- Cattò, C., A. Mu, J.W. Moreau, N. Wang, F. Cappitelli, and R. Strugnell (2023, in press) Biofilm colonization of stone materials from an Australian outdoor cultural heritage site: importance of geometry and exposure. Journal of Environmental Management.
- Moreau, J.W. (2023, in prep.) Geomicrobiology of mercury, in Geomicrobiology, Vol. 2: Natural and anthropogenic settings, Eds. L. Barton and L. Staicu, Springer.
- Lin*†, H., E.R.R. Moody, T.A. Williams and J.W. Moreau† (2023). On the origin and evolution of microbial mercury methylation. Genome Biology & Evolution 15, p. evad051. †Contributed equally.
- Monaghan, A. et al. (+25 co-authors; 2022). Time zero for net zero: a coal mine baseline for decarbonizing heat. Earth Science, Systems and Society,
- Capo, E. et al. (+28 co-authors; 2022). A concensus protocol for the recovery of mercury methylation genes from metagenomes. Molecular Ecology Resources, 15 Jul 2022.
- Cumberland*, S.A., K. Evans, G. Douglas, M. de Jonge, L. Fletcher, D. Howard, D. Hay and J.W. Moreau (2021). Characterisation of uranium-pyrite associations within organic-rich Eocene sediments using EM, XFM-µXANES and µXRD. Ore Geology Reviews, 133, 104051.
- Lin*, H., Ascher, D.B., Myung, Y., Lamborg, C.H., Hallam, S.J., Gionfriddo, C.M., Holt, K.E. and Moreau, J.W., 2021. Mercury methylation by metabolically versatile and cosmopolitan marine bacteria. The ISME journal, 15(6), pp.1810-1825.
- Shafiei*, F., Watts*, M.P., Pajank*, L. and J.W. Moreau (2021). The effect of heavy metals on thiocyanate biodegradation by an autotrophic microbial consortium enriched from mine tailings. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 105(1), pp.417-427.
- Voutsinos*, M.Y., Banfield, J.F. and Moreau, J.W. (2020). Secondary lanthanide phosphate mineralization in weathering profiles of I-, S-, and A-type granites. Mineralogical Magazine, pp.1-30.
- Ling*, Y.C. and J.W. Moreau (2020) Bacterial predation limits microbial sulfate-reduction in a coastal acid sulfate soil (CASS) ecosystem. Soil Biology and Biochemistry.
- Mu*, A., B.C. Thomas, J.F. Banfield, and J.W. Moreau. (2020) Subsurface carbon monoxide oxidation capacity revealed through genome-resolved metagenomics of a carboxydotroph. Environmental Microbiology Reports.
- Soares, A., Edwards, A., An, D., Bagnoud, A., Bradley, J., Barnhart, E., Bomberg, M., Buwill, K., Caffrey, S. M., Fields, M., Gralnick, J., Kadnikov, V., Momper, L., Osburn, M., Mu, A., Moreau, J. W., Moser, D., Purkamo, L., Rassner, R. M., Sheik, C. S., Sherwood Lollar, B., Toner, B. M., Voordouw, G., Wouters, K., & Mitchell, A. C. A global perspective on microbial diversity in the terrestrial deep subsurface. BioRxiv,
- Gionfriddo*, C.M., M.J. Stott, J. Power, J. Ogorek, D.P. Krabbenhoft, R. Wick, K.E. Holt, L.-X. Chen, B. Thomas, J.F. Banfield, and J.W. Moreau (2020) Genome-resolved metagenomics and detailed geochemical speciation analyses yield new insights into microbial mercury cycling in geothermal springs, Applied and Environmental Microbiology.
- Awais, M.J., W. Neil, G. McAdam, J.W. Moreau and S. Wade (2020) Microbiologically influenced corrosion of stainless steel by sulfate reducing bacteria: a tale of caution, Corrosion,
- Armbrecht, L.H., M.J.L. Coolen, F. Lejzerowicz, S.C. George, K. Neghandi, Y. Suzuki, J. Young, N.R. Foster, L.K. Armand, A. Cooper, M. Ostrowski, A. Focardi, M. Stat, J.W. Moreau and L.S. Weyrich (2019) Ancient DNA from marine sediments: precautions and considerations for seafloor coring, sample handling and data generation. Earth-Science Reviews, 196,
- Watts*, M.P., L.P. Spurr*, K.-A. Lê Cao, R. Wick, J.F. Banfield and J.W. Moreau (2019) Genome-resolved metagenomics of an autotrophic microbial thiocyanate-degrading bioreactor consortium. Water Research, 158, 106-117.
