Criminology at Glasgow aims to better understand many kinds of harms and wrongs, and the consequences of attempts to regulate, criminalise and/or penalise these harms and wrongs.
Bradley, L., Ptolomey, A. M., Mirza, N. (2025) From emotional interruptions to wilful disruptions: Zine-making as a post-qualitative method for locating, articulating, navigating, and doing emotion in research. Social Science Research Network, (doi: 10.2139/ssrn.5141755)
Szakolczai, J. M. (2024) 'Ofcom Child Safety Act concerns' BBC Radio Scotland: Good Morning Scotland (broadcast 28 Nov 2024)
Smith, E., Nurse, A., Doornbos, E. (2024) Blue Organized and Corporate Crimes: Perspectives on Harms Against the Ocean and Marine Ecosystems.
Szakolczai, J. M., Hernandez Gomez, R. (2024) Mobile with Monsters Art Workshop.
Szakolczai, J. M. (2024) Lectio Magistralis: Sull’Intelligenza Artificiosa: Malinformazione, Astrobotting e Virtualità Irreali.
Smith, E., Balcells, M. (2024) Proposing a Victimology Model for the Trade in Cultural Objects.
Hübschle, A., Berg, J. (2024) Southern blue criminology: rethinking ocean harmscapes in a global context. Frontiers in Conservation Science, 5, (doi: 10.3389/fcosc.2024.1422829)
Johnson, K., Walling-Wefelmeyer, R., Smith, O., Hohl, K., Brooks-Hay, O. (2024) Re-imagining procedural justice in policing sexual violence: centring survivors. British Journal of Criminology, (doi: 10.1093/bjc/azae060)
Hillyard, S., Brooks-Hay, O. (2024) Is Co-Location a Useful Tool in Police and Independent Sexual Violence Advisor (ISVA) Partnership Working?
Smith, O., Brooks-Hay, O., Johnson, K. (2024) Key Findings from Operation Soteria: Pillar 3, Year 1: Embedding procedural justice and engaging victims.
Schwarze, T. (2024) Review of Carolina Sternberg 2023: Neoliberal Urban Governance. Spaces, Culture and Discourses in Buenos Aires and Chicago. Cham: Palgrave. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, (doi: 10.56949/1XUH1988)
Malik, A., Berg, J. (2024) Polycentric governance, epistocracy and the limits of policing knowledge in preparing for the climate crisis. Policing and Society, (doi: 10.1080/10439463.2024.2389961)
Schwarze, T. (2024) Henri Lefebvre. Springer VS
Smith, E. (2024) Return of Rare Lizard Specimen to Jamaica Renews Repatriation Debates. Hyperallergic,
Fraser, A., Gillon, F. (2024) The Glasgow miracle? Storytelling, violence reduction and public policy. Theoretical Criminology, 28, pp. 328 -345. (doi: 10.1177/13624806231208432)
Friskney, R. (2024) How the police (over)use explicit apology language to manage aspects of their identity. Journal of Politeness Research: Language, Behaviour, Culture, 20, pp. 373-396. (doi: 10.1515/pr-2021-0044)
Luger, J., Schwarze, T. (2024) Urban post-industrialism's long shadow and lasting spell. Dialogues in Urban Research, (doi: 10.1177/27541258241264007)
Szakolczai, J. M. (2024) Onlife Criminology: Virtual Crimes and Real Harms. Polity Press
McNeill, F., Schinkel, M. (2024) Tertiary or relational desistance: contested belonging. International Journal of Criminal Justice, 6, pp. 47-74.
Brooks-Hay, O., Burman, M., Glinski, J. (2024) Victim-Survivor Views and Experiences of Sentencing for Rape and Other Sexual Offences.
Schwarze, T., Jankowski, K. Z. (2024) Rhythms, dressage and pacemaking in South Side Chicago: Examining the construction site of the Obama Presidential Center. Urban Geography, (doi: 10.1080/02723638.2024.2334175)
Berg, J., Shearing, C. (2024) ‘Everything-old-is-new-again’: private urban security governance responses to new harmscapes. Urban Studies, (doi: 10.1177/00420980241231240)
Hunter, C. L.C., McNeill, F., Tripkovic, M. (2024) Criminal disenfranchisement: Developments in, and lessons from, Scotland. Howard Journal of Crime and Justice, 63, pp. 62-81. (doi: 10.1111/hojo.12546)
Watson, D., Berg, J., Laponi, L. (2024) Actioning the human rights agenda and issues of access to justice. Palgrave Macmillan
Luger, J., Schwarze, T. (2024) Leaving post-industrial urban studies behind? Dialogues in Urban Research, (doi: 10.1177/27541258241230058)
Armstrong, S., Barkas, B., Allan, L., Allan, S., Cairns, D. (2024) Nothing to See Here? Deaths in Custody and FAIs in Scotland 2023.
