

  • Anderson, K., Stein, S., Suen, H., Purcell, M., Belci, M., McCaughey, E., McLean, R., Khine, A., & Vuckovic, A. (2025). Generalisation of EEG-Based Pain Biomarker Classification for Predicting Central Neuropathic Pain in Subacute Spinal Cord Injury. Biomedicines13(1), 213. DOI: 10.3390/biomedicines13010213
  • Bojanic, T., McCaughey, E.J., Finn, H.T. et al. (2025) The effect of abdominal functional electrical stimulation on blood pressure in people with high level spinal cord injury. Spinal Cord 63, 31–37 DOI: 10.1038/s41393-024-01046-w
  • Palermo, A.E., Gorgon, E., Vecchio, A., Tedesco Triccas, L., McCaughey, E.J., Donovan-Hall, M. (2025). Perspectives on Barriers to Use and Benefits of Functional Electrical Stimulation From Australians and New Zealanders With SCI and Clinicians and Researchers in the Field. Top Spinal Cord Inj Rehabil 31(1): 100–112. DOI: 10.46292/sci24-00013
  • McNicol, E.L., Osuagwu, B., Vuckovic, A. (2025) Task-dependent frequency of intermuscular coherence in the presence of transcutaneous electrical spinal cord stimulation: a feasibility study. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience DOI: 10.3389/fnhum.2025.1556325
  • Susnoschi Luca, I., Vuckovic, A. (2025) How are opposite neurofeedback tasks represented at cortical and corticospinal tract levels. Journal of Neural Engineering, 22(2) DOI: 10.1088/1741-2552/adbcdb


  • Nawaz, R., Suen, H., Ullah, R., Purcell, M., Diggin, S., McCaughey, E., & Vuckovic, A. (2024). Electroencephalography Longitudinal Markers of Central Neuropathic Pain Intensity in Spinal Cord Injury: A Home-Based Pilot Study. Biomedicines12(12), 2751. DOI: 10.3390/biomedicines12122751
  • Moritz, C., Field-Fote, E.C., Tefertiller, C., van Nes, I., Trumbower, R., Kalsi-Ryan, S., Purcell, M., Janssen, T.W.J., Krassioukov, A., Morse, L.R., Zhao, K.D., Guest, J., Marino, R.J., Murray, L.M., Wecht, J.M., Rieger, M., Pradarelli, J., Turner, A., D'Amico, J., Squair, J.W., Courtine, G. (2024) Non-invasive spinal cord electrical stimulation for arm and hand function in chronic tetraplegia: a safety and efficacy trial. Nat Med. 30(5):1276-1283. DOI: 10.1038/s41591-024-02940-9
  • Williams, J.A., Campsie, P., Gibson, R., Johnson-Love, O., Werner, A., Sprott, M., Meechan, R., Huesa, C., Windmill, J.F.C., Purcell, M., Coupaud, S., Dalby, M.J., Childs, P., Riddell, J.S., Reid, S. (2024) Developing and Investigating a Nanovibration Intervention for the Prevention/Reversal of Bone Loss Following Spinal Cord Injury. ACS Nano. 18(27):17630-17641.  DOI: 10.1021/acsnano.4c02104
  • Field-Fote, E.C., Anderson, K.D., Capron, M., Rupp, R., Jones, L., Schmidt-Read, M., Noonan, V.K., Bryden, A., Mulroy, S., Weiss, W., Widmer, M., Hagen Poder, H., Jørgensen, V., Smith, E., Purcell, M., Biering-Sørensen, F. (2024). Reliability of the International Spinal Cord Injury Physical Therapy-Occupational Therapy Basic Data Set. Neurotrauma Rep. 5(1):584-591. DOI: 10.1089/neur.2024.0020
  • McCaughey, E.J., Ho, F.K., Mackay, D.F., Pell, J.P., Humburg, P. & Purcell, M. (2024). The impact of COVID-19 and associated lockdowns on traumatic spinal cord injury incidence: a population based study. Spinal Cord 62, 1-5. DOI: 10.1038/s41393-023-00939-6
