SIPHER-7 wellbeing indicators

SIPHER is building models to predict the causal relationships between policy interventions and health outcomes.  SIPHER-7 is a suite of wellbeing indicators, selected by the SIPHER team through an iterative consultation process, to capture multi-dimensional wellbeing outcomes of different policies.

Typically policy makers have determined wellbeing by looking at people's income. This is a very crude measure as not everything that matters in our lives comes down to money.

SIPHER proposes a new set of indicators representing different aspects of people's lives to help us better measure their wellbeing. 

Our objectives were to:

  • identify a set of domains of life that collectively represent the overall wellbeing of a person
  • for each domain, to identify just one indicator to best represent the domain.

The SIPHER-7 Wellbeing indicators represent the following aspects of people's lives and help us capure their wellbeing.  

  1. Loneliness
  2. Neighbourhood Safety
  3. Housing quality
  4. Effects of physical health on daily activity
  5. Effects of mental health on daily activity
  6. Household disposable income
  7. Employment situation 

But having a set of wellbeing indicators does not help those making policy decisions if a policy results in an improvement in some indicators and deterioration in others.  Workstrand 6 (Societal Valuation) has produced a formula to express how good each combination of the seven wellbeing indicators are.   

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