Knowing Ways: Critical Learning in Arts Practice

EDINBURGH, Scotland 8-10 September 2011
The Knowing Ways Conference brings together international partners to investigate and disseminate knowledge about critical learning in arts practice through the following four strands of inquiry:

  • Arts & Human Rights
  • Arts & Health
  • Artists & Critical Learning
  • Developing international practice – no mean model

For more information please see: Knowing Ways - Call for Contributions

or contact Stephanie Knight, Conference Director 

Creative Scotland is offering 40 bursaries for artists based in Scotland to participate in this conference. If you are interested in applying for one of these, please contact Stephanie Knight.

Inaugural International Rule of Law Lecture: “The Future of Zimbabwe?”

Monday 22 August 2011, 17:30, The Faculty of Advocates, The Mackenzie Building, Old Assembly Close, 172 High Street, Edinburgh EH1, 1QX

The Faculty of Advocates in association with The Bar Human Rights Committee of the Bar Council of England and Wales are pleased to invite you to this inaugural lecture delivered by guest speaker, Senior advocate Mordecai Mahlangu.

This will be followed by a wider debate chaired by Mark Muller Stuart QC on “Mediating Justice in War and Peace”.

Panel includes:

  • Sir Kieran Prendergast, former UN and British Diplomat, on Zimbabwe, Israel and Turkey
  • Marie Colvin, The Times war correspondent
  • Professor Alan Miller, Chair of the Scottish Human Rights Commission
  • Dr. Sara Paikiasothy Savarvanamuttu, Executive Director of the Centre for Policy Alternatives (CPA)
  • Mordecai Mahlangu, Human Rights Advocate

War Crimes and human rights atrocities have been alleged to have been perpetrated in countries such as Libya, Sri Lanka, Zimbabwe and Gaza.  The UN Doctrine of Responsibility to Protect has been tested to the limit.  Meanwhile the International Criminal Court has issued a number of writs against leaders such as Gaddafi.  When and in what circumstances should the UN intervene militarily in countries to save lives?  How can democratic reform and reconciliation be encouraged in these countries in such a climate?  We invite you to debate the most pressing international issues of our time with a unique panel of experts.

Followed by a Drinks Reception.  This event will qualify for 1.5 hrs of CPD

For further information and RSVP, please contact

Download flyer: 110822 Rule of Law Lecture

Legal Services Agency: Fatal Accident Inquiries Seminar

Monday 4 July 2011, 10.00 - 13.00, The Board Room, Legal Services Agency Ltd., 3rd Floor, Fleming House, 134 Renfrew Street, Glasgow

This practical seminar will update practitioners on the Fatal Accidents and Sudden Deaths Inquiry (Scotland) Act 1976.  This seminar aims to discuss the Fatal Accident Inquiry process from the point of the Crown's decision as to whether or not to hold an inquiry, up to the Sheriff's determination.  Both speakers draw on having significant experience in conducting Fatal Accident Inquiries and will offer practical tips for practitioners and will reflect on relevant human rights issues.

CPD 3 hours
COST £90.00 full price/£80.00 LSA members/£60.00 Concessionary cost places

OBJECTIVES This seminar aims to discuss issues affecting interested parties, summarise key cases, provide practical tips for preparation and presentation and address topical issues such as the positive obligations implied within Article 2 ECHR, the Judicial Review remedy, and the findings of the 2008 Review of Fatal Accident Inquiry Legislation.

For more information and to book please visit: 

Working Together for Equality

Free Event Wednesday 29 June 9.30 - 2.00pm

EveryoneIN is a joint project between Equality Network and BEMIS bringing people together from across the equality strands of race, faith, gender identity and sexual orientation.  This work is funded by the EHRC.  The Equality Network is now also working on a new project to tackle isolation and discrimination experienced by disabled people who are LGBT.  This work is funded by the Scottish Government.

We wish to invite you to a free double-bill event:

  • to update you about our work;
  • explain how you can get involved; and
  • follow up discussions at our recent LGBT asylum report launch

 Our event is organised in conjunction with Glasgow Refugee Asylum Migrant Network (GRAMNet).

TO BOOK A PLACE: Please complete the booking form (110629 Working together for equality Booking form) and return it to Lynne Davies  Please specify if you wish to come to one or both parts of the event and let us know if you have any access or dietary requirements

Cross Party Group on Human Rights Meeting

Tuesday 21 June, 6pm, Committee Room 6, Scottish Parliament, Edinburgh EH99 1SP      

The Cross Party Group on Human Rights exists to foster discussion of human rights issues relevant to the remit and business agenda of the Scottish Parliament. The cross-party nature of the Group allows for a non-partisan discussion, bringing together politicians from across the political spectrum and interested parties from outside the Parliament.  The first meeting of the Group in the new session of the Parliament will take place on Tuesday 21st June at 6pm in Committee Room 6. Tea, coffee and fruit will be provided.

The topic for discussion will be sectarianism, with a particular focus on the proposed legislation which will shortly be placed before the Parliament. The timescale for consideration of this legislation will be very short and the meeting therefore provides a valuable opportunity to consider the proposals from a human rights perspective, with a particular focus on balancing rights to freedom of speech and cultural expression with protecting individual and community safety. Various interested parties have agreed to take part in the discussion and I am just waiting to hear if one of the civil servants drafting the legislation will be able to attend and will circulate final details later.  As the first meeting of the new session we will start by electing a new Convenor, Vice-Convenors, Secretary and Treasurer.