  • Hasan, M., Sattar, P., Qazi, S., Vuckovic, A., & Fraser, M. (2024) Brain networks with modified connectivity in patients with neuropathic pain following spinal cord injury. Clin EEG Neurosci. 55(1):88-10. DOI: 10.1177/15500594211051485
  • Kumari, R., Dybus, A., Purcell, M. & Vuckovic, A. (2024) Motor priming to enhance the effect of physical therapy in people with spinal cord injury. J Spinal Cord Med 23:1-15. DOI: 10.1080/10790268.2024.2317011


  • MacKay, K., McCaughey, E.J., Fullerton, N. & Purcell, M. (2023). Spinal cord injury as a result of Staphylococcus aureus pyogenic spinal infection complicating infected atopic eczema: two case reports. Spinal Cord Cases and Series. 9, 43. DOI: 10.1038/s41394-023-00599-x
  • Osuagwu, B., McCaughey, E.J. & Purcell M. (2023) A pressure monitoring approach for pressure ulcer prevention. BMC Biomedical Engineering. 5, 8. DOI: 10.1186/s42490-023-00074-6
  • Harvey, L.A., Glinsky, J.V., Chu, J.,... Lincoln, C., McCaughey, E.J. et al. (2023) Early and intensive motor training to enhance neurological recovery in people with spinal cord injury: trial protocol. Spinal Cord. 61(9):521-527. DOI: 10.1038/s41393-023-00908-z
  • Ben, M., Glinsky, J.V., Chu, J. et al. (2023) Early and intensive Motor Training for people with spinal cord injuries (the SCI-MT Trial): description of the intervention. Spinal Cord 61, 600–607. DOI: 10.1038/s41393-023-00911-4
  • Chu J, Glinsky JV, Liu H, Ben M, Spooren AI, Roberts S, et al. (2023). Early and Intensive Motor Training for people with spinal cord injuries (the SCI-MT Trial): protocol of the process evaluation. BMJ Open. 13(8):e072219. DOI: 10.1136/bmjopen-2023-072219
  • Phang, S.Y., Barrett, C. & Purcell, M.. (2023) A radiological study of the natural history of diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis (DISH): a story of incomplete fusion. Br J Neurosurg 25:1-10. DOI: 10.1080/02688697.2023.2197494
  • Abdelrahman, S., Purcell, M., Rantalainen, T., Coupaud, S., & Ireland, A. (2023) Regional and temporal variation in bone loss during the first year following spinal cord injury. Bone 171:116726. DOI 10.1016/j.bone.2023.116726
  • Kumari, R., Gibson, H., Jarjees, M., Turner, C., Purcell, M. & Vuckovic, A. (2023) The predictive value of cortical activity during motor imagery for subacute spinal cord injury-induced neuropathic pain. Clin Neurophysiol. 148:32-43. DOI: 10.1016/j.clinph.2023.01.006


  • Williams, J.A., Heusa, C., Windmill, J.F.C., Purcell, M., Reid, S., Coupaud, S. & Riddell, J (2022). Spatiotemporal responses of trabecular and cortical bone to complete spinal cord injury in skeletally mature rats. Bone Rep 21:16:101592DOI: 10.1016/j.bonr.2022.101592
  • Bye, E.A., Heroux, M.E., Boswell-Ruys, C.L., Perez, M.A., Purcell, M., Taylor, J., Bonne Lee, B., McCaughey, E.J., Butler, J.E., & Gandevia, S.C. (2022) Transcutaneous spinal cord stimulation combined with locomotor training to improve walking ability in people with chronic spinal cord injury: study protocol for an international multi-centre double-blinded randomised sham-controlled trial (eWalk). Spinal Cord 60(6):491-497 DOI: 1038/s41393-021-00734-1
  • Abdelrahman, S., Purcell, M., Rantalainen, T., Coupaud, S., & Ireland, A. (2022) Fibula response to disuse: A longitudinal analysis in people with spinal cord injury. Archives of Osteoporosis, 17(1):51. DOI: 1007/s11657-022-01095-9.
