Iberian Worlds and Early Globalization seminar: Human Trafficking and Sexual Exploitation in the Past and Present

Published: 4 March 2022

Thursday 10 March 2022

The Permanent Seminar “Iberian Worlds and Early Globalization” resumes its monthly activity on Thursday 10 March 2022, on the occasion of International Women's Day, with a session promoted by the project FEDER-UPO-138099 , “Género y etnia en el istmo de Panamá, 1500-1700, y en otros ámbitos” and by the PAI HUM 1000 research group “Historia de la Globalización”.

On this occasion, the session will be entitled “El tráfico de personas y la explotación sexual en el pasado y el presente”/“Human Trafficking and Sexual Exploitation in the Past and Present” and will feature presentations by Professors Bethany Aram (Area of Modern History, UPO) and Nuria Cordero Ramos (Area of Labor and Social Services, UPO), in addition to the moderation of Professor Amelia Almorza Hidalgo (Area of History and Economic Institutions, UPO). The structure of the session will be as follows:

16:00 | Bienvenida/Welcome

  • Modera/Chair: Amelia Almorza Hidalgo (Area of Economic History and Institutions, UPO)

16:05 | Bethany Aram (Area of Modern History, UPO)

  • “Mujeres esclavizadas y el precio de la libertad en el cruce panameño, 1519-1671”
  • “Enslaved Women and the Price of Freedom on the Panamanian crossing, 1519-1671”

16:20 |Nuria Cordero Ramos (Department of Labor and Social Services, UPO)

  • “Mujeres en situación de Trata de Seres Humanos: desigualdades entrecruzadas”
  • “Women in Situations of Human Trafficking: Intertwined Inequalities”

16:50 | Discussion/Debate
17:25 | Cierre/Conclusion

Complete program of the activity: Human Trafficking and Sexual Exploitation in the Past and Present

First published: 4 March 2022