LGBTI Human Rights in the Commonwealth

Please see the Conference Webpage including links to the conference statement and pictures, and videos of all main panel sessions.

Conference partners include GHRN, Equality Network, Kaleidoscope Trust and Pride Glasgow

18th July 2014, 9.00am - 5.00pm
1 University Avenue, at junction with Gibson Street
Sir Charles Wilson Building, University of Glasgow

‘LGBTI Human Rights in the Commonwealth’ is a free one day conference.  The event is being held in Glasgow on Friday 18th July, five days before the opening of the Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games.

The aims of the conference are to create a focus for  lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and intersex (LGBTI) human rights discussions in the run up to the games, providing a space to share ideas, practice and campaigns, engaging participants in global human rights issues and ensuring the visibility of Commonwealth LGBTI people and culture during the games.

The conference is being co-organised by Matthew Waites, Senior Lecturer in Sociology, of the GHRN in partnership with the Equality Network, Kaleidoscope Trust and Pride Glasgow.  Matthew Waites is co-editor (with Corinne Lennox) of the volume Human Rights, Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity in the Commonwealth: Struggles for Decriminalisation and Change, which is available free online for everyone to read or download (click here:; Facebook site: For conference updates via Twitter follow @MatthewWaites , the conference hashtag is #lgbtihrc for advance and live tweeting.

You can download the full conference programme‌.

Maps, travel, visitor information and accessibility

The venue is wheelchair accessible via an entrance on the left side with buzzer.  For further disability/health access requirements, contact Equality Network: , tel. 0131 467 6039.

For full details and to register, please visit the Conference website.


Graduate Conference 2015

Graduate Conference on Human Rights: Challenges to Human Rights Theory and Practice

Thursday 21st May 2015

Wolfson Medical School Building, University of Glasgow

Organised by the Postgraduate Cluster of the Glasgow Human Rights Network (GHRN)

The keynote speech, The Human Rights State: A User's Guide, will be delivered by Professor Benjamin Gregg, University of Austin at Texas, on the eveniing of Wednesday 20th May in Lecture Theatre 2 (Room 222), Boyd Orr Building (more details to follow).

More information on the conference and how to register will be published soon.

You can follow the event on Facebook.‌