Resources and Links
About the Beniba Centre
About the Beniba Centre
Slavery, Frederick Douglass and Slave narratives
Materials for teachers created by Annmarie Ford, Stonelaw High School, Glasgow
- An introduction to slavery for junior learners with accompanying materials for teachers, and classroom exercises and assignments: Introduction to Slavery and teaching guide (junior learners)
- A unit on slave narratives for senior learners, with materials for teachers, sources, for learners, and classroom exercises and assignments: Slave Narratives teaching guide (senior learners)
- Selected quotations from Frederick Douglass’s autobiography: Frederick Douglass quotations
- An explanatory guide for teachers: Frederick Douglass teacher notes
- A brief narrative of Douglass’s life, longer extracts from his autobiography, and analytical questions for students: Frederick Douglass unit
The Transatlantic Slave Trade - Materials for teachers created by Katie Hunter
Materials for teachers created by Katie Hunter, St. Thomas of Aquin's High School, Edinburgh
Employing the freely available Voyages online database, these materials, lesson plans, explanatory information and guides enable teachers and learners to explore information about more than 33,000 Middle Passage voyages, exploring places of origin and destination, mortality rates, gender ratios and other information.
- Rationale and aims in using the Voyages database: Rationale and aims for use of Voyages database
- Guide to using the database: Using the Voyages Database
- Introductory presentation: The Map and the Database
- Presentation with source exercises: The Letter & The Statistics
- Lesson plans for using the Voyages database: Lesson plans The Map and The Database
The Atlantic Slave Trade - Resources for Higher History teachers
Active Skills Development exemplar
Ideas for active learning exercises on the slave trade are available from Education Scotland.
Lesson Plans
Lesson Plan 1: Slaves’ work on sugar plantations |
This lesson plan explores the actual work undertaken by slaves on Caribbean sugar plantations. With images, primary sources, some secondary sources and an accompanying PowerPoint, it will enable learners to study what slaves did, and the nature of the relationship between slaves and masters. The lesson ends with an interactive game for the entire class. |
Lesson Plan 2: Life and conditions on board slave ships |
This lesson plan features original primary sources and an accompanying PowerPoint, and enables learners to study conditions on board slave ships, and to understand why conditions were so bad. The lesson will also enable learners to explore how abolitionists used this information to campaign against the transatlantic slave trade. Created by Charles Burke, Patrick Goldie, Sarah Shand and Maire Trimble. |
Lesson Plan 3: Comparing the condition of slaves and sailors on slave ships |
This lesson plan utilizes primary sources and a PowerPoint presentation in order to enable learners to compare the conditions for slaves and sailors on board transatlantic slave ships. This lesson includes extensive primary sources. The lesson ends with an interactive game for the entire class. Created by Max Batchelor, Sarah Low, Luke McIntyre and Ellen Tetstall. |
James McCune Smith and Glasgow: A Scholar’s Transatlantic Journey, 1821-1837
Glasgow-Caribbean Centre for Development Research
The Sugar In Our Tea: Scotland, Slavery and Abolition
Exhibition curated by University of Glasgow students
‘Joseph Knight’
BBC Radio 4 programme based on University of Glasgow research
A New World of Labor, by Prof. Simon Newman
Prof. Newman discusses his book on the origins of plantation slavery.
The transatlantic slave trade and plantation slavery: exploring Scottish connections
Film of papers presented by scholars of slavery from Britain, the Caribbean and North America at a conference held at the University of Glasgow in 2013.
How Glasgow Flourished
A conference held in 2014 on the blossoming of Glasgow in 1714-1837