Photo of the university of glasgow building's tower overlaid with the centre's logo

A £5M+ UKRI investment towards accelerating the green economy, marking the UK's first research centre dedicated to sustainable electronics.

REACT’s vision is to set the standard for sustainable electronics manufacturing and design, through an exemplary system-level demonstrator across Scotland’s central belt.

The electronics industry is challenged with:

  • Large amounts of waste electrical and electronic equipment
  • High emissions across the supply chain
  • Widespread usage of critical raw materials

With over 130 companies and 10,300 employees contributing to an annual £2.8 billion plus turnover, this sector is instrumental in fostering productivity and growth in central Scotland.

REACT is led by the University of Glasgow, in partnership with the University of Edinburgh, Heriot-Watt University, and the Compound Semiconductor Applications (CSA) Catapult. 

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REACT technical pillars

react cross-cutting themes


Leadership Team:

Jeff Kettle (PI), Mahmoud Wagih (Deputy PI), Natalia Lukaszewicz (Project Manager).

Cross-Cutting Sustainability themes

  • Nuran Acur: Responsible innovation and business models
  • Bing Xu: Circular economy and sustainable finance
  • Jaime Toney: Green skills and training lead

Technical Pillars

Low-Impact Materials and Manufacturing Across the Life Cycle:
  • Mahmoud Wagih (Pillar Lead)
  • Paul Jarvie
  • Pete Skabara
  • Jeff Kettle
Semiconductor Design and Low-Power Techniques:
  • Hadi Heidari (Pillar Lead)
  • Jaykrishnan Chandrappan
  • Bo Liu
  • David Flynn
Closing the Loop, Recycling and Recovery: 
  • Jason Love (Pillar Lead)
  • Andrew Feeney
  • Paul Prentice
  • Lei Zhang