About Us
Evidence Synthesis @CRSU is an evidence synthesis group of researchers and experts funded by the National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR) capable of delivering the best standard of evidence through identifying, evaluating and combining data from existing research. The group - one of nine NIHR-funded evidence synthesis groups - is focused primarily on the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of treatments, tests and other interventions in order to support decision-making across the health, public health and social care sectors within the UK.
The group is a collaboration between Cochrane and the Universities of Glasgow, Leicester and York and is led by Glasgow's Professor Olivia Wu, Co-Director of the Health Economics and Health Technology Assessment (HEHTA) research group.
The NIHR has recently awarded Evidence Synthesis @CRSU £2.5m to help tackle complex health and social care issues by providing research-based evidence to support important decision-making across the four UK nations.
This new award builds on the success of the existing NIHR Complex Reviews Support Unit (CRSU), a long-established collaboration with the University of Leicester, which is also led by Professor Olivia Wu and has already received over £2m from NIHR. The CRSU has also developed a suite of web-based applications to support evidence synthesis.
Read the full press release here.
The CRSU Evidence Synthesis Group is one of the evidence synthesis groups funded by the NIHR Evidence Synthesis Programme.