrics for Epidemiological Studies of Leukaemia: a Preliminary Investigation in SW England. [Research Reports or Papers]
Sanderson, D.C.W. , Allyson, J.D. and Tyler, A.N. (1992) An Aerial Gamma Ray Survey of Chapelcross and its Surroundings in February 1992. [Research Reports or Papers]
Sanderson, D.C.W. , Allyson, J.D., Tyler, A.N. and Murphy, S. (1992) An Aerial Gamma Ray Survey of Springfields and the Ribble Estuary in September 1992. [Research Reports or Papers]
Sanderson, D.C.W. , Carmichael, L., Clark, P.A. and Clark, R.J. (1992) Development of Luminescence Tests to Identify Irradiated Foods. Project N1701. [Research Reports or Papers] (Unpublished)
Sanderson, D.C.W. and Allyson, J.D. (1991) An Aerial Gamma Ray Search for a Missing 137Cs Source in the Niger Delta, May 1991. [Research Reports or Papers]
Sanderson, D.C.W. , Tyler, A.N. and Cairns, K.J. (1991) Radiometric Flight Trials in the Forth Estuary on 7/8/91. [Research Reports or Papers]
Sanderson, D.C.W. , Allyson, J.D., Cairns, K.J. and MacDonald, P. (1990) A Brief Aerial Survey in the Vicinity of Sellafield in September 1990. [Research Reports or Papers]
Sanderson, D.C.W. , Allyson, J.D., Martin, E., Tyler, A.N. and Scott, E.M. (1990) An Airborne Gamma Ray Survey of Three Ayrshire Districts. [Research Reports or Papers]
Sanderson, D.C.W. and Scott, E.M. (1989) Aerial Radiometric Survey in West Cumbria 1988. Final Report: Project N611. [Research Reports or Papers]
Sanderson, D.C.W. , East, B.W. and Scott, E.M. (1989) Aerial Radiometric Survey of Parts of North Wales in July 1989. [Research Reports or Papers]
Sanderson, D.C.W. , Slater, C. and Cairns, K. (1989) Development of Luminescence Tests to Identify Irradiated Foods. Project N384: Project Report 2. [Research Reports or Papers]
Sanderson, D.C.W. , Scott, E.M. , Baxter, M.S. and Preston, T. (1988) A Feasibility Study of Airborne Radiometric Survey for UK Fallout. [Research Reports or Papers]
Sanderson, D.C.W. , Slater, C. and Cairns, K. (1988) Development of Luminescence Tests to Identify Irradiated Foods. Project N384: Project Report 1. [Research Reports or Papers]
Conference Proceedings
Doran, H. R. , Renaud, T., Brown, C. S. , Kolo, I. , Falcone, G. and Sanderson, D. C.W. (2023) Radioactive Waste as an Anthropogenic Heat Source: Shallow and Deep Geothermal Applications. In: European Geothermal Congress 2022, Berlin, Germany, 17-21 Oct 2022, ISBN 9782960194623
Tahir, M. U., Doran, H. R. , Falcone, G. and Sanderson, D. C.W. (2023) Harnessing the Waste Heat from Radioactive Waste in a Notional UK Geological Disposal Facility Using a Closed-Loop Geothermal System. In: 48th Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering, Stanford, CA, USA, 06-08 Feb 2023,
Research datasets
Rex, C., Staff, R. , Sanderson, D. , Cresswell, A. , Marshall, M. H., Hyodo, M., Horiuchi, D., Tada, R. and Nakagawa, T. (2022) Controls on Luminescence Signals in Lake Sediment Cores: A Study from Lake Suigetsu, Japan. [Data Collection]
Sanderson, D. , Cresswell, A. , Seitz, B., Yamaguchi, K., Takase, T., Kawatsu, K., Suzuki, C. and Sasaki, M. (2013) Validated radiometric mapping in 2012 of areas in Japan affected by the Fukushima-Daiichi nuclear accident. [Data Collection]