- Spurr*, L.P., M.P. Watts*, H.M. Gan and J.W. Moreau (2019) Bioremediation of thiocyanate by a microbial consortium enriched from contaminated groundwater. PeerJ.
- Mu, A. and J.W. Moreau (2019) Can bacteria living underground help fight climate change? Frontiers for Young Minds,
- Cox*, T.L., H.M. Gan and J.W. Moreau (2019) Deep seawater circulation sustains an aero-tolerant population of sulfate-reducing bacteria in the subseafloor. Geobiology, 17, 172-184,
- Watts*, M.P. and J.W. Moreau (2018) Thiocyanate bioremediation: harnessing microbial metabolism for mine remediation. Microbiology Australia, 39, 157-161.
- Cumberland*, S.A., B. Etschmann, J. Brugger, G. Douglas, K. Evans, L. Fisher, P. Kappen and J.W. Moreau (2018). Characterization of uranium redox state in organic-rich Eocene sediments. Chemosphere, 194, 602-613.
- Ling*, Y.C., H.M. Gan, M. Bush, R. Bush and J.W. Moreau (2018) Time-resolved microbial guild responses to tidal cycling in a coastal acid-sulfate system. Environmental Chemistry, 15, 2-17.
- Vu*, H.P. and J.W. Moreau (2018). Effects of environmental parameters on thiocyanate biodegradation by Burkholderia phytofirmans candidate strain ST01hv. Environmental Engineering Science, 35, 62-66.
- Watts*, M.P., H.M. Gan, L.Y. Peng, K.-A. Lê Cao and J.W. Moreau (2017). In situ stimulation of thiocyanate biodegradation through phosphate amendment in gold mine tailings water. Environmental Science & Technology, 51, pp. 13353-13362.
- Watts*, M.P., L.P. Spurr*, H.M. Gan and J.W. Moreau (2017). Characterization of an autotrophic bioreactor microbial consortium degrading thiocyanate. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 21, 501-513.
- Moreau, J.W. (2017) Sulfate-reducing bacteria: applications to metals bioremediation and biorecovery, in Das, S. and H.R. Dash (Eds.) Handbook of Metal-Microbe Interactions and Bioremediation. Taylor & Francis, CRC Press.
- Hug*, K., W. Maher, F. Krikowa, S. Foster and J.W. Moreau (2017), Experimental evaluation of sampling, storage and analytical protocols for measuring arsenic speciation in sulphidic hot spring waters. Microchemical Journal, 130, 162-167.
- Gionfriddo*, C.M., M. Tate, R.R. Wick, M.B. Schultz, A. Zemla, M.P. Thelen, R. Schofield, D.P. Krabbenhoft, K.E. Holt and J.W. Moreau (2016) Microbial mercury methylation in Antarctic sea ice. Nature Microbiology, 1,
- Cumberland, S.A.*, G. Douglas, K. Grice and J.W. Moreau (2016) Uranium mobility in organic-matter rich sediments: a review of geological and geochemical processes. Earth Science Reviews, 159, 160-185.
- Watts*, M.P. and J.W. Moreau (2016) New insights into the genetic and metabolic diversity of thiocyanate-degrading microbial consortia. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 100, 1101-1108.
- Moreau, J.W., C.M. Gionfriddo*, D.P. Krabbenhoft, J.M. Ogorek, G.R. Aiken and E.E. Roden (2015) The Effect of Natural Organic Matter on Mercury Methylation by Desulfobulbus propionicus 1pr3. Frontiers in Microbiology,
- Houghton, K.M., X.C. Morgan, K. Lagutin, A.D. MacKenzie, M. Vyssotski, K. Mitchell, I.R. McDonald, H.W. Morgan, J.F. Power, J.W. Moreau, E. Hanssen, M.B. Stott (2015) Thermorudis dilitiriophila WKT50.2T sp. nov., a novel isolate of class Thermomicrobia isolated from geothermal soil, and emended descriptions of Thermomicrobium roseum and Sphaerobacter thermophiles. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, 65, 4479-4487,
- Ling, Y.C.*, R. Bush, K. Grice, S. Tulipani, L. Berwick and J.W. Moreau (2015) Distribution of iron- and sulfur-cycling bacteria across a coastal acid sulfate soil (CASS) environment: implications for passive bioremediation by tidal inundation. Frontiers in Microbiology,
- Torres, M.E., T. Cox*, W.-L. Hong, J. McManus, C. Destregneville, H.M. Gan, C. Austin and J.W. Moreau (2015), Crustal Fluids and Ash Alteration Impact on the Biosphere of Shikoku Basin Sediments, Nankai Trough, Japan; Geobiology.
