Former eSharp board members

Former eSharp board members

The following people were members of the eSharp Editorial Board between 2002 and the present day, some as founding members, some for a few years, and some for just one year, before moving on to greater things.

If you are an ex-Sharper and would like your information to be added, amended or updated, please contact us.

 NameDates involved Current post/affiliation
Sotirios Frantzanas 2012 - 2014 University of Glasgow
Lorna MacBean 2013 - 2014 University of Glasgow
Calum Rodger 2011 - 2013 University of Glasgow
Sophie Kromholz 2011 - 2013 University of Glasgow
Nicola Carty 2011 - 2013 University of Glasgow
 Kat Hughes 2008-2011  
Rebecca DeWald   University of Glasgow
Victoria Woolner    
Susan Bell    
Emma Gascoigne    
Mira Knoche    
Luca Guariento   University of Glasgow

Shona Allison

 Nessa Johnston 2010-2011 University of Glasgow
 Marc Alexander 2005-2009 Lecturer, University of Glasgow

 Aishah Alshatti



 Elizabeth Anderson  2005-2007 University of Glasgow

 Fiona Barclay


Lecturer, University of Stirling

 Julie Barr (Makinson)


Archivist, SOAS

 Karla Benske


Widening Participation Project Co-ordinator, University of Glasgow

 Ellen Bramwell  2007-2008 Research Assistant, University of Glasgow
 Karen Calpin  2007-2008 University of Glasgow

 Amy Cartwright


UK GRAD Programme Scotland and Northern Ireland Hub Manager

 Jenny Craig  2007-2008 Adjunct Professor, Drew University
 Fraser Dallachy    

 Eugene DeKlerk


 Lecturer, Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University

 Christina Fawcett  2006-2008 English Instructor, University of Winnipeg

 Valentina Feklyunina



 Bethany Fox



 Monica Germana  2002-2007 Lecturer, Roehampton University
 Johanna Green  2006-2008 Research Assistant, University of Glasgow

 Alaric Hall


Lecturer, University of Leeds

 Ruth Hawthorn  2006-2008 University of Glasgow
 Simone Hutchinson  2008  

 Simon Innes


Assistant Professor of Celtic Languages and Literatures, Harvard University

 Dorian Grieve  2006-2010 Research Assistant, University of Glasgow

 Laura Jakobsen-Gowing



 Kris Jurgens



 Leonidas Konstantelos  2004-2006 Preservations Research Officer, University of Glasgow
 Aurelia Laitano  2005-2006  

 Murray Leith


Lecturer, University of Paisley

 Hannah Little  2007-2008 Archivist, Glasgow Women's Library
 Phillipa Lovatt  2007-2008 University of Glasgow
 David Lundie  2008 Postdoctoral Associate, Cornell University
 Anneliese Mackintosh  2007-2008  

 Kate Maxwell



 Rachel McAdams  2007-2008  

 Janet MacDonald


University of Glasgow

 Erin-Lee McGuire  2006-2008 Lecturer, University of Victoria

 Shona McIntosh


Teaching Fellow, University of Exeter

 Stephanie McKendry


Special Needs Admin Coordinator, University of Paisley

 Diana Michalic



 Jason Monson  2007-2008 Lecturer, Utah Valley University
 Michael Morris    
 Caitriona Noonan  2007-2008 Lecturer, University of Glamorgan

 Kathleen O'Neill



 Efthymia Priki    
 Miriam Ross  2007-2009 Lecturer, Victoria University of Wellington

 Francesca Sapsford


University of Birmingham

 Fabian Schuppert



 Emily Smith



 Lauren Smithson



 Daniel Soule


Lecturer in Academic Writing, Glasgow Caledonian University

 Francesca Stella



 Fiona Stewart  2006-2008 Lecturer, Penn State University

 Alison Swain


University of Glasgow

 Sowaribi Tolofari  2007-2008 University of Glasgow

 Katy Turton


Lecturer, Queen's University, Belfast

 Sebastiaan Verweij


Research Fellow, University of Cambridge

 Errolinda Ward



 Lucy Whiteley


University of Glasgow