Device Modelling Group has three papers accepted to EUROSOI-ULIS Conference 2022. Congratulations to all of the authors. 

The papers are: 

1. Dhar, R., Kumar, N., Pascual Garcia, C., Georgiev, V. (2022) Assessing the effect of scaling high-aspect-ratio ISFET with physical model interface for nano-biosensing application Solid-State Electronics, (doi: 10.1016/j.sse.2022.108374)

2. Rezaei, A., Maciazek, P., Sengupta, A., Dutta, T., Medina-Bailon, C., Asenov, A., Georgiev, V. P. (2022) Statistical device simulations of III-V nanowire resonant tunneling diodes as physical unclonable functions source Solid-State Electronics, 194, (doi: 10.1016/j.sse.2022.108339)

3. Gauhar, G. A., Chenchety, A., Yenugula, H., Georgiev, V., Asenov, A., Badami, O. (2022) Study of gate current in advanced MOS architectures Solid-State Electronics, (doi: 10.1016/j.sse.2022.108345)

First published: 15 May 2022

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