Housing Systems Mapping

Collaborative Creation of Housing Systems Maps

SIPHER has undertaken mapping of the housing-health system from a variety of sources to inform our analyses and evidence products.

We began by creating a map of the housing-health system from the public health evidence base and complemented this with a participatory mapping workshop with one of SIPHER’s policy partners: Greater Manchester Combined Authority. The maps created through these two processes, as well as a summary of the methods used are available.

We then used the map created from the public health evidence base, alongside participatory systems mapping undertaken with SIPHER Community Panel, to create the SIPHER Layered Systems map: experiences and evidence on housing and health.

Finally, we undertook some participatory systems mapping with tenants and landlords in the private rented sector in northern England. A report on the findings and recommendations was published and includes links to the housing-health systems map created through this project.

The processes adopted are similar to those applied in the creation of the Inclusive Economies System Maps.