Cooper-Knock, S.J., Berg, J., Diphoorn, T. (2024) Publics of policing: Expanding approaches to nodal policing. Policing and Society, 34, pp. 87-103. (doi: 10.1080/10439463.2023.2255922)
Schwarze, T., Fraser, A. (2024) Critical Approaches to Gangs. Oxford University Press
Nair, S. (2024) Speak-out movements from the margins: an intersectional and spatial analysis of sexual violence in India. Journal of Gender Studies, 33, pp. 112-123. (doi: 10.1080/09589236.2023.2216637)
Koffeld-Hamidane, S., Schinkel, M., Andvig, E., Karlsson, B. (2024) Nuances of fragmentation, (mis)recognition and closeness: Narratives of challenges and support during resettlement. Punishment and Society, 26, pp. 187-207. (doi: 10.1177/14624745231203961)
Fraser, A., Irwin-Rogers, K., Gillon, F., McVie, S., Schwarze, T. (2024) Safe Space? The past, present and future of violence reduction in Scotland.
Pickering, L., Armstrong, S. (2024) Connected by Isolations: overlaps, refractions and difference in a four-fold view of lockdown inequality in Scotland. Routledge
Smith, E. (2024) Scholarly facilitation of the illicit trade in cultural objects: providing a veneer of legitimacy. Advances in Archaeological Practice,
Schwarze, T. (2023) “Missing the community for the dots”: newspaper crime maps, territorial stigma and visual criminology. Critical Criminology, 31, pp. 1155-1171. (doi: 10.1007/s10612-023-09720-w)
Szakolczai, J. M., Casey, R., Cullen, A., Qvist-Baudry, E., Fraser, A. (2023) Public Space CCTV: Research Findings.
McNeill, F. (2023) Rehabilitation, recognition and misrecognition. Kriminologia, 3, pp. 109-120. (doi: 10.54332/krim.138656)
Armstrong, S. (2023) Crisis or opportunity? International income growth in Scottish universities during Covid-19. Scottish Affairs, 32, pp. 425-448. (doi: 10.3366/scot.2023.0474)
Burman, M., Brooks-Hay, O., Friskney, R. (2023) Operationalising coercive control: early insights on the policing of the Domestic Abuse (Scotland) Act 2018. Oxford University Press
Schwarze, T. (2023) Space, Urban Politics, and Everyday Life: Henri Lefebvre and the U.S. City. Palgrave Macmillan
Brodie, N., Kersel, M., Mackenzie, S., Sabrine, I., Smith, E., Yates, D., Soares, A., Benevides, G. (2023) Por que ainda há um comércio ilícito de objetos culturais e o que podemos fazer a esse respeito = Why there is still an illicit trade in cultural objects and what we can do about it. Tirant lo blanch
Smith, E. (2023) The Sun is Setting on the British Museum. Hyperallergic,
Buchan, J., McNeill, F. (2023) Progressive penality as performance. Howard Journal of Crime and Justice, 62, pp. 325-340. (doi: 10.1111/hojo.12516)
Batchelor, S. A., Gormley, C. (2023) Repeat Violence in Scotland: A Qualitative Approach.
Smith, E. (2023) Activists Protest at Rubin Museum-Backed Exhibition in Nepal. Hyperallergic,
Szakolczai, J. M. (2023) Exiting the captaverse: digital resistance and its limits pre and post the Covid-19 pandemic. Criminology and Criminal Justice, (doi: 10.1177/17488958231184695)
Armstrong, S. (2023) Profiting from pandemic? Scottish Universities during Covid-19., (doi: 10.20944/preprints202306.0832.v1)
Fraser, A. (2023) Gangs and the gig economy: triads, precarity and illicit work in Hong Kong. British Journal of Criminology, (doi: 10.1093/bjc/azad018)
Szakolczai, J. M. (2023) Digital (In)justice: Security, Surveillance and the Future of Justice.
Smith, E., Thompson, E. L. (2023) A case study of academic facilitation of the global illicit trade in cultural objects: Mary Slusser in Nepal. International Journal of Cultural Property, (doi: 10.1017/S0940739123000048)
Smith, E. (2023) How a Nepali Statue Found Its Way Back Home.
