Athena Swan
Athena SWAN is a national charter mark that recognises the advancement of gender equality in higher education, encompassing representation, progression and success for all.
SUERC received its Bronze Award in 2019.
The Athena SWAN Charter is based on ten key principles. By being part of Athena SWAN, institutions are committing to a progressive charter; adopting these principles within their policies, practices, action plans and culture.
The University policies and guidance on Gender Equality Related Issues can be found here.
Other University policies and guidance on diversity, equality and inclusion issues are here.
Find out more about Athena SWAN and The University of Glasgow.
Athena SWAN Principles
The Athena SWAN Charter is based on ten key principles. By being part of Athena SWAN, institutions are committing to a progressive charter; adopting these principles within their policies, practices, action plans and culture.
We acknowledge that academia cannot reach its full potential unless it can benefit from the talents of all.
We commit to advancing gender equality in academia, in particular, addressing the loss of women across the career pipeline and the absence of women from senior academic, professional and support roles.
We commit to addressing unequal gender representation across academic disciplines and professional and support functions. In this we recognise disciplinary differences including:
- the relative underrepresentation of women in senior roles in arts, humanities, social sciences, business and law (AHSSBL)
- the particularly high loss rate of women in science, technology, engineering, mathematics and medicine (STEMM)
We commit to tackling the gender pay gap.
We commit to removing the obstacles faced by women, in particular, at major points of career development and progression including the transition from PhD into a sustainable academic career.
We commit to addressing the negative consequences of using short-term contracts for the retention and progression of staff in academia, particularly women.
We commit to tackling the discriminatory treatment often experienced by trans people.
We acknowledge that advancing gender equality demands commitment and action from all levels of the organisation and in particular active leadership from those in senior roles.
We commit to making and mainstreaming sustainable structural and cultural changes to advance gender equality, recognising that initiatives and actions that support individuals alone will not sufficiently advance equality.
All individuals have identities shaped by several different factors. We commit to considering the intersection of gender and other factors wherever possible.
SUERC EDI Committee
The Athena SWAN Self-Assessment Team is responsible for the Athena SWAN application for the School of Interdisciplinary Studies. The team will lead on monitoring progress in relation to the application across the School.
- Dr Jason Newton (Chair)
- Dr Elaine Dunbar
- Dr Luiga Di Nicola
- Sophie McDonald
- Dr Josanne Newton
- Mr Oluwasegun Jegede
- Dr Nico Bompard
- Professor Fin Stuart (Director)
SUERC EDI Committee Terms of Reference
SUERC’s ambition is to embed the principles of Athena SWAN into current working practices across the centre at all levels, and in future strategic planning. This is to benefit all SUERC staff, regardless of gender, career stage, job family, and personal circumstances, by fostering an inclusive, progressive, and welcoming environment in which to work and study. To support this, the SUERC Equality and Diversity Committee will:
- Promote the mainstreaming of gender equality issues and awareness within SUERC
- Identify best practice and ensure this is shared and implemented across SUERC for the benefit of all staff and students
- Provide a forum to identify, discuss, advise on and take forward all aspects of policy/practice development and implementation regarding equality, diversity, and SUERC Athena SWAN actions
- Oversee and implement collection of metrics required by the SUERC Athena SWAN action plan to prepare for renewal or new applications
- Oversee and guide the implementation of the SUERC Athena SWAN action plan requirements
- Explore and share data at a Centre-wide and management level to enable and evidence change over time
- Liaise with and advise SUERC management as relevant e.g. to make recommendations or seek resources etc.
- Stimulate discussion, innovation, culture change and ambition to enable SUERC to benefit from the opportunities Athena SWAN seeks to enable for students, staff and visitors
- Liaise with colleagues across University of Glasgow and the wider UK Higher Education community regarding equality and diversity issues, to support and facilitate implementation, cross-fertilise ideas and seek co-delivery of actions where beneficial
- Keep up to date with new developments in the field of Equality and Diversity, including current literature and policy from Universities, government, etc.
- Jointly prepare future Athena Swan renewal and award applications and action plans prior to submission, including liaising with University of Glasgow Gender Equality officers and administration as necessary
- Meet on a regular basis, at a minimum 4 times per year, and correspond as necessary to execute the business of the SUERC E&D committee.
- Conduct formal committee meetings only when quorate (4 members minimum). Note sub-group meetings (i.e. separate to a meeting of the full committee) are not restricted in this way.
University Policies and Guidance
University Policies and Guidance on Gender Equality Related Issues: