A distant photo of one of the workshop participants wearing one of the reflective blankets in a community garden reflecting on their experience during the winter.


The Living with SAD team will be organising a session of papers at the upcoming Nordic Geographies conference in June this year, and we're looking for contributors who would be interested in thinking about changing seasonal cultures with us. You can find our full CfP below, and view more details about this year's Nordic Geographies conference here.


Seasonal Cultures: Elements of Change, Transition and Adaptation

In-person paper presentations

Convenors: Shawn Bodden, Hester Parr (University of Glasgow), Hayden Lorimer (University of Edinburgh)

 Seasonality is a meaningful part of everyday life, language, custom and culture. The seasons are a unit of measure against which experience, change and progress can be read, giving a founding structure and calendrical shape to work, holidays, schooling, community, economy, faith, infrastructure, landscape and locality. As well as being a system for parcelling up time, seasons are affective phenomena in which we dwell, forming distinct modes of human being. We embody and enculture the shifting seasons, drawing out distinctions, celebrating their colour, atmosphere, light, tone, and spirit. We are expectant for their emergent ecologies: tracking the arrival and parting of migrant species, watching the garden bloom and the tree shed its leaves. All this amounts to the known-world, though one which we find increasingly unfamiliar and on which we can no longer so confidently depend. Winter feels less like Winter. Summer seems an intensified, more mutable and turbulent version of its former self. We process the predictions and projections for 2050 and wonder what future the seasons hold in store for us and for them…   

Examining how we encounter, or re-make, seasonal culture and seasonal change is one adaptive response to the planet’s changing climates. What does it mean to acknowledge slow shifts in folk-knowledge and collective memories of winter cold or summer heat? When the rhythm of the seasons, our deeply socialised building blocks of time and calendar, no longer make full sense or seem scrambled, who is impacted and how? Cultural reference points with a cycle of four seasons might be commonplace, but the world is more patchworked than this, so what can be gleaned from those cultures more sensitively attuned to a pattern of micro-seasons? What sorts of social practices, activities and events are taking place that reclaim seasonal cultures, or enable adaptation to irregular seasonal patterns? What might it mean existentially if our sensibilities and values no longer take their measure from a deep sense of seasonality? These transitional geographies of seasonal experience command ongoing academic attention and are the concern of this Nordic Geographies conference session.

Following on from a successful sister-session held at the RGS Annual Conference in 2023, we invite paper-presentations addressing a variety of thematic concerns that include:

  • exploring changing ways of knowing and being in- , or, out-of- , season
  • witnessing or anticipating versions of scrambled seasonality and what this brings to bear in local, material worlds
  • engaging with shifting seasonal cultures conceptually, informed by geographical and social theories
  • addressing questions of just what is at stake socially and culturally in a world of uncertain or disturbed seasonalities
  • considering the ways that mental health and well-being are connected intimately to seasonal living
  • reporting on research practice that is utilising creative or experimental methods to engage with seasonal life-worlds
  • storying the complexities of changing experience through seasons of place, and, places of season
  • re-learning the seasons via differing continental cultures and transitional sensibilities

 Submitting an Abstract: Please send your presentation title and abstract (maximum 200 words) to  Shawn.Bodden@glasgow.ac.uk  by 18 March2024.



First published: 18 January 2024