Welcome to the Quantum Circuits Laboratory!
At our Lab we aim to tackle several engineering challenges to translate quantum technology to UK industry for the benefit of society.
We are also interested in several fundamental aspects on quantum systems including spin systems and optics and photonics.
Our Laboratory facilities span accross the James Watt School of Engineering, supporting the School's Quantum Technology Priority Theme as well as the University of Glasgow's cross-disciplinary Research Beacon ‘The Nano & Quantum World’ and 'Centre for Quantum Technologies'.

Research Themes:
- Superconducting circuits
- Spin Systems
- Spin-Photon hybridisation and
- Terahertz technology

- Cryogenics
- Optics and
- Nanofabrication (JWNC)
We are always looking for people to work on a diverse range of research projects.
Reach out to one of the individual academics directly if you are interest.
Find our more
- On the News
- Outreach and
- Media