Our vision

Our vision is rooted in the belief that AI should not exacerbate existing societal inequalities but rather serve as a tool for positive change and community building. We envision a future where AI is developed, deployed and governed in a manner that prioritises fairness, inclusion and social good. Through interdisciplinary collaboration and the sharing of diverse perspectives, we aspire to create a framework that guides ethical AI development and use within academic institutions and broader society.

The Lovelace-Hodgkin Symposium provides a platform for professionals in AI and equality, diversity and inclusion to share their expertise and insights with the public, staff and students. By amplifying the voices of individuals from minority groups and emphasising lived experiences, we aim to cultivate a comprehensive understanding of AI's impact on society. Our purpose is to facilitate meaningful conversations, spark innovative solutions, and foster a community committed to advancing ethical AI practices.

The symposium aims to produce tangible outcomes, including a collaborative vision for an ethical framework for inclusive AI. Together we will identify perceived priorities for the university and higher education more broadly and call for actionable outputs to drive progress in AI ethics. Participants will also have an opportunity to contribute to the development of an online interactive course on the ethical use of AI.