Contemporary Challenges of the International Protection of Human Rights

Bertrand Ramcharan, former UN High Commissioner for Human Rights

Sir Charles Wilson Building Lecture Theatre, University of Glasgow

Wednesday 19th October, 5.30pm

The current need for the international protection of human rights is being felt precisely because national protection, and indeed regional protection, are mostly lacking. Not only are numerous governments failing to protect the human rights of their subjects but, instead, in many instances, they are themselves the perpetrators of violations. The talk will explore the structural, strategic, political and institutional challenges as well as, at a global level, the normative and policy challenges.  The picture of the contemporary challenges of international protection is a stark one.  How are we to turn this situation around?  Bertrand Ramcharan recommends we educate, organize and agitate in favour of universal ground rules.

The lecture will be followed by a wine reception.  Everyone is welcome.  If you would like to attend, please register on the Eventbrite site.

First published: 25 August 2016