Internal Access Charges
Structural biology projects
We charge £14,906 per annum, per project for structural biology projects. These costs should be applied for by your project co-ordinator when writing the grant application. These charges include:
- access charges for all microscopes, as your project requires them
- access to the sample preparation lab (to cover maintenance and service contracts)
- basic sample preparation consumables in our prep lab
A structural biology project is one that follows our structure determination pathway from negative stain to cryo-grid screening and high-resolution structure determination.
Non-structural biology projects
Contact us for charges for non-structural biology uses of the microscopes, as these will vary dependent on the scale of the project. Examples of non-structural biology uses we have provided are:
- viral particle counting
- liposome morphology measurements
For work that does not need to be done in cryo, the microscopes in the Cellular Analysis facility within the MVLS Shared Research Facilities may be more appropriate.