CQT Winter School 2023 (Light-matter Interaction in Quantum Devices)
Centre for Quantum Technology Winter School on Light-matter Interaction in Quantum Devices from 30th January to 3rd February 2023.
Light-matter interactions are a result of an oscillating electromagnetic field resonantly interacting with charged particles, and the basis for the realization of many Quantum Devices in the four quantum technologies (communication, computing, sensing and imaging). This School will cover the Fundamentals of Quantum Technologies and Devices, with a focus on the underlying concepts and methods in today’s material and technology platforms. It strives to highlight the first principles and similarities in light-matter interaction in quantum devices, ranging from optics and photonics, through semiconductors, and spintronics to superconductors.
The venues are the Glasgow Science Centre, https://www.glasgowsciencecentre.org/, and the Advanced Research Centre, https://www.gla.ac.uk/research/arc/.
The School is open to PhD students and Postdocs with backgrounds ranging from e.g. electrical engineering, physics, or material science, is free of charge and will include a collaborative ‘Synergy pitch’, lab tours, and Extended Reality demonstrations.
XR Sessions
There are many benefits to using digital and visualisation technologies for enhancing the teaching and learning of abstract concepts. During our extended reality (XR) session, we will demonstrate how basic quantum concepts can be taught using virtual and augmented reality! Our session aims to be engaging and interactive. We will introduce gamified and team-based learning to help participants discover concepts themselves.
Quantum Synergy Challenge “Where great ideas are born”
Research and innovation’s biggest challenge and reward is the transition of an idea to an application. Our goal is to find the best interdisciplinary quantum idea and fuel innovation beyond the current state-of-the-art, to solve real-world problems.
Design a pitch for a solution from the combined expertise of your 5-member team. Present this idea in four slides (maximum) on the final day.
Slide 1: Introduce your team and individual expertise
Slide 2-4: Pitch your idea highlighting BOTH the solution AND the contribution from each team member.
What are we looking for?
- What made you choose the topic/subject?
- Define the problem
- Define a roadmap
- Tailor the aspects
- Propose your creative, innovative and alternative solution to a real-world problem.
The speakers for this School include,
- Prof Martin Weides, James Watt School of Engineering
- Dr Sara Restuccia, School of Physics and Astronomy
- Prof Antonio Badolato, James Watt School of Engineering
- Dr Joerg Goette, School of Physics and Astronomy
- Dr Luca Sapienza, James Watt School of Engineering
- Prof Robert Hadfield, James Watt School of Engineering
- Prof Matteo Clerici, James Watt School of Engineering
- Dr Rair Macedo, James Watt School of Engineering
- Dr Sam Bayliss, James Watt School of Engineering
- Dr Rami Ghannam, James Watt School of Engineering
- Mr Tim Deussen, XR Creative Director, Studio Tim Deussen
- Dr Adetunmise Dada, School of Physics and Astronomy
- Dr Akhil Kallepalli, School of Physics and Astronomy
- Dr Kaveh Delfanazari, James Watt School of Engineering
- Prof Sonja Franke-Arnold, School of Physics and Astronomy
- Dr Caroline Muellenbroich, School of Physics and Astronomy
- Dr Vihar Georgiev, James Watt School of Engineering
- Dr Maria-Chiara Braidotti, School of Physics and Astronomy
Prof Martin Weides |
Prof Antonio Badolato |
Dr Giorgos Georgiou |
Dr Rami Ghannam |
Dr Rair Macedo |
Dr Luca Sapienza |
Dr Kaveh Delfanazari |
Dr Akhil Kallepalli |
Dr Savvas Germanis |
Claire Munro |
Zeki Shaw |
For all enquiries, please contact Prof Martin Weides.