Case studies
The Employability in Programme Development (EPD) projects set out to explore the feedback loop between the labour market and Higher Education Institutions. In particular, it attempts to assess the use of this labour market information in curriculum design. The project is premised on the assumption that the effective use of labour market information in course and programme design can enhance the employability of our future graduates.
The case study collection below covers a diverse cross-section of UK and mainland European universities and provides an insight into some of the most serious contemporary attempts to embed employability within the curriculum, drawing on labour market information.
Labour market informed curriculum design
- Improving Nursing employability through curricular change (Interuniversity Council of Catalonia, Spain)
- Labour market informed degree creation (Conestoga College, Canada)
- Preparing Graduates for the 21st Century Job Market (University of Huddersfield)
Institution-wide initiatives
- Aspire: A cross-institutional approach to embedding employability skills (University of West of Scotland)
- Boosting employability at Edge Hill University (Edge Hill University)
- Career Activation Programme (City, University of London)
- Cracking the employability code - Sheffield Hallam University (Sheffield Hallam University)
- Pillars of Employability : Implementing an employability framework at UCL (University College London)
- RGU+ - An institutional approach to ensure consistancy of employability support (Robert Gordon University)
- Surfacing Skills at the University of Leeds – An Institutional Approach (University of Leeds)
- The Employability Healthcheck Model (Gradcore)
- Working holistically to ensure excellence in graduate employability (Esade Law School, Barcelona)
Discipline -led initiatives
Single university approaches:
- Avoiding a Bolt-on Approach - Linking employability and sustainability (Newcastle University)
- Developing graduate attributes through a credit-bearing placements course (University of Glasgow)
- Developing professional skills for Psychology students (University of Glasgow)
- Embedding Employer Informed Applied Research and Quantitative Skills (University of Reading)
- Embedding Graduate Attributes into the Medical Curriculum (University of Glasgow)
- S.He goes digital- Getting Women into IT by Design (Vrije Universiteit Brussels [VUB])
Inter-university approaches:
- Cross-institutional collaboration - Physics graduates into technical careers (White Rose Industrial Physics Academy)
- Graduates for a Greater Manchester- enhancing graduate skills for IT and Tech (Manchester Metropolitan University and University of Manchester)
Paradigm shifting initiatives
- Peer Enhanced E-placement (University of East Anglia)
- Edinburgh Futures Institute - Equipping graduates for complex futures (University of Edinburgh)
- Building entrepreneurial skills - TecnoCampus (University Pompeu Fabra)