Our research is having wide-reaching and lasting impact.
Our scientists and clinicians work in collaboration with stakeholders to design and conduct research that provides real world solutions to real world challenges. These national and international stakeholders include partners in the biotech and pharmaceutical industries, healthcare practitioners, diagnostic services, patient groups, and farmers.
Explore the links below to discover more...

COP26 - Viruses and Climate Change

COVID-19 Research Response
Public Health response, Clinical response, Research response, and Enhancing our impact

SARS-CoV-2 Surveillance in Malawi

Controlling Dengue Virus in Malaysia

Improving Dengue Diagnosis in the Philippines

Leading the fight against Zika Virus in Brazil

Ebola - Thinking Globally, Acting Locally

Virus Hunting in Uganda

Emerging Exploration in Peru

Diagnostic Standards for Human Cytomegalovirus
Developing the first international diagnostic standard for human cytomegalovirus