Myhill, A., Hohl, K., Johnson, K. (2023) The ‘officer effect’ in risk assessment for domestic abuse: findings from a mixed methods study in England and Wales. European Journal of Criminology, 20, pp. 856-877. (doi: 10.1177/14773708231156331)
Myhill, A., Johnson, K., McNeill, A., Critchfield, E., Westmarland, N. (2023) `A genuine one usually sticks out a mile': policing coercive control in England and Wales. Policing and Society, 33, pp. 398-413. (doi: 10.1080/10439463.2022.2134370)
Berg, J. (2023) Private security. Oxford University Press
Smith, E., Heys, C. (2023) Ethical and mental health considerations for research into trade and trafficking of natural resources. Conservation Letters, 16, (doi: 10.1111/conl.12926)
Johnson, K., Hohl, K. (2023) Police responses to domestic abuse during the COVID-19 pandemic: positive action and police legitimacy. Policing, 17, (doi: 10.1093/police/paac108)
Smith, E., Smith, O. (2023) The Maldives: Republic of Maldives, Indian Ocean. Policy Press
Smith, E. (2023) The hippie trail: Nepal, South Asia. Policy Press
Walling-Wefelmeyer, R., Johnson, K., Westmarland, N., Dhir, A., Lyons Sumroy, A. (2023) Teaching for social change: introducing ‘scrapbooking’ as a pedagogic approach towards ending gender-based violence. Journal of Gender-Based Violence, 7, pp. 128-145. (doi: 10.1332/239868021X16661126604534)
(2023) Domestic Violence and COVID-19: The 2020 Lockdown in the European Union. (doi: 10.1007/978-3-031-15335-8)
Armstrong, S., Pickering, L. (2023) A difference of sameness: Home as a site of research in a study of Covid inequalities in Scotland. Association of Social Anthropologists of the UK
McNeill, F. (2023) Beyond the individual: correcting corrections. Journal of Community Justice, 32, pp. 5-11.
Burman, M., Friskney, R., Mair, J., Whitecross, R. (2023) Domestic abuse and child contact in Scotland: the perspectives of family law practitioners. Journal of Social Welfare and Family Law, 45, pp. 234-248. (doi: 10.1080/09649069.2023.2243147)
Burman, M., Gelsthorpe, L. (2023) Feminist criminology: inequalities, powerlessness and justice. Oxford University Press
Smith, E. (2023) Pema and the Stolen Statue from Dolpa. SAMA
Szakolczai, J. M. (2022) "No human's land": comparing war rhetoric and collective sacrifice in the Great War with the pandemic. Routledge
Smith, E. (2022) Dolpa’s cultural heritage does not belong in a museum.
Schwarze, T., Fatsis, L. (2022) Copping the blame: the role of YouTube videos in the criminalisation of UK drill music. Popular Music, 41, pp. 463-480. (doi: 10.1017/S0261143022000563)
Burman, M., Friskney, R., Mair, J., Whitecross, R. (2022) Domestic Abuse and Child Contact: The Interface Between Criminal and Civil Proceedings.
Armstrong, S., Allan, L., Cairns, D., Allan, S., Barkas, B. (2022) Still nothing to see here? One year update on prison deaths and FAI outcomes in Scotland.
Berg, J., Lamb, G. (2022) Plural Policing in Crisis: Inclusive security provision in violent and unequal societies. Routledge
Gormley, C., Reilly, J., Casey, R. (2022) Unmarking prison time during the Covid-19 pandemic. Palgrave Macmillan
McNeill, F., Thomas, P. C., Frödén, L. C., Collinson Scott, J., Escobar, O., Urie, A. (2022) Time after time: imprisonment, re-entry and enduring temporariness. Palgrave Macmillan
(2022) Reimagining Probation Practice: Re-forming Rehabilitation in an Age of Penal Excess. (doi: 10.4324/9781003172031)
Brooks-Hay, O., Saunders, K., Burman, M. (2022) A toxic mix: the impact of COVID-19 lockdown measures on the post-separation experiences of domestic abuse survivors. Journal of Gender-Based Violence, 6, pp. 426-441. (doi: 10.1332/239868021X16536613142067)
Schwarze, T. (2022) Discursive practices of territorial stigmatization: how newspapers frame violence and crime in a Chicago community. Urban Geography, 43, pp. 1415-1436. (doi: 10.1080/02723638.2021.1913015)
Smith, E. (2022) The ongoing quest to return Nepal's looted cultural heritage. Georgetown Journal of International Affairs, 23, pp. 264-271. (doi: 10.1353/gia.2022.0039)
McNeill, F. (2022) Halfway Home: Race, Punishment and the Afterlife of Mass Incarceration by Miller R. Punishment and Society, (doi: 10.1177/14624745221114157)
McNeill, F. (2022) Imagining Generative Justice.
Smith, E. (2022) A Small Community in Nepal Wants Its Stolen God Back.
Henry, N., Gavey, N., Johnson, K. (2022) Image-based sexual abuse as a means of coercive control: victim-survivor experiences. Violence Against Women, (doi: 10.1177/10778012221114918)
Yates, D., Smith, E. (2022) Museums and the market: passive facilitation of the illicit trade in antiquities. Oxford University Press
Smith, E. (2022) Notes from the field: Dolpa.
Kjellgren, R., Hamilton-Smith, N., Fraser, A. (2022) Criminal Grades? Contract cheating and student exploitation in Higher Education.
Weaver, B., Fraser, A. (2022) The social dynamics of group-offending. Theoretical Criminology, 26, pp. 264-284. (doi: 10.1177/13624806211030459)
Werner, C., Schwarze, T. (2022) From ‘Hood’ to Good – Dealing with Stigmatizing Spatial Representations in Everyday Life. (doi: 10.5281/zenodo.5767182)
Fraser, A. (2022) Entering the street field: a case study on gangs. Oxford University Press
Schwarze, T., Wilson, D. (2022) Silencing, urban growth machines, and the Obama Presidential Center on Chicago's South Side. Frontiers in Sustainable Cities, 4, (doi: 10.3389/frsc.2022.835674)
Smith, E. (2022) The Ongoing Looting of Sri Lanka’s Cultural Heritage.
Piacentini, T., Mirza, N., Gilmour, M. (2022) Challenges of language, accessibility and ethics when conducting digital interviews in the virtual space. SAGE Publishing
Chantler, K., Mirza, N., Mackenzie, M. (2022) Policy and professional responses to forced marriage in Scotland. British Journal of Social Work, 52, pp. 833-849. (doi: 10.1093/bjsw/bcab068)
Armstrong, S., Barkas, B., Casey, R., Cornish, N., Gormley, C., McNeill, F., Schinkel, M. (2022) Prisoner experiences of Covid-19 Restrictions in Scotland during 2020.
Fraser, A., Van Hellemont, E. (2022) Six lines: a methodological agenda for critical gang studies. Critical Criminology, 30, pp. 13-28. (doi: 10.1007/s10612-022-09617-0)
Stevenson Murer, J., Schwarze, T. (2022) Social rituals of pain: the socio-symbolic meaning of violence in gang initiations. International Journal of Politics, Culture, and Society, 35, pp. 95-110. (doi: 10.1007/s10767-020-09392-2)
Gormley, C. (2022) The hidden harms of prison life for people with learning disabilities. British Journal of Criminology, 62, pp. 261-278. (doi: 10.1093/bjc/azab061)
Nair, S. (2022) Memory is the most important strategy in Kashmir: Khurram Parvez, on thirty-one years since Kunan Poshpora.
Szakolczai, J. M. (2022) "Flawless": The staging of pandemic-driven remote interviews and the polishing of the onlife persona. Sociological Observer, 4, pp. 32-39.
Brodie, N., Kersel, M. M., Mackenzie, S., Sabrine, I., Smith, E., Yates, D. (2022) Why there is still an illicit trade in cultural objects and what we can do about it. Journal of Field Archaeology, 47, pp. 117-130. (doi: 10.1080/00934690.2021.1996979)
Berg, J., Shearing, C. (2022) Private security's accountabilities within polycentric assemblages. International Journal of Comparative and Applied Criminal Justice, 46, pp. 1-13. (doi: 10.1080/01924036.2020.1788959)
Hohl, K., Johnson, K., Molisso, S. (2022) A procedural justice theory approach to police engagement with victim-survivors of rape and sexual assault: initial findings of the ‘project bluestone’ pilot study. International Criminology, 2, pp. 253-261. (doi: 10.1007/s43576-022-00056-z)
Smith, O., Johnson, K., Brooks-Hay, O. (2022) Detailed Learning from Pillar 3 of Soteria: Embedding procedural justice and engaging victims.
Smith, E., Ristiawan, R., Sudarmadi, T. (2022) Protection and repatriation of cultural heritage – country report: Indonesia. Santander Art and Culture Law Review, 2022, pp. 383-406. (doi: 10.4467/2450050XSNR.22.025.17038)
Szakolczai, J. M. (2021) 'What have you caught?' Nannycams and hidden cameras as normalised surveillance of the intimate. Routledge
Luger, J., Schwarze, T. (2021) Cafés, cocktail coves, and “empathy walls”: Comparing urban and exurban everyday life through a Lefebvrian lens. Geoforum, 127, pp. 151-161. (doi: 10.1016/j.geoforum.2021.10.012)
Friskney, R., Brooks-Hay, O., Burman, M. (2021) Frontline responses to domestic abuse in Scotland. University of Maribor University Press
Gormley, C., Watson, N. (2021) Inaccessible justice: exploring the barriers to justice and fairness for disabled people accused of a crime. Howard Journal of Crime and Justice, 60, pp. 493-510. (doi: 10.1111/hojo.12433)
Casey, R., McNeill, F., Barkas, B., Cornish, N., Gormley, C., Schinkel, M. (2021) Pervasive punishment in a pandemic. Probation Journal, 68, pp