Linda Hanna MBE

Linda HannaFormer Scottish Enterprise Managing Director of Innovation and Investment

Linda is an experienced leader and non-executive working across academia, public and private sectors focusing on innovation and economic opportunities. She brings deep understanding of economic and regional development as well as both public sector and academic delivery to the Advisory Board.

As a member of the Executive Team at Scottish Enterprise for almost 10 years until 2022, she led regional, national and international teams, helping accelerate strategic investment in different parts of Scotland and industries such as high-value manufacturing, life sciences, food and drink, data-driven innovation and the low-carbon economy to help support growing companies and create great workplaces and sustainable jobs.

With a keen interest in public service, science, innovation and skills, Linda has a portfolio of interests including the Chair of Scotland’s Rural College, Interim Board member of the Scottish Funding Council and as a Strategic Adviser to University of Glasgow, Smart Things Accelerator Centre and Primary Engineer.

At this time of global, national and local challenges, I believe public policy is more important than ever to shape the societies we want to live in and influence the decisions and actions to help deliver that in a lasting way. This new Centre for Public Policy at University of Glasgow comes at a pivotal time to explore ideas and inform this debate, including how more effective and joined up public policy could address outcomes such as health, economy and climate impact. I am very much looking forward to being part of this Advisory Group to contribute and to learn!