International Relations

The International Relations (IR) Subject Group at the University of Glasgow is a world-leading centre for critical research and teaching on global politics, and the UK’s second-highest IR department by the 2024 Guardian University rankings




Tsourapas, G. (2025) Migration diplomacy and Greek–Turkish relations: A three-level game analysis. International Migration, 63, (doi: 10.1111/imig.70004)

Skleparis, D., Karyotis, G., McNeill, A. (2025) Intersubjective empathy and the desecuritisation of migration: assessing public attitudes and support for refugees in the UK. European Journal of International Security,

Head, N., Eroukhmanoff, C., Beattie, A. R. (2025) Emotions. Oxford University Press

Jacobsen, M. H., Machold, R. (2025) Refusing deterrence. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, (doi: 10.1080/1369183X.2024.2441604)

Robinson, C., Watson, S. D. (2025) Conspiracy theory, anti-globalism and the Freedom Convoy: the Great Reset and conspiracist delegitimation. Review of International Studies, (doi: 10.1017/S0260210524000925)

Tsourapas, G. (2025) The refugee rentier state and norm manipulation in the Arab world. I.B. Tauris


Karyotis, G., Paterson, I., Judge, A. (2024) Understanding securitization success: a new analytical framework. International Studies Review,

Machold, R., Printy Currie, N. (2024) Al Aqsa Flood in long histories of Palestinian resistance. Political Geography, 115, (doi: 10.1016/j.polgeo.2024.103215)

Heinzel, M., Reinsberg, B., Zaccaria, G. (2024) Issue congruence in international organizations: a study of World Bank spending. Global Policy, 15, pp. 855-868. (doi: 10.1111/1758-5899.13413)

Fernandez-Molina, I., Tsourapas, G. (2024) Understanding migration power in international studies. International Affairs, 100, pp. 2461-2479. (doi: 10.1093/ia/iiae230)

Wedderburn, A. (2024) ‘Some token of being there’: Visuality and the Inuit Body in Early Modern England.

Hutchings, S., Tolz, V., Chatterje-Doody, P., Crilley, R., Gillespie, M. (2024) Russia, Disinformation, and the Liberal Order: RT as Populist Pariah. Cornell University Press

Heinzel, M., Reinsberg, B., Zaccaria, G. (2024) Core funding and the performance of international organizations: evidence from UNDP projects. Regulation and Governance, (doi: 10.1111/rego.12632)

Head, N., Kaur, S. (2024) Power and pedagogic failure: seeking a politics of empathy towards an anti-racist academy. Journal of International Political Theory, (doi: 10.1177/17550882241283576)

Tapscott, R. (2024) What is Institutional Ethics Review, and Why is it (Still) so Unsatisfactory for the Social Sciences?

Machold, R. (2024) Fabricating Homeland Security: Police Entanglements across India and Palestine/Israel. Stanford University Press

Crilley, R. (2024) Should we be writing at a time like this? Reflections on abolition, political science and International Relations. British Journal of Politics and International Relations, (doi: 10.1177/13691481241267173)

Machold, R. (2024) Semiotics of Rape: Sexual subjectivity and Violation in Rural India. AAG Review of Books, 12, pp. 23-25. (doi: 10.1080/2325548X.2024.2350388)

Wedderburn, A. (2024) Sylvia Wynter in the Arctic: early modern expeditionary narratives and the construction of ‘Man’ Cambridge Review of International Affairs, 37, pp. 546-562. (doi: 10.1080/09557571.2023.2273371)

Solomon, T. (2024) Collective emotions beyond the state in global politics. Oxford University Press

Robinson, C. (2024) The international organization for migration in North Africa: making international migration management by Inken Bartels, New York, Routledge, 2022, 248pp., £130.00 (hardback), ISBN 9781032068541. Ethnic and Racial Studies, pp. 1735-1737. (doi: 10.1080/01419870.2023.2178952)

Baspehlivan, U., Wedderburn, A. (2024) Disciplinary seriousness in international relations: towards a counterpolitics of the silly object. Global Studies Quarterly, 4, (doi: 10.1093/isagsq/ksae035)

Su, Y., Robinson, C., Rehaag, S. (2024) Setting the record straight on refugee claims by international students. Conversation,

Machold, R., Sen, S. (2024) Refusing police power: resistances and ambivalences to state violence. Society and Space Open Site,

Paterson, I. (2024) Business as usual like never before! Continuity, rupture and anxiety management in the 2014 Scottish independence referendum campaign. Cooperation and Conflict, (doi: 10.1177/00108367241241033)

Gallagher, A., Illingworth, R., Raffle, E., Willis, B. (2024) The permanency of mass atrocities: the fallacy of ‘never again’ British Journal of Politics and International Relations, (doi: 10.1177/13691481241241332)

Head, N. (2024) “Women helping women”: deploying gender in US counterinsurgency wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Security Dialogue, 55, pp. 160-178. (doi: 10.1177/09670106231203839)

Lynch, M., Tsourapas, G. (2024) Introduction – Rentierism in Middle East migration and refugee politics. POMEPS Studies, 50, pp. 3-7.

Thiollet, H., Tsourapas, G. (2024) Migration rentierism in the Middle East. POMEPS Studies, 50, pp. 135-143.

(2024) The Politics of Migration and Refugee Rentierism in the Middle East. POMEPS Studies, 50,

Illingworth, R. (2024) Not the ‘Fairest Norm of Them All’ but still needed: on Hobson and criticism of the responsibility to protect. Journal of Intervention and Statebuilding, 18, pp. 181-190. (doi: 10.1080/17502977.2024.2304457)

Sadiq, K., Tsourapas, G. (2024) Reliant on labor migration, the Global South forges a new social contract with its citizens. Migration Information Source,

Sadiq, K., Tsourapas, G. (2024) Labour coercion and commodification: from the British Empire to postcolonial migration states. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 50, pp. 617-636. (doi: 10.1080/1369183X.2023.2269778)

Robinson, C. (2024) Offshoring and outsourcing anti-smuggling policy: capacity building and the geopolitics of migrant smuggling. Geopolitics, 29, pp. 13-38. (doi: 10.1080/14650045.2022.2159385)

Machold, R. (2024) After 26/11: India, Palestine/Israel, and the Fabrication of Homeland Security. Navayana Publishing

Head, N. (2024) Empathy and the politicization of emotions. Oxford University Press

Grigoriadis, I. N., Tsourapas, G. (2024) Understanding Greece’s new foreign policy towards the Arab world: instrumentalisation, balancing, and emerging opportunities. Mediterranean Politics, 29, pp. 307-330. (doi: 10.1080/13629395.2022.2148193)


Gallagher, A., Lawrinson, B., McKay, G., Illingworth, R. (2023) The Responsibility to Protect: a bibliography. Global Responsibility to Protect, 16, pp. 3-123. (doi: 10.1163/1875984x-20230012)

Illingworth, R. (2023) Strengthening the Responsibility to Protect: A Transitional Cosmopolitan Approach. Routledge

Sadiq, K., Tsourapas, G. (2023) The transnational social contract in the Global South. International Studies Quarterly, 67, (doi: 10.1093/isq/sqad088)

Toomey, M., Shepherd, A. J.K. (2023) "Cultural trauma, populist grand narratives, and Brexit" Global Studies Quarterly, 3, (doi: 10.1093/isagsq/ksad055)

Crilley, R. (2023) Unparalleled Catastrophe: Life and Death in the Third Nuclear Age. Manchester University Press

Solomon, T. (2023) Up in the air: ritualized atmospheres and the global Black Lives Matter movement. European Journal of International Relations, 29, pp. 576-601. (doi: 10.1177/13540661231181989)

Almeida Resende, E. S., Sandrin, P., Solomon, T. (2023) Forum: Foreign policy, emotions and ontological security. Contexto Internacional, 45, (doi: 10.1590/S0102-8529.20234502e20220026)

Karyotis, G., Makropoulos, I. (2023) The new Greeks: no longer the underdog? Political Studies Association

Machold, R. (2023) Unsettling the Hamas taboo: fragments, narrative and the politics of exposure. International Politics Reviews, 60, pp. 754-761. (doi: 10.1057/s41311-023-00457-5)

Karyotis, G., Makropoulos, I. (2023) The secret code: affective polarisation and electoral behaviour in Greece. Political Studies Association

Paterson, I. (2023) Contesting security: multiple modalities, NGOs, and the security-migration nexus in Scotland. European Journal of International Security, 8, pp. 172-191. (doi: 10.1017/eis.2022.22)

Siniver, A., Tsourapas, G. (2023) Middle powers and soft-power rivalry: Egyptian-Israeli competition in sub-Saharan Africa. Foreign Policy Analysis, 19, (doi: 10.1093/fpa/orac041)

Su, Y., Robinson, C. (2023) Fearmongering about people fleeing disasters is a dangerous and faulty narrative. Conversation,

Sahin-Mencutek, Z., Tsourapas, G. (2023) When do states repatriate refugees? Evidence from the Middle East. Journal of Global Security Studies, 8, (doi: 10.1093/jogss/ogac031)

Zaccaria, G. (2023) Using COVID-19 as opportunity: the role of the AIIB’s leadership in its strategic adaptation to the pandemic. Pacific Review, (doi: 10.1080/09512748.2023.2178486)

Paterson, I., Mulvey, G. (2023) Simultaneous success and failure: the curious case of the (failed) securitisation of asylum seekers and refugees in the United Kingdom and Scotland. European Security, (doi: 10.1080/09662839.2023.2165878)

Toomey, M. (2023) Rebuilding European democracy: resistance and renewal in an illiberal age. Irish Political Studies, 38, pp. 156-158. (doi: 10.1080/07907184.2022.2057764)

Machold, R. (2023) Staying with the failures: Iron Dome and Zionist security “innovation” University of Nebraska Press


Dijkstra, H., von Allwörden, L., Schuette, L. A., Zaccaria, G. (2022) Donald Trump and the survival strategies of international organisations: when can institutional actors counter existential challenges? Cambridge Review of International Affairs, (doi: 10.1080/09557571.2022.2136566)

Eroukhmanoff, C., Wedderburn, A. (2022) Introduction: constructing and contesting victimhood in global politics. Polity, 54, pp. 841-848. (doi: 10.1086/721562)

Illingworth, R. (2022) Constructing the Responsibility to Protect, edited by Charles T. Hunt and Phil Orchard. Routledge, 2020. E-International Relations,

Adamson, F. B., Tsourapas, G. (2022) Greece and Turkey: from state-building and developmentalism to immigration and crisis management. Stanford University Press

Su, Y., Robinson, C. (2022) Debunking the myth of the ‘evil people smuggler’ Conversation,

Saunders, R. A., Crilley, R., Chatterje-Doody, P. N. (2022) ICYMI: RT and youth-oriented international broadcasting as (geo)political culture jamming. International Journal of Press/Politics, 27, pp. 696-717. (doi: 10.1177/19401612211072771)

Machold, R. (2022) India’s counterinsurgency knowledge: theorizing global position in wars on terror. Small Wars and Insurgencies, 33, pp. 796-818. (doi: 10.1080/09592318.2022.2034352)

Su, Y., Valiquette, T., Greatrick, A., Robinson, C. (2022) How LGBTQI+ to LGBTQI+ support is helping Ukrainian refugees find safety in the EU. New Humanitarian,

Day, B. S., Wedderburn, A. (2022) Wrestlemania! Summit diplomacy and foreign policy performance after Trump. International Studies Quarterly, 66, (doi: 10.1093/isq/sqac019)

Zaccaria, G. (2022) You’re Fired! International courts, re‐contracting, and the WTO Appellate Body during the Trump presidency. Global Policy, 13, pp. 322-333. (doi: 10.1111/1758-5899.13032)

Karyotis, G., Skleparis, D., Patrikios, S. (2022) New migrant activism: frame alignment and future protest participation. British Journal of Politics and International Relations, 24, pp. 381-400. (doi: 10.1177/13691481211037988)

Karyotis, G., Makropoulos, I., Tsagroni, V., Lamprinakou, C., Tsarouhas, D., Rori, L., Skleparis, D. (2022) Youth and the European Union: Attitudes, Determinants, and Intergenerational Dynamics (Νεολαία και Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση: Στάσεις, προσδιοριστικοί παράγοντες και διαγενεακές δυναμικές)

Illingworth, R. (2022) An R2P Commission: a proposal for holding states accountable to their responsibility to protect. Global Studies Quarterly, 2, (doi: 10.1093/isagsq/ksac012)

Tsourapas, G., Zartaloudis, S. (2022) Leveraging the European refugee crisis: forced displacement and bargaining in Greece’s bailout negotiations. Journal of Common Market Studies, 60, pp. 245-263. (doi: 10.1111/jcms.13211)

Tsourapas, G. (2022) The illiberal paradox and the politics of migration in the Middle East. Stanford University Press

Paterson, I., Karyotis, G. (2022) ‘We are, by nature, a tolerant people’: Securitisation and counter-securitisation in UK migration politics. International Relations, 36, pp. 104-126. (doi: 10.1177/0047117820967049)

Robinson, C. (2022) Deportability, humanitarianism and development: neoliberal deportation and the Global Assistance for Irregular Migrants program. Third World Quarterly, 43, pp. 879-897. (doi: 10.1080/01436597.2022.2038128)

Crilley, R., Gillespie, M., Kazakov, V., Willis, A. (2022) ‘Russia isn’t a country of Putins!’: How RT bridged the credibility gap in Russian public diplomacy during the 2018 FIFA World Cup. British Journal of Politics and International Relations, 24, pp. 136-152. (doi: 10.1177/13691481211013713)

Crilley, R., Gillespie, M., Vidgen, B., Willis, A. (2022) Understanding RT’s audiences: exposure not endorsement for Twitter followers of Russian state-sponsored media. International Journal of Press/Politics, 27, pp. 220-242. (doi: 10.1177/1940161220980692)

Tsourapas, G. (2022) EU-Egypt relations at a crossroads. Routledge

Taylor, G., Gilbert, G., Hidalgo, S., Korthals Altes, M., Lewis, B., Robinson, C., Sandri, E., Stoianova, V., Ward, J. (2022) Joint Evaluation of the Protection of the Rights of Refugees during the COVID-19 Pandemic.

(2022) STAGES in Security. Contemporary Voices: St Andrews Journal of International Relations, 1,

Beasley, R., Donnelly, F., Hom, A. R., Kaarbo, J., Neal, A. W., Solomon, T. (2022) STAGES introduction. Contemporary Voices: St Andrews Journal of International Relations, 1, pp. 2-4. (doi: 10.15664/jtr.1698)

Tsourapas, G. (2022) Transnational state practices and authoritarian politics. Edward Elgar


Dajani, D., Gillespie, M., Crilley, R. (2021) Differentiated visibilities: RT Arabic’s narration of Russia’s role in the Syrian war. Media, War and Conflict, 14, pp. 437-458. (doi: 10.1177/1750635219889075)

Tolz, V., Hutchings, S., Chaterje-Doody, P. N., Crilley, R. (2021) Mediatization and journalistic agency: Russian television coverage of the Skripal poisonings. Journalism: Theory, Practice and Criticism, 22, pp. 2971-2990. (doi: 10.1177/1464884920941967)

Tsourapas, G. (2021) The perils of refugee rentierism in the post-2011 Middle East. Digest of Middle East Studies, 30, pp. 251-255. (doi: 10.1111/dome.12252)

Machold, R., Charrett, C. C. (2021) Beyond ambivalence: locating the whiteness of security. Security Dialogue, 52, pp. 38-48. (doi: 10.1177/09670106211031044)

Karyotis, G., Connolly, J., Collignon, S., Judge, A., Makropoulos, I., Rüdig, W., Skleparis, D. (2021) What drives support for social distancing? Pandemic politics, securitization, and crisis management in Britain. European Political Science Review, 13, pp. 467-487. (doi: 10.1017/S1755773921000205)

Dingli, S. (2021) Conceptualising peace and its preconditions: the anti-Pelagian imagination and the critical turn in peace theory. Journal of International Political Theory, 17, pp. 468-487. (doi: 10.1177/1755088220951592)

Wedderburn, A. (2021) Violence, justice and justification. Radical Philosophy, 2.11,

Sadiq, K., Tsourapas, G. (2021) The postcolonial migration state. European Journal of International Relations, 27, pp. 884-912. (doi: 10.1177/13540661211000114)

Paterson, I. (2021) Constructing the ‘Hospitable Environment’. Third Sector Perspectives on Building a Better Asylum and Refugee Politics in Scotland: Strategic Challenges, Strategic Opportunities.

Jackson, S. T., Crilley, R., Manor, I., Baker, C., Oshikoya, M., Joachim, J., Robinson, N., Schneiker, A., Grove, N. S., Enloe, C. (2021) Forum: militarization 2.0: communication and the normalization of political violence in the digital age. International Studies Review, 23, pp. 1046-1071. (doi: 10.1093/isr/viaa035)

Tsourapas, G. (2021) Global autocracies: strategies of transnational repression, legitimation, and co-optation in world politics. International Studies Review, 23, pp. 616-644. (doi: 10.1093/isr/viaa061)

Malit, F. T., Tsourapas, G. (2021) Weapons of the weak? South-south migration and power politics in the Philippines-GCC corridor. Global Studies Quarterly, 1, (doi: 10.1093/isagsq/ksab010)

McLaren, L., Neundorf, A., Paterson, I. (2021) Diversity and perceptions of immigration: how the past influences the present. Political Studies, 69, pp. 725-747. (doi: 10.1177/0032321720922774)

Wedderburn, A. (2021) Humour, Subjectivity and World Politics: Everyday Articulations of Identity at the Limits of Order. Manchester University Press

Tsourapas, G. (2021) Migration Diplomacy in the Middle East and North Africa: Power, Mobility, and the State. Manchester University Press

Machold, R. (2021) The Iron Dome System Is a Monument to Israel’s Hubris.

Watson, S. D., Robinson, C. (2021) Knowledge controversies of global migration governance: understanding the controversy surrounding the Global Compact. Edward Elgar Publishing

Crilley, R., Chatterje-Doody, P. N. (2021) From Russia with lols: humour, RT, and the legitimation of Russian foreign policy. Global Society, 35, pp. 269-288. (doi: 10.1080/13600826.2020.1839387)

Crilley, R. (2021) Where we at? New directions for research on popular culture and world politics. International Studies Review, 23, pp. 164-180. (doi: 10.1093/isr/viaa027)

Zaccaria, G. (2021) The United Nations at 75: an institutional appraisal UN reform. International Spectator, 56, pp. 143-145. (doi: 10.1080/03932729.2020.1851949)

Crilley, R., Pears, L. (2021) 'No, we don't know where Tupac is': Critical Intelligence Studies and the significance of the CIA on Social Media. Intelligence and National Security, 36, pp. 599-614. (doi: 10.1080/02684527.2021.1893079)

Brassett, J., Browning, C. S., Wedderburn, A. (2021) Humorous states: IR, new diplomacy and the rise of comedy in global politics. Global Society, 35, pp. 1-7. (doi: 10.1080/13600826.2020.1828302)

Malit, F. T., Tsourapas, G. (2021) Migration diplomacy in the Gulf – non-state actors, cross-border mobility, and the United Arab Emirates. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 47, pp. 2556-2577. (doi: 10.1080/1369183X.2021.1878875)

Freier, L. F., Micinski, N. R., Tsourapas, G. (2021) Refugee commodification: the diffusion of refugee rent-seeking in the Global South. Third World Quarterly, 42, pp. 2747-2766. (doi: 10.1080/01436597.2021.1956891)

Tsourapas, G. (2021) Refugees, Residents, and Rentierism: A Critical Assessment of Responses to the Syrian Refugee Crisis. Bustan, 12, pp. 1-15. (doi: 10.5325/bustan.12.1.0001)

Illingworth, R. (2021) The Responsibility to Protect and the Failures of the United Nations Security Council by Patrick M. Butchard. Global Responsibility to Protect, 13, pp. 100-102. (doi: 10.1163/1875-984X-13010008)

Karyotis, G., Mulvey, G., Skleparis, D. (2021) Young Syrian refugees in the UK: a two-tier system of international protection? Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 47, pp. 481-500. (doi: 10.1080/1369183X.2020.1727317)


Tsourapas, G. (2020) Political participation and the Middle East migration state. Routledge

Head, N. (2020) Sentimental politics or responding to structural injustice? The ambivalence of emotions for political responsibility. International Theory, 12, pp. 337-357. (doi: 10.1017/S175297192000007X)

Illingworth, R. (2020) Responsible veto restraint: a transitional cosmopolitan reform measure for the responsibility to protect. Global Responsibility to Protect, 12, pp. 385-414. (doi: 10.1163/1875-984X-01204008)

Crilley, R., Manor, I., Bjola, C. (2020) Visual narratives of global politics in the digital age: an introduction. Cambridge Review of International Affairs, 33, pp. 628-637. (doi: 10.1080/09557571.2020.1813465)

Adamson, F. B., Tsourapas, G. (2020) The migration state in the Global South: nationalizing, developmental, and neoliberal models of migration management. International Migration Review, 54, pp. 853-882. (doi: 10.1177/0197918319879057)

Wedderburn, A. (2020) Pandemic time. Soundings: A Journal of Politics and Culture, 75, pp. 31-35. (doi: 10.3898/SOUN.75.01.2020)

Tsourapas, G. (2020) Human Geopolitics: States, Emigrants, and the Rise of Diaspora Institutions. Global Policy Blog, pp. 26 Aug.

Machold, R., Bhungalia, L. (2020) "Violence Work" Society and Space Open Site, pp. 24 Aug.

Crilley, R., Manor, I. (2020) Un-nation branding: the cities of Tel Aviv and Jerusalem in Israeli soft power. Palgrave Macmillan

Velednitsky, S., Salazar Hughes, S., Machold, R. (2020) Political geographical perspectives on settler colonialism. Geography Compass, 14, (doi: 10.1111/gec3.12490)

Crilley, R., Gillespie, M., Willis, A. (2020) Tweeting the Russian revolution: RT’s #1917LIVE and social media re-enactments as public diplomacy. European Journal of Cultural Studies, 23, pp. 354-373. (doi: 10.1177/1367549419871353)

Tsourapas, G. (2020) The EU-Egypt Partnership Priorities and the Egyptian Migration State.

Machold, R. (2020) Policing reality: Urban disorder, failure, and expert undoings. International Political Sociology, 14, pp. 22-39. (doi: 10.1093/ips/olz027)

Manor, I., Crilley, R. (2020) The mediatisation of MFAS: diplomacy in the new media ecology. Hague Journal of Diplomacy, 15, pp. 66-92. (doi: 10.1163/1871191X-15101051)

Head, N. (2020) Contesting emotional governance: Empathy under fire in the Israeli public sphere during Operation Protective Edge. Routledge

Robinson, C. (2020) Measuring ‘well-governed’ migration: the IOM’s Migration Governance Indicators. Palgrave Macmillan

Head, N. (2020) A “pedagogy of discomfort”? Experiential learning and conflict analysis in Israel-Palestine. International Studies Perspectives, 21, pp. 78-96. (doi: 10.1093/isp/ekz026)

Solomon, T. (2020) Status, emotions, and US-Iran nuclear politics. Routledge

Karyotis, G., Leontitsis, V., Tsagroni, V., Vosinakis, G., Gerodimos, R., Dimopoulou, D., Skleparis, D. (2020) Comparative Analysis of Migrant and Refugee Integration in Greece (Συγκριτική Ανάλυση Ένταξης Μεταναστών και Προσφύγων στην Ελλάδα)

Crilley, R., Chatterje-Doody, P. N. (2020) Emotions and war on YouTube: affective investments in RT’s visual narratives of the conflict in Syria. Cambridge Review of International Affairs, 33, pp. 713-733. (doi: 10.1080/09557571.2020.1719038)

McLaren, L., Paterson, I. (2020) Generational change and attitudes to immigration. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 46, pp. 665-682. (doi: 10.1080/1369183X.2018.1550170)

Tsourapas, G. (2020) The long arm of the Arab state. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 43, pp. 351-370. (doi: 10.1080/01419870.2019.1585558)

Tsourapas, G. (2020) Theorizing state-diaspora relations in the Middle East: Authoritarian emigration states in comparative perspective. Mediterranean Politics, 25, pp. 135-159. (doi: 10.1080/13629395.2018.1511299)


Solomon, T. (2019) Rhythm and mobilization in international relations. International Studies Quarterly, 63, pp. 1001-1013. (doi: 10.1093/isq/sqz074)

Redwood, H., Wedderburn, A. (2019) A cat-and-Maus game: the politics of truth and reconciliation in post-conflict comics. Review of International Studies, 45, pp. 588-606. (doi: 10.1017/s0260210519000147)

Tsourapas, G. (2019) The Syrian refugee crisis and foreign policy decision-making in Jordan, Lebanon, and Turkey. Journal of Global Security Studies, 4, pp. 464-481. (doi: 10.1093/jogss/ogz016)

Wedderburn, A. (2019) Boris Johnson compared himself to the Hulk. That’s a big clue about British politics. Washington Post, pp. 26 Sep.

Tsourapas, G. (2019) A tightening grip abroad: authoritarian regimes target their emigrant and diaspora communities.

Crilley, R. (2019) Cyberwar: How Russian Hackers and Trolls Helped Elect a President—What We Don’t, Can’t, and Do Know. Journal of Communication, 69, pp. E10-E12. (doi: 10.1093/joc/jqz017)

Crilley, R. (2019) This Is belonging: children and British military recruitment. Edward Elgar Publishing

Karyotis, G. (2019) The five stages of grief: austerity politics in Greece. Political Studies Association

Tsourapas, G. (2019) Syrian refugees have become pawns in their host nations’ politics. Washington Post, pp. 17 Jun.

Machold, R. (2019) The Privatization of Israeli Security By Shir Hever. London: Pluto Press, 2018. 256 pp. Hardcover. ISBN 978-0-7453-3720-3. Conflict and Society, 5, pp. 204-205. (doi: 10.3167/arcs.2019.050113)

Van Rythoven, E., Solomon, T. (2019) Encounters between affect and emotion: studying order and disorder in international politics. Routledge

Beattie, A. R., Eroukhmanoff, C., Head, N. (2019) Introduction: interrogating the ‘everyday’ politics of emotions in international relations. Journal of International Political Theory, 15, pp. 136-147. (doi: 10.1177/1755088219830428)

Saunders, R. A., Crilley, R. (2019) Pissing on the past: the highland clearances, effigial resistance and the everyday politics of the urinal = Pisser sur le passé: Les dédouanements des hautes terres, la résistance à l’effigie et la politique quotidienne de l’urinoir = Orinando en el pasado: Las separaciones de las tierras altas, la resistencia efigial y la política cotidiana del urinario. Millennium: Journal of International Studies, 47, pp. 444-469. (doi: 10.1177/0305829819840422)

Tsourapas, G. (2019) The politics of migration interdependence in the post-Arab Spring Middle East. Edward Elgar

Tsourapas, G. (2019) Diaspora politics in illiberal contexts: Authoritarianism and cross-border mobility in the modern Middle East. The American University in Cairo Press

(2019) Gendering Security and Insecurity: Post/Neocolonial Security Logics and Feminist Interventions.

Adamson, F. B., Tsourapas, G. (2019) Migration diplomacy in world politics. International Studies Perspectives, 20, pp. 113-128. (doi: 10.1093/isp/eky015)

Tsourapas, G. (2019) How migration deals lead to refugee commodification. Refugees Deeply, pp. 13 Feb.

Wedderburn, A. (2019) Cartooning the camp: aesthetic interruption and the limits of political possibility. Millennium: Journal of International Studies, 47, pp. 169-189. (doi: 10.1177/0305829818799884)

Chaterje-Doody, P. N., Crilley, R. (2019) Populism and contemporary global media: populist communication logics and the co-construction of Transnational identities. Palgrave Macmillan

Crilley, R., Gillespie, M. (2019) What to do about social media? Politics, populism and journalism. Journalism: Theory, Practice and Criticism, 20, pp. 173-176. (doi: 10.1177/1464884918807344)

Sapsford, R., Tsourapas, G., Abbott, P., Teti, A. (2019) Corruption, trust, inclusion and cohesion in North Africa and the Middle East. Applied Research in Quality of Life, 14, pp. 1-21. (doi: 10.1007/s11482-017-9578-8)

Chatterje-Doody, P. N., Crilley, R. (2019) Making sense of emotions and affective investments in war: RT and the Syrian conflict on YouTube. Media and Communication, 7, pp. 167-178. (doi: 10.17645/mac.v7i3.1911)

Crilley, R., Chatterje-Doody, P. (2019) Security studies in the age of ‘post-truth’ politics: in defence of poststructuralism. Critical Studies on Security, 7, pp. 166-170. (doi: 10.1080/21624887.2018.1441634)

Wedderburn, A. (2019) The appropriation of an icon: Guernica, remade. International Feminist Journal of Politics, 21, pp. 480-487. (doi: 10.1080/14616742.2019.1598778)


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Robinson, C. (2018) Making migration knowable and governable: benchmarking practices as technologies of global migration governance. International Political Sociology, 12, pp. 418-437. (doi: 10.1093/ips/oly020)

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Manor, I., Crilley, R. (2018) The aesthetics of violent extremist and counter-violent extremist communication. Routledge

Manor, I., Crilley, R. (2018) Visually framing the Gaza War of 2014: the Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Twitter. Media, War and Conflict, 11, pp. 369-391. (doi: 10.1177/1750635218780564)

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Dingli, S., Khalfey, S. (2018) Silence, exit and the politics of piety: challenging logocentrism in political theory. Routledge

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Tsourapas, G. (2018) Egypt: migration and diaspora politics in an emerging transit country.

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Tsourapas, G. (2018) Labor migrants as political leverage: migration interdependence and coercion in the Mediterranean. International Studies Quarterly, 62, pp. 383-395. (doi: 10.1093/isq/sqx088)

Karyotis, G., Rüdig, W. (2018) The three waves of anti-austerity protest in Greece, 2010-2015. Political Studies Review, 16, pp. 158-169. (doi: 10.1177/1478929916685728)

Tsourapas, G. (2018) The peculiar practices of 'authoritarian emigration states' British Academy Review, pp. 22-24.

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Wedderburn, A. (2018) Tragedy, genealogy and theories of International Relations. European Journal of International Relations, 24, pp. 177-197. (doi: 10.1177/1354066116689131)

Dingli, S., Purewal, N. (2018) Gendering (in)security: interrogating security logics within states of exception. Third World Thematics: A TWQ Journal, 3, pp. 153-163. (doi: 10.1080/23802014.2018.1510295)


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Solomon, T., Steele, B. J. (2017) Micro-moves in international relations theory. European Journal of International Relations, 23, pp. 267-291. (doi: 10.1177/1354066116634442)

Tsourapas, G. (2017) The politics of Egyptian regional migration: examining autocratic cooperation processes in the Arab world. Springer

Tsourapas, G. (2017) The politics of “exit”: emigration & subject-making processes in modern Egypt. Mashriq and Mahjar, 4, pp. 29-49. (doi: 10.24847/44i2017.119)

Solomon, T. (2017) Identity, affective attachments, and US-Iranian nuclear politics. Routledge

Tsourapas, G. (2017) Migration diplomacy in the Global South: cooperation, coercion and issue linkage in Gaddafi’s Libya. Third World Quarterly, 38, pp. 2367-2385. (doi: 10.1080/01436597.2017.1350102)

Machold, R. (2017) Militarising Mumbai? The ‘politics’ of response. Contexto Internacional, 39, pp. 477-498. (doi: 10.1590/s0102-8529.2017390300002)

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Solomon, T. (2016) Psychoanalytic theory and textual interpretation. Routledge

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Machold, R. (2016) Security Preparedness in European Cities. Is it really time to learn from Israel?

Machold, R. (2016) Learning from Israel? ‘26/11’ and the anti-politics of urban security governance. Security Dialogue, 47, pp. 275-291. (doi: 10.1177/0967010616645019)

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Crilley, R. (2016) Counter-recruitment and anti-military organizing: lessons from the field. Critical Military Studies, 2, pp. 267-270. (doi: 10.1080/23337486.2016.1192830)

Tsourapas, G. (2016) Hero of the Crossing: How Anwar Sadat and the 1973 War Changed the World. Journal for Peace and Justice Studies, 26, pp. 114-117. (doi: 10.5840/peacejustice201626221)

Tsourapas, G. (2016) Nasser’s educators and agitators across al-Watan al-‘Arabi: tracing the foreign policy importance of Egyptian regional migration, 1952-1967. British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies, 43, pp. 324-341. (doi: 10.1080/13530194.2015.1102708)

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Karyotis, G., Rüdig, W., Judge, D. (2016) Representação e Politicas de Austeridade: uma comparação das atitudes entre Massas e Elites na Grécia. Assembleia da República, Coleção Parlamento

Karyotis, G., Skleparis, D. (2016) Resistance to the criminalization of migration: migrant protest in Greece. Columbia University Press

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