Evidence Synthesis

Workstrand 2

Lead - Fiona Campbell

 Fiona Campbell Headshot

What is this workstrand about?

Workstrand 2 brings together information, particularly findings from completed research studies, so that we can explore and understand what we already know about the policy areas in which SIPHER is seeking system change.

By assessing how we can use evidence from existing research studies we inform SIPHER’s complex systems models. SIPHER uses the information from Workstrand 2 to inform the types of data used, the way we develop our models, and the decision tools that we create.

Workstrand Activities

Workstrand 2 is ensuring that all SIPHER workstrands have access to and can use important, relevant research that already exists. This is intended to complement the experience and knowledge already available to our SIPHER policy partners.

Working within SIPHER’s topic areas, Workstrand 2 is practicing, adapting, and refining methods for using research evidence in the development of systems models.

We are developing standard approaches to capturing and making sense of large volumes of research evidence in a way that can be easily accessed by policy analysts and decision makers.

To support this objective, we created an Evidence and Gap Map (EGM) which explores the relationships between employment and health outcomes.