GHRN Public Seminar: "An update from Afghanistan: Beyond Three Cups of Tea"

Monday 19 March 2012, 17.00, Adam Smith Lecture Theatre 916, 3rd Floor - Level 9, University of Glasgow
Location D8 on Campus Map:

Speaker: Agus Wandi (Programme Specialist for the UNDP Support to Afghanistan Peace and Reintegration Programme)

Agus Wandi brings to us a report from the front lines of post-conflict recovery, stabilisation and nation-building in Afghanistan. Away from the news headlines, what is happening in today's Afghanistan? How do Afghans feel about their future and what is the role of the international community? What is the impact of the growing regional influence of Pakistan and Iran? Agus Wandi will critically engage with the dominant discourses on intervention, democratic mobilization and development shaping our current thinking on Afghanistan. He will also draw upon his own experiences from working in Kosovo, Timor Leste, and Aceh where he was also a human rights activist and fierce critique of the Suharto regime. 

About the speaker:  Agus Wandi is a post-conflict consultant, currently working as Programme Specialist for the UNDP Support to Afghanistan Peace and Reintegration Programme (APRP).  He has worked on disarmament, demobilization and reintegration (DDR), conflict mediation and reconciliation issues in Asia.  He was a human right lawyer in Indonesia and was a Weatherhead Center for International Affairs (WCFIA) fellow at Harvard University.  He is a member of the United Nations Mediation Roster.

Please note that Agus Wandi will be speaking in a personal capacity.

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