  • Kumari, R., Jarjees, Mi, Susnoschi-Luca, I., Purcell, M. & Vuckovic, A. (2022) Effective Connectivity in Spinal Cord Injury-Induced Neuropathic Pain. Sensors 22(17):6337. DOI: 10.3390/s22176337
  • Vuckovic, A., Jarjees, M., Hasan, M., Purcell, M., & Fraser, M. (2022) EEG biomarkers of pain and applications of machine learning. Spinal Cord Injury Pain Elsevier, 199-225 DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-12-818662-6.00019-4 


  • Sosnowska, A.J., Vuckovic, A., & Gollee, H. (2021) Automated semi-real time detection of muscle activity with ultrasound imaging. Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing, 59(9), 1961-1971. DOI:1007/s11517-021-02407-w
  • Castro, F., Bryjka, P., Di Pino, G., Vuckovic, A., Nowicky, A., & Bishop, D. (2021) Sonifaction of combined action observation and motor imagery: effects on corticospinal excitability. Brain and Cognition, 152. DOI:1016/j.bandc.2021.105768.
  • Sosnowska, A., Gollee, H., & Vuckovic, A. (2021) MRCP as a biomarker of motor action with varying degree of central and peripheral contribution as defined by ultrasound imaging. Journal of Neurophysiology, 126 (1), 249-263. DOI: 1152/jn.00028.2021.
  • Castro, F., Osman, L., Di Pino, G., Vuckovic, A., Nowicky, A., & Bishop, D. (2021) Does sonification of action simulation training impact corticospinal excitability and audiomotor plasticity? Experimental Brain Research, 239(5), 1489-1505. DOI:1007/s00221-021-06069-w
  • Saif, M., Hassan, M., Vuckovic, A., Qazi, S., & Fraser, M. (2021) Efficacy evaluation of neurofeedback applied for treatment of central neuropathic pain using machine learning. SN Applied Sciences, 3 (1), 58. DOI:1007/s42452-020-04035-9
  • Fraser, M., Al-Wasity, S., Vogt, S., Vuckovic, A., & Pollick, F. (2021) Up-regulation of supplementary motor area activation with fMRI Neurofeedback during motor imagery. eNeuro, 8 (1), 0377-18. DOI: 10.1523/ENEURO.0377-18.2020.
  • McGeady, C., Vuckovic, A., Zheng, Y., & Alam, M. (2021) EEG Monitoring is feasible and reliable during simultaneous transcutaneous electrical spinal cord stimulation. Sensors 21(19): 6593. DOI: 10.3390/s21196593
  • Anderson, K., Chirion, C., Fraser, M., Purcell, M., Stein, S., & Vuckovic, A. (2021) Markers of Central Neuropathic Pain in Higuchi Fractal Analysis of EEG Signals from People with Spinal Cord Injury. Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience 26:15:705652 DOI: 3389/fnins 2021.705652
  • Schultz, V., Cumberworth, S., Gu, Q., Johnson, N., Donald, C., McCanney, G., Barrie, J., Da Silva, F., Linington, C., Willison, H., Edgar, J., Barnett, S., & Kohl, A. (2021) Zika virus infection leads to demyelination and axonal injury in mature CNS cultures. Viruses, 13(1).91 DOI: 3390/v13010091
  • Shultz, V., Barrie, J., Donald, C., Crawford, C., Mulline, M., Anderson, T., Solomon, T., Barnett, S., Linington, C., Khol, A., Willison, H., & Edgar, J. (2021) Oligondendrocytes are susceptible to Zika virus infection in a mouse model of perinatal exposure: implications for CNS complications. Glia, 69(8), 2023-2036. DOI: 1002/glia 24010
  • Abdelrahman, S., Ireland, A., Winter, E. M., Purcell, M., & Coupaud, S. (2021). Osteoporosis after spinal cord injury: Aetiology, effects and therapeutic approaches. Journal of Musculoskeletal & Neuronal Interactions, 21(1), 26–50. Full text link
