Social & Urban Policy

Social & Urban Policy at the University of Glasgow brings together over 30 leading researchers with interests in policy, public services, societal inequalities, and sustainability.



Postgraduate research students

About Social & Urban Policy at Glasgow

Our cutting-edge research ranges widely across topics including health, poverty and inequalities, gender, disability, social security, artificial intelligence, anti-racism and migration, governance, neighbourhood and urban policy, climate change and sustainability. We have an excellent track record of winning prestigious external funding to support our research from organisations including UKRI, British Academy, Wellcome Trust, Joseph Rowntree Foundation, NIHR, Nuffield Foundation, and European Union. 

As a team, we are united by strong commitments to social justice, and to working collaboratively to change policy and practice locally, nationally, and internationally.  Our staff group composition is very diverse, drawing in colleagues from multiple countries. We also have collaborations with international and local communities, public and third sector organisations, and industry. 

Our undergraduate teaching team on social and public policy has been awarded the 2020 UK Social Policy Association Outstanding Teaching award. Our programme frequently features in top 10 in the UK and top 50 in the world in university rankings on social policy.