Women resist exploitation in Central America and South Africa: what lessons can we learn?

Friday 30 November, 14.00 - 17.00, St Andrews building, Room 227 (E14)

Joint event with Central American Women’s Network and Glasgow Human Right’s Network


Reyna Quintanilla, campaigner at 'Honduran Collective of Women' (CODEMUH) http://codemuh.net/ 

Ex-maquila worker and currently CODEMUH's organiser & member of staff, Reyna campaigns on behalf of women's workers in Honduran EPZ (Export Processing Zones) where more than 75% of workers are women. Violence at the workplace, health and safety issues, and very precarious work conditions are some of the challenges workers face in the maquilas. Reina helps them to raise their voice against these abuses and lobbies for a reform of Honduras' outdated labour codes, which would significantly improve sweatshop working conditions.

Patricia Dyata, Secretary General at 'Sikhula Sonke' http://www.ssonke.org.za/ 

A former farm worker and dweller Patricia now acts as the Secretary General of a women-led trade union for farmers in South Africa and campaigns for their labour and housing rights, including a living wage, decent healthcare provision and maternity and paternity leaves. Sikhula Sonke also supports unionized workers who face harassment from their employers and police.

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