  • Zulauf-Czaja, A., Al-Taleb, M. K. H., Purcell, M., Petric-Gray, N., Cloughley, J., & Vuckovic, A. (2021). On the way home: A BCI-FES hand therapy self-managed by sub-acute SCI participants and their caregivers: a usability study. Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation, 18(1), 44. DOI: 10.1186/s12984-021-00838-y
  • Hasan, M. A., Vuckovic, A., Qazi, S. A., Yousuf, Z., Shahab, S., & Fraser, M. (2021). Immediate effect of neurofeedback training on the pain matrix and cortical areas involved in processing neuropsychological functions. Neurological Sciences. DOI: 10.1007/s10072-021-05125-1
  • Vuckovic, A., Osuagwu, B., Al-Taleb, M., Zulauf-Czaja, A., Fraser, M., & Purcell, M. (2021) Brain computer interface controlled functional electrical stimulation for rehabilitation of hand function in people with spinal cord injury. Muller-Putz, Gand Rupp R. (eds) Neuroprosthetics and Brain Computer Interfaces in Spinal Cord Injury. Springer Nature, 281-307 ISBN: 9783030685447


  • Brouwers E, van de Meent H, Curt A, Maier D, Abel R, Weidner N, Rupp R, Kriz J, de Haan A, Kramer J, Hosman A, Bartels R. EMSCI participants and investigators: Purcell M, Kalke Y, Benito J, Vidal J, Rohl K, Fustenberg C, Bensmail D, Saur M, Meiners T, Baumberger M, Gil-Agudo A, Meindl R, Scivoletto G, Resch H, Aschauer-Wallner S, Marcus O, Badke A, Jordan X, Thietje R, Anders K, Chhabra H. (2020). Recovery after traumatic thoracic- and lumbar spinal cord injury: The neurological level of injury matters. Spinal Cord, 58(9), 980–987. DOI: 10.1038/s41393-020-0463-1
  • Willison, A. G., Smith, S., Davies, B. M., Kotter, M. R. N., & Barnett, S. C. (2020). A scoping review of trials for cell-based therapies in human spinal cord injury. Spinal Cord, 58(8), 844–856. DOI: 10.1038/s41393-020-0455-1
  • Lindsay, S. L., McCanney, G. A., Willison, A. G., & Barnett, S. C. (2020). Multi-target approaches to CNS repair: Olfactory mucosa-derived cells and heparan sulfates. Nature Reviews Neurology, 16(4), 229–240. DOI: 10.1038/s41582-020-0311-0
  • Miller, J., Gollee, H., & Purcell, M. (2020). Ultrasound Imaging as a Diagnostic Tool to Assess the Functional Status of Muscles after a Spinal Cord Injury. Ultrasound in Medicine & Biology, 47(3), 386–397. DOI: 10.1016/j.ultrasmedbio.2020.10.008
  • Hosseinzadeh S, Lindsay S, Gallagher, A Wellings D, Riehle M, Riddell J, Barnett S. A novel poly-ℇ-lysine based implant, Proliferate®, for promotion of CNS repair following spinal cord injury. Biomater Sci. 2020Julu 7-8(13):3611-3627. DOI: 10.1039/d0bm00097c


  • Ruslee, R., Miller, J., & Gollee, H. (2019). Investigation of different stimulation patterns with doublet pulses to reduce muscle fatigue. Journal of Rehabilitation and Assistive Technologies Engineering, 6, 205566831982580. DOI: 10.1177/2055668319825808
  • Dickie, A. C., Bell, A. M., Iwagaki, N., Polgár, E., Gutierrez-Mecinas, M., Kelly, R., Lyon, H., Turnbull, K., West, S. J., Etlin, A., Braz, J., Watanabe, M., Bennett, D. L. H., Basbaum, A. I., Riddell, J. S., & Todd, A. J. (2019). Morphological and functional properties distinguish the substance P and gastrin-releasing peptide subsets of excitatory interneuron in the spinal cord dorsal horn. Pain, 160(2), 442–462. DOI: 10.1097/j.pain.0000000000001406
