Two years on from COP26 in Glasgow, and ahead of the next COP in the United Arab Emirates, where do we stand in the UK and internationally on the transition to net zero?

  • Date: 14 November 2023
  • Time: 2-4pm
  • Location: In-person, at the University of Glasgow

A white and blue iceberg floating on the sea next to bare cliffs and hills. Source: iStockphoto

  • Is sufficient progress being made in public policy to limit the increase in global warming to 1.5°?
  • Is the broad domestic political consensus on the transition to net zero fracturing as we approach the next UK general election?
  • And what key challenges will face whoever forms the next UK government?

The Centre for Public Policy, in collaboration with the Academy of Social Sciences and the International Public Policy Observatory, is hosting this public event to discuss these issues.

Our keynote speaker, Chris Stark, Chief Executive of the UK Climate Change Committee, will share his thoughts on the challenges ahead.

A panel of social scientists and industry representatives will then respond and discuss their views. Panellists will include:

After the panel disscusion there will be the opportunity for the audience to ask questions.

This is the first in-person event as part of the Campaign for Social Science’s project Election 24: ideas for change based on social science evidence.

Register on Eventbrite

First published: 7 November 2023