The Varieties of Indoctrination (V-Indoc) dataset is a global dataset on the politicization of education and the media, which is created using the V-Dem infrastructure and draws on the information provided by 760 country experts. The dataset offers unrivaled coverage of 160 countries from 1945-2021, and presents a wide array of unique indices and indicators on indoctrination efforts in education and the media. The data should facilitate richer and more expansive empirical examinations of the causes and consequences of indoctrination around the world and over time. In addition to our own original data, we further provide harmonised variables for existing education and media data (e.g. World Bank, UNESCO) to provide the most comprehensive data on these topics.
The launch webinar can be viewed below, and related working papers can be found under the Publications and Papers section.
V-Indoc Launch Webinar
The V-Indoc dataset was publicly launched on 28 February 2023, and the launch webinar was attended by 171 individuals. See the recording of the webinar, which also includes an overview of the V-Indoc Shiny app. The slides for the presentation can be found HERE.