  • Whitehead, M. J., McCanney, G. A., Willison, H. J., & Barnett, S. C. (2019). MyelinJ: An ImageJ macro for high throughput analysis of myelinating cultures. Bioinformatics, 35(21), 4528–4530. DOI: 10.1093/bioinformatics/btz403
  • Vučković, A., Altaleb, M. K. H., Fraser, M., McGeady, C., & Purcell, M. (2019). EEG Correlates of Self-Managed Neurofeedback Treatment of Central Neuropathic Pain in Chronic Spinal Cord Injury. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 13, 762. DOI: 10.3389/fnins.2019.00762
  • McCanney, G. A., Lindsay, S. L., McGrath, M. A., Willison, H. J., Moss, C., Bavington, C., & Barnett, S. C. (2019). The Use of Myelinating Cultures as a Screen of Glycomolecules for CNS Repair. Biology, 8(3), 52. DOI: 10.3390/biology8030052
  • McCanney, G. A., McGrath, M. A., Otto, T. D., Burchmore, R., Yates, E. A., Bavington, C. D., Willison, H. J., Turnbull, J. E., & Barnett, S. C. (2019). Low sulfated heparins target multiple proteins for central nervous system repair. Glia, 67(4), 668–687. DOI: 10.1002/glia.23562
  • Bijland, S., Thomson, G., Euston, M., Michail, K., Thümmler, K., Mücklisch, S., Crawford, C. L., Barnett, S. C., McLaughlin, M., Anderson, T. J., Linington, C., Brown, E. R., Kalkman, E. R., & Edgar, J. M. (2019). An in vitro model for studying CNS white matter: Functional properties and experimental approaches. F1000Research, 8, 117. DOI: 10.12688/f1000research.16802.1
  • Mathieson, C., Barrett, C., & Alakandy, L. (2019). Cervical spine injuries. In R. W. Kirollos, A. Helmy, S. Thomson, & P. J. A. Hutchinson (Eds.), Oxford Textbook of Neurological Surgery (pp. 789–800). Oxford University Press. DOI: 10.1093/med/9780198746706.003.0068
  • McDaid, D., Park, A.-L., Gall, A., Purcell, M., & Bacon, M. (2019). Understanding and modelling the economic impact of spinal cord injuries in the United Kingdom. Spinal Cord, 57(9), 778–788. DOI: 10.1038/s41393-019-0285-1
  • Okoroafor, F., Krishna, A., Purcell, M., & Mathieson, C. (2019). Impressive neurological recovery following C-spine dislocation in a patient on long term immunosuppression. British Journal of Neurosurgery, 1–3. DOI: 10.1080/02688697.2019.1630553
  • Al-Taleb, M. K. H., Purcell, M., Fraser, M., Petric-Gray, N., & Vuckovic, A. (2019). Home used, patient self-managed, brain-computer interface for the management of central neuropathic pain post spinal cord injury: Usability study. Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation, 16(1), 128. DOI: 10.1186/s12984-019-0588-7


  • Vuckovic, A., Pangaro, S., & Finda, P. (2018). Unimanual Versus Bimanual Motor Imagery Classifiers for Assistive and Rehabilitative Brain Computer Interfaces. IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, 26(12), 2407–2415. DOI: 10.1109/TNSRE.2018.2877620
  • Ratnasabapathy, U., Purcell, M., & Bhattacharya, J. (2018). Endovascular rescue of vertebro-basilar thrombosis in cervical spine injury. Spinal Cord Series and Cases, 4(1), 101. DOI: 10.1038/s41394-018-0132-1
  • Vučković, A., Jarjees, M., Abul Hasan, M., Miyakoshi, M., & Fraser, M. (2018). Central neuropathic pain in paraplegia alters movement related potentials. Clinical Neurophysiology, 129(8), 1669–1679. DOI: 10.1016/j.clinph.2018.05.020
