December 2023: Tsourapas attends DISACT Inaugural Meeting

Gerasimos Tsourapas took part in the inaugural meeting of the European Research Council Consolidator Grant project, ‘DISACT – Disappearing Act: Crime of Disappearances in Times of Political Violence,’ on 13 and 14 December 2023 in Nicosia, Cyprus. The University of Glasgow is one of the project’s four Participating Institutions.

December 2023: Tsourapas gives Talk on ‘Greek-Turkish Relations and Migration Power Politics in the Mediterranean’ at the British School at Athens

On 11 December, Gerasimos Tsourapas gave a virtual talk on ‘Greek-Turkish Relations and Migration Power Politics in the Mediterranean,’ hosted by the British School at Athens. The talk was organised as part of Tsourapas’ 2023­–24 fellowship at the BSA, where he is conducting primary research on Greek migration diplomacy politics.

December 2023: Tsourapas participates at the 2023 21st Doha Forum in Qatar

Gerasimos Tsourapas was invited to participate in the 21st Doha Forum, which was held in Doha, Qatar on 10 and 11 December 2023. This year’s theme was ‘Building Shared Futures,’ and was held under the Patronage of His Highness Sheikh Tamim Bin Hamad Al Thani, Amir of the State of Qatar.

November 2023: Wilson Center event

Professor Gerasimos Tsourapas was invited to speak at an event organised by The Wilson Center in Washington DC on global responses to refugee crises on 15 November 2023.

The event is available to watch online here:

Gerasimos Tsourapas speaking at The Wilson Center, 15 November 2023

November 2023: Tsourapas gives Talk at The Fletcher School, Tufts University

On 13 November 2023, Gerasimos Tsourapas gave a talk at the Henry J. Leir Institute for Migration & Human Security at The Fletcher School, Tufts University. The talk was entitled ‘Migration Diplomacy as a Three-Level Game in the Mediterranean.’

November 2023: Hoppermann Presents at the Middle East Studies Association Annual Meeting

On 4 November 2023, Judith Hoppermann presented her paper, ‘Control, Dispossession, Exploitation: Understanding the Political Economy of the Colonialism-Neoliberalism Nexus in West Bank Agriculture’ at the Middle East Studies Association Annual Meeting in Montréal, Canada.

The paper was part of a panel on the ‘Strategies and Dynamics of Israeli Occupation in Palestine.’ In her talk, Judith highlighted how Western-driven neoliberal development aid and Israeli settler colonialism have deliberately de-developed Palestinian small-scale agriculture in the West Bank because it did not align with their vision for the sector. In doing so, she highlighted the processes’ mutual reinforcement with both neoliberalism and settler colonialism relying on accumulation by dispossession.

November 2023: Tsourapas Presents at the Middle East Studies Association Annual Meeting

On 3 November 2023, Gerasimos Tsourapas presented a paper entitled ‘Migration Rentiers -- The Political Economy of Mobility in the Middle East’ at the Middle East Studies Association Annual Meeting in Montréal, Canada.

The paper, co-authored with Hélène Thiollet (Sciences Po), examines how labour and forced migration may be conceptualised within the prism of the rentier state model. Tsourapas’ presentation formed part of a panel on ‘Refugee Migration and the Middle East:  Revisiting Theoretical Frameworks,’ which was chaired by Dawn Chatty with Emma Empociello serving as the discussant.

Spring 2024 Migration Politics Fellowship at Glasgow

In May 2024, Gerasimos Tsourapas hosted the Spring 2024 fellows of Migration Politics: Guadalupe Chavez (University of Oxford & University of California, San Diego) and Tazreena Sajjad (School of International Service, American University). During the residency at Glasgow, the two fellows worked on their respective research projects. Chavez’s research focuses on “Deportation and Diplomacy: The Case of Unauthorized Mexican Workers in the U.S. during the Bracero Program (1943-1956),” while Sajjad examines ”The Curious Case of Bhasan Char: Refugee Containment in an Increasingly Hostile World.”

Tsourapas is a member of the journal’s editorial college. Migration Politics supports promising and innovative scholarship with intensive and author-centred editing under a broader “slow scholarship” philosophy. The journal invites scholars to spend one week at the University of Amsterdam as fellows-in-residence to develop their ideas into manuscript ready for submission to Migration Politics. This year marks the first attempt to broaden this scope by including a residency at the University of Glasgow, focused on work related to migration diplomacy and close interaction with Tsourapas’ ERC-MOBSANCT project team.

You can find more information about Migration Politics here.

November 2022: ILO Migration Advisory Group Meeting (MAG)

In November 2022, PhD Politics Candidate, Froilan Malit, Jr., participated in the ILO Migration Advisory Group Meeting (MAG) which was convened by the ILO Regional Office for the Arab States. MAG's goal was to examine regional labor migration and migration governance concerns in the Middle East region. As such, Malit shared his Gulf migration governance insights with leading industry stakeholders from academia, trade unions, labor and human rights organizations, international organizations, ILO and Swedish senior officials.