AI narratives: more than power, drama and media hype

Published: 13 May 2024

Reading we recommend: the power dynamics and narratives surrounding AI

Rachel Coldicutt's op-ed reflects on the power dynamics and narratives surrounding Artificial Intelligence (AI). Using her experiences and the 2023 'Great AI Safety Hype Roadshow', she critiques the media-friendly 'p(doom)' discourse highlighting AI's existential risks.

Rachel argues that this dramatic, simplified narrative captures public attention and amplifies the influence of tech leaders, diverting focus from current harms. Her piece calls for a more nuanced understanding of technology, incorporating social, cultural and media literacy to assess the rhetoric of those in power critically.

Rachel will discuss these insights at the upcoming conference—tickets are free and still available. You can read her full article here:

First published: 13 May 2024

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