  • Huang, J., Polgár, E., Solinski, H. J., Mishra, S. K., Tseng, P.-Y., Iwagaki, N., Boyle, K. A., Dickie, A. C., Kriegbaum, M. C., Wildner, H., Zeilhofer, H. U., Watanabe, M., Riddell, J. S., Todd, A. J., & Hoon, M. A. (2018). Circuit dissection of the role of somatostatin in itch and pain. Nature Neuroscience, 21(5), 707–716. DOI: 10.1038/s41593-018-0119-z
  • Vuckovic, A., Gallardo, V. J. F., Jarjees, M., Fraser, M., & Purcell, M. (2018). Prediction of central neuropathic pain in spinal cord injury based on EEG classifier. Clinical Neurophysiology, 129(8), 1605–1617. DOI: 10.1016/j.clinph.2018.04.750
  • Vuckovic, A., Jajrees, M., Purcell, M., Berry, H., & Fraser, M. (2018). Electroencephalographic Predictors of Neuropathic Pain in Subacute Spinal Cord Injury. The Journal of Pain, 19(11), 1256.e1-1256.e17. DOI: 10.1016/j.jpain.2018.04.011
  • Whitehead, M. J., McGonigal, R., Willison, H. J., & Barnett, S. C. (2018). Heparanase attenuates axon degeneration following sciatic nerve transection. Scientific Reports, 8(1), 5219. DOI: 10.1038/s41598-018-23070-6
  • Dickson, A., Karatzias, T., Gullone, A., Grandison, G., Allan, D., Park, J., & Flowers, P. (2018). Negotiating boundaries of care: An interpretative phenomenological analysis of the relational conflicts surrounding home mechanical ventilation following traumatic spinal cord injury. Health Psychology and Behavioral Medicine, 6(1), 120–135. DOI: 10.1080/21642850.2018.1462708


  • Syam, S. H.-F., Lakany, H., Ahmad, R. B., & Conway, B. A. (2017). Brain Computer Interface: Assessment of Spinal Cord Injury Patient towards Motor Movement through EEG application. MATEC Web of Conferences, 140, 01027. DOI: 10.1051/matecconf/201714001027
  • Puentes, F., van der Star, B. J., Boomkamp, S. D., Kipp, M., Boon, L., Bosca, I., Raffel, J., Gnanapavan, S., van der Valk, P., Stephenson, J., Barnett, S. C., Baker, D., & Amor, S. (2017). Neurofilament light as an immune target for pathogenic antibodies. Immunology, 152(4), 580–588. DOI: 10.1111/imm.12797
  • Vuckovic A, Al Taleb M, Purcell M, Fraser M. (2017) Home used, patient self-managed, brain-computer interface for treatment of central neuropathic pain in spinal cord injury: Feasibilty Study. Proceedings of the 7th Graz Brain-Computer Interface Conference, Graz, Austria. DOI: 10.3217/978-3-85125-533-1-93
  • Coulter, E. H., McLean, A. N., Hasler, J. P., Allan, D. B., McFadyen, A., & Paul, L. (2017). The effectiveness and satisfaction of web-based physiotherapy in people with spinal cord injury: A pilot randomised controlled trial. Spinal Cord, 55(4), 383–389. DOI: 10.1038/sc.2016.125
  • Gollee, H., Gawthrop, P. J., Lakie, M., & Loram, I. D. (2017). Visuo-manual tracking: Does intermittent control with aperiodic sampling explain linear power and non-linear remnant without sensorimotor noise?: Aperiodic intermittent control explains non-linear remnant. The Journal of Physiology, 595(21), 6751–6770. DOI: 10.1113/JP274288
  • Meng, L., Porr, B., & Gollee, H. (2017). Technical developments of functional electrical stimulation to restore gait functions: Sensing, control strategies, and current commercial systems. Chinese Journal of Scientific Instrument, 2017, 1319–1334.
  • Osuagwu, B. A., Zych, M., & Vuckovic, A. (2017). Is Implicit Motor Imagery a Reliable Strategy for a Brain–Computer Interface? IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, 25(12), 2239–2248. DOI: 10.1109/TNSRE.2017.2712707
  • Berry, H. R., Tate, R. J., & Conway, B. A. (2017). Transcutaneous spinal direct current stimulation induces lasting fatigue resistance and enhances explosive vertical jump performance. PLOS ONE, 12(4), e0173846. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0173846
  • Lindsay, S. L., Toft, A., Griffin, J., M. M. Emraja, A., Barnett, S. C., & Riddell, J. S. (2017). Human olfactory mesenchymal stromal cell transplants promote remyelination and earlier improvement in gait co-ordination after spinal cord injury: Olfactory Cell Transplants and Spinal Cord Injury. Glia, 65(4), 639–656. DOI: 10.1002/glia.23117
  • Augestad, I. L., Nyman, A. K. G., Costa, A. I., Barnett, S. C., Sandvig, A., Håberg, A. K., & Sandvig, I. (2017). Effects of Neural Stem Cell and Olfactory Ensheathing Cell Co-transplants on Tissue Remodelling After Transient Focal Cerebral Ischemia in the Adult Rat. Neurochemical Research, 42(6), 1599–1609. DOI: 10.1007/s11064-016-2098-3
  • Coupaud, S., Gislason, M. K., Purcell, M., Sasagawa, K., & Tanner, K. E. (2017). Patient-specific bone mineral density distribution in the tibia of individuals with chronic spinal cord injury, derived from multi-slice peripheral Quantitative Computed Tomography (pQCT)—A cross-sectional study. Bone, 97, 29–37. DOI: 10.1016/j.bone.2016.12.014
  • Lindsay, S. L., & Barnett, S. C. (2017). Are nestin-positive mesenchymal stromal cells a better source of cells for CNS repair? Neurochemistry International, 106, 101–107. DOI: 10.1016/j.neuint.2016.08.001


  • Osuagwu, B. C. A., Wallace, L., Fraser, M., & Vuckovic, A. (2016). Rehabilitation of hand in subacute tetraplegic patients based on brain computer interface and functional electrical stimulation: A randomised pilot study. Journal of Neural Engineering, 13(6), 065002. DOI: 10.1088/1741-2560/13/6/065002
  • McCaughey, E. J., Borotkanics, R. J., Gollee, H., Folz, R. J., & McLachlan, A. J. (2016). Abdominal functional electrical stimulation to improve respiratory function after spinal cord injury: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Spinal Cord, 54(9), 628–639. DOI: 10.1038/sc.2016.31
  • Allan, D., Fairlie-Clarke, K. J., Elliott, C., Schuh, C., Barnett, S. C., Lassmann, H., Linnington, C., & Jiang, H.-R. (2016). Role of IL-33 and ST2 signalling pathway in multiple sclerosis: Expression by oligodendrocytes and inhibition of myelination in central nervous system. Acta Neuropathologica Communications, 4(1), 75. DOI: 10.1186/s40478-016-0344-1
  • Hasan, M. A., Fraser, M., Conway, B. A., Allan, D. B., & Vučković, A. (2016). Reversed cortical over-activity during movement imagination following neurofeedback treatment for central neuropathic pain. Clinical Neurophysiology, 127(9), 3118–3127. DOI: 10.1016/j.clinph.2016.06.012
  • O’Neill, P., Lindsay, S. L., Pantiru, A., Guimond, S. E., Fagoe, N., Verhaagen, J., Turnbull, J. E., Riddell, J. S., & Barnett, S. C. (2017). Sulfatase-mediated manipulation of the astrocyte-Schwann cell interface: Sulfatases Modulate Glia Interactions. Glia, 65(1), 19–33. DOI: 10.1002/glia.23047
  • Kiray, H., Lindsay, S. L., Hosseinzadeh, S., & Barnett, S. C. (2016). The multifaceted role of astrocytes in regulating myelination. Experimental Neurology, 283, 541–549. DOI: 10.1016/j.expneurol.2016.03.009
  • Lindsay, S. L., Johnstone, S. A., McGrath, M. A., Mallinson, D., & Barnett, S. C. (2016). Comparative miRNA-Based Fingerprinting Reveals Biological Differences in Human Olfactory Mucosa- and Bone-Marrow-Derived Mesenchymal Stromal Cells. Stem Cell Reports, 6(5), 729–742. DOI: 10.1016/j.stemcr.2016.03.009
  • McCaughey, E. J., Purcell, M., Barnett, S. C., & Allan, D. B. (2016). Spinal Cord Injury Caused by Stab Wounds: Incidence, Natural History, and Relevance for Future Research. Journal of Neurotrauma, 33(15), 1416–1421. DOI: 10.1089/neu.2015.4375
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