Monday 18th April 2016, 9.30am - 5.00pm

Sir Hugh Fraser Seminar Room, Wolfson Medical School Building

This workshop and roundtable event brings together academics and professionals engaged in human rights related work to exchange thoughts on the role of media in human rights debates.

What to expect:

• Leading speakers with insights in key human rights debates:

  1. EU Refugee Crisis and Media
  2. LGBT+ Human Rights and Media
  3. Women’s Rights and Media
  4. Racism, Politics and Media

• Two open roundtable debates


  • Emma Briant, Lecturer in Journalism Studies, University of Sheffield
  • David Torrance, author, broadcaster and Columnist for The Herald newspaper, Scotland
  • Rachel Krys, Communications Director, Equally Ours, London
  • Dr Mari K. Niemi, senior researcher, freelance journalist, Academic of the Year (2015 Finland), University of Turku

Tickets are free, but spaces are limited and offered on a first come first serve basis. Lunch will be provided. The event is supported by Glasgow Knowledge Exchange funds and the Glasgow Human Rights Network.  Please register via Eventbrite.

For more information contact co-convenors:

Participant Information:

Speaker presentations will guide four focused debates. These will be developed further via two additional roundtable sessions. The proceedings will be used to inform two main outputs: (a) a policy brief; and (b) a media tool kit. The oral contributions used to inform outputs will be anonymised. It is intended for all discourse to be recorded on a Dictaphone, which will be transcribed and used to generate these and other outputs, e.g. blog posts. Outputs will be disseminated publicly, online and beyond. Participation in the above workshop proceedings will be considered as the participant’s agreement and informed consent.


First published: 22 February 2016