- Andrade, K., J. Logemann, K.B. Heidelberg, J.B. Emerson, L.R. Comolli, L.A. Hug, A. Keillar*, B.C. Thomas, C.S. Miller, E.E. Allen, J.W. Moreau, J.J. Brocks and J.F. Banfield (2015), Metagenomic and lipid analyses reveal a diel cycle in a hypersaline microbial ecosystem. ISME Journal.
- Mu, A.* and J.W. Moreau (2015) The Geomicrobiology of CO2 geosequestration: a focused review on prokaryotic community responses to field-scale CO2 injection. Frontiers in Microbiology
- Anders, H., J.F. Power, A.D. MacKenzie, K. Lagutin, M. Vyssotski, E. Hanssen, J.W. Moreau, and M.B. Stott. (2015) Limisphaera ngatamarikiensis gen. nov. sp. nov., a thermophilic, pink-pigmented coccus isolated from subaqueous mud of a geothermal hotspring in New Zealand. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, 65, 1114-1121,
- Vu*, H.P. and J.W. Moreau (2015) Thiocyanate adsorption on ferrihydrite and its fate during ferrihydrite transformation to hematite and goethite. Chemosphere, 119, 987-993.
- Gionfriddo*, C.M., J.M. Ogorek, M. Butcher, D.P. Krabbenhoft, and J.W. Moreau (2015) Mercury distribution and mobility at the abandoned Puhipuhi mercury mine, Northland, New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics, 58, 78-87.
- Hug*, K., W. Maher, M.B. Stott F. Krikowa, S. Foster and J.W. Moreau (2014). Microbial contributions to coupled arsenic and sulfur cycling in the acid-sulfide hot spring Champagne Pool, New Zealand. Frontiers in Microbiology, 5, article 569,
- J.W. Moreau and A.M. Minard* (2014) Coupled nitrogen and oxygen isotope study of nitrate at a rural unlined landfill in western Victoria, Australia. American Journal of Environmental Sciences, 10, 383-390, DOI:10.3844/ajessp.2014.383.390.
- Mu*, A., C. Boreham, H. Leong*, R. Haese and J.W. Moreau (2014) Changes in the deep subsurface microbial biosphere resulting from a field-scale CO2 geosequestration experiment. Frontiers in Microbiology, 5, 1-11,
- Anders, H. P.F. Dunfield, K. Lagutin, K.M. Houghton, J.F. Power, A.D. MacKenzie, M. Vyssotski, J.L. Ryan, E. Hanssen, J.W. Moreau, and M.B. Stott. (2014) Thermoflavifilum aggregans gen. nov. sp. nov., a thermophilic and slightly halophilic filamentous bacterium from the phylum Bacteroidetes. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, 64, 1264-1270.
- Carroll, A.G., R. Przeslawski, L.C. Radke, J.R. Black, K. Picard, J.W. Moreau, R.R. Haese, S. Nichol (2014) Environmental considerations for subseabed geological storage of CO2. Continental Shelf Research, 83, 116-128.
- Horvath*, A.S., L.V. Garrick* and J.W. Moreau (2013) Manganese-reducing Pseudomonas fluorescens-group bacteria control arsenic mobility in gold mining-contaminated groundwater. Environmental Earth Sciences, 71, 4187-4189.
- Vu*, H.P., A. Mu* and J.W. Moreau (2013) Isolation of a novel thiocyanate-degrading Burkholderia strain from soil contaminated by gold mine tailings. Letters in Applied Microbiology, 57, 368-372. DOI:10.1111/lam.12123.
- Moreau, J.W., J. Fournelle and J.F. Banfield (2013) Quantifying heavy metals sequestration by sulfate-reducing bacteria in an acid mine drainage-contaminated wetland. Frontiers in Microbiology, 4:43.