Membership of the Group is free and open to all (we will ask for a voluntary contribution at some point to cover meeting expenses).  If you would like to be added to the Group's mailing list then please contact John Watson on 
For more information on cross party groups see 

Conference: Child Soldiers: Protection and Rehabilitation - An Interdisciplinary Approach

Friday 27 May 2011

Recent media coverage of the use of child soldiers in Libya and the use of 12 year old suicide bombers by the Taliban in their spring offensive, brings home to us this ongoing abuse of children in times of war.  The Tavistock is hosting an innovative conference where the legal and therapeutic perspectives of this complex phenomenon will be explored.  Legal and clinical practitioners and trainees are welcome.

Chaired by Baroness Hale from the Supreme Court, high quality speakers who are the best in their field will present their views, including:

  • Joe Ukemenam who will be interviewed about his experiences as a child solider in Africa
  • The President of the Asylum Tribunal, Mr. Justice Nicholas Blake
  • Mike Thomson, BBC Journalist, whose reports back from the frontline experiences of child soldiers are featured on the Today programme on Radio 4
  • Geoffrey Robertson QC will talk about his experiences as a Judge on the United Nations special court dealing with child soldiers from Sierra Leone
  • Dr Renos Papadopoulos and Dr David Bell will address the difficulties of treatment and assessment of child solders and the role of the expert witness

The fee for the conference is £130 and places are limited, so apply early. To book your place, please use see the event programme below or contact 020 8938 2285.

Download: 110527 Child Soldiers - Programme

Seminar: Human Rights in a Time of Recession

Wednesday 4 May 2011, 2-4pm, Centre for the Study of Human Rights Law, University of Strathclyde, Graham Hills Building, 50 George St, Room 724

This seminar will consider questions relating to the place, role and impact of human rights in the current context of public spending cuts. It will include discussion of the challenges posed by the development of a human rights framework to audit government budgets.


  • Mr. Duncan Wilson, Head of Legal, Scottish Human Rights Commission
    ‘Introduction: Human Rights Law as a Framework for Decision-Making’
  • Dr. Aoife Nolan, Senior Lecturer in Law, member of Human Rights Centre, Durham University
    ‘Economic and Social Rights Budget Analysis: Concepts and Challenges’
  • Dr. Rory O’Connell, Senior Lecturer in Law, member of Human Rights Centre, Queen’s University Belfast.
    ‘Economic and Social Rights, Budget Analysis and Devolved Government in Northern Ireland’

Refreshments will be provided. To reserve a place please contact Laura at


Webcast: The Roots of the Revolution: Through the Eyes of Egyptian Youth

Monday 2 May 2011, 1.00pm

Join a live International webcast discussion.  Egypt's youth were the engine that drove the revolution.  Join a discussion with over one dozen of these remarkable young leaders as they share their experiences, hopes, and aspirations for their new Egypt.  Also participating in this live event, via videoconference, will be a group of American youth from Boston, Massachusetts who will be asking questions of the Egyptian youth leaders.

The on-line discussion will be facilitated by prominent Northeastern University Professor Denis J. Sullivan.  Mr. Sullivan is Director of Northeastern Univesity’s International Affairs program and its’ Middle East Center for Peace, Culture, and Development.
To register for this FREE event visit
Registration begins on Monday, April 4, 2011.
Log-on Monday, May 2, 2011: This event is sponsored by: Empower Peace, 
If your schedule does not permit you to participate in the live webcast, you can view it at your convenience @ starting Tuesday, May 3, 2011.

Reception: Films for Human Rights Education in Schools

Tuesday 19 April 2011, 5.00 - 7.00pm The Goethe Institute, 3 Park Circus, Glasgow, G3 6AX

We would like to invite you to a reception and presentation at The Goethe Institute to mark the launch of an international cultural exchange between Document Festival & Perspektive with a focus on films for human rights education in schools.
RSVP: Paula Larkin  0141 332 9311 
Please see the event flyer for more information: 110419 Document Festival & Perspektive

Anne Frank Scotland: A History for Today

St Aloysius Parish Hall and Church, Springburn,  9 - 28 April 2011

Anne Frank Scotland invites you and your guests to two special evening events we are hosting this month.  As part of our current community project in North Glasgow, funded by Sense over Sectarianism, our exhibition, Anne Frank: A History for Today, is on display and available for booked tours at St Aloysius Parish Hall and Church in Springburn from April 9th until 28th.  Creative work contributed by volunteers and school pupils involved in the project will also be displayed at the venue.

There are also drop-in sessions where all are welcome to tour the exhibition and creative display.  The exhibition is suitable for those aged 10 and over.  The drop-in sessions will take place at the following dates and times:

  • Mon 11 April 6-8pm
  • Tues 12 April 1-3pm
  • Thurs 14 April 1-3pm
  • Sat 16 April 1-3pm (with refreshments)
  • Mon 18 April 1-3pm
  • Tue 19 April 6-8pm
  • Tue 26 April 1-3pm

Tours can be arranged for other dates and times by emailing or by calling 07525 351803.  Please leave a message with your contact details, when you would like to attend and how many places are required. (The same email address and telephone number should be used to book places for our evening events.)

The two special evening events have been arranged to complement the exhibition and creative display, in line with the aims and objectives of the project.  On the evening of Wednesday 13 April, we are honoured to present a talk given by Henry Wuga, a Holocaust survivor and Kindertransportee.  Our second evening event takes place on Thursday 28 April, when we are delighted to present a performance of 'The Uninvited' by Elizabeth Mansfield of Ensemble Theatre.  Both events will be followed by a question and answer/discussion session, and those who wish to visit the exhibition and display are invited to do so prior to the talk/performance.  Both events will take place at St Aloysius Parish Church (while the exhibition can be viewed in the adjoining Parish Hall); further details can be found in the attached flyer.

We do hope you are available to attend one or both of these events, and ask you to forward details of the events and open sessions to colleagues, clients, contacts and friends who you think may be interested in coming along.