SIPHER Microsimulation for Interrogation of Social and Health Systems - MINOS

This is a framework for testing the effects that policy interventions might have on health outcomes (including mental health, physical health, quality adjusted life years and equivalent income).

Taking as input Understanding Society longitudinal data and the SIPHER Synthetic population, SIPHER MINOS applies policy interventions at the individual level, for example raising the hourly wage of an individual worker. Through a series of pathway models (for example improvement to housing quality resulting from an increase in income), individuals transition from one state to another (e.g. from poor quality to good quality housing).

The cumulative effect of these pathways has an impact on that individual’s health outcomes. Improvements can be compared against a baseline (no intervention) run, so providing a view of the effectiveness and cost efficiency of a given policy.

Related Resources

  • Product Guide -Dynamic Microsimulation   Provides technical details of MINOS characteristics including strengths and limitations and the plus option to directly compare with other SIPHER products
  • SIPHER Glossary Offering clarification of terminology including "Microsimulation” and “micro-level modelling"



An example of MINOS applied to an energy price rise and the mediation of government energy price support policies. Published by (and presented at) the 12th International Conference on Geographic Information Science (GIScience 2023).  Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics (LIPIcs), Volume 277, pp. 21:1-21:6, Schloss Dagstuhl - Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik (2023)

Outlining MINOS applied to three income scenarios (Scottish Child Payment, Living Wage increase, energy price increase)
