Nano-Electronic Simulation Software (NESS)
Nano-Electronic Simulation Software (NESS) is flexible, easy to use and extandable computational framework aiming to simulate novel electronic devices. NESS provides free open source implementations of semiconductor device simulation tools supporting classical and quantum approaches to pave the way for potential future electronic technologies. NESS has two main modules: the structure generator and the numerical solvers modules. The structure generator creates the geometry of the devices, defines the materials in each region of the simulation domain and includes eventually sources of statistical variability. An example of a circular nanowire with LER, RDD and MGG variability sources is shown below:
The charge transport models and corresponding equations are implemented within the numerical solvers module which are solved self-consistently with Poisson equation. Currently, NESS contains a drift-diffusion (DD), Kubo-Greenwood (KG), and non-equilibrium Greens function (NEGF) solvers.
How to Cite
Berrada, S., et al. "Nano-electronic Simulation Software (NESS): a flexible nano-device simulation platform." J Comput Electron, 19, pages 1031–1046 (2020).
Medina-Bailon, C., et al. "Nano-Electronic Simulation Software (NESS): A Novel Open-Source TCAD Simulation Environment", J. Microelectron. Manuf. 3, 20030407 (2020) doi: 10.33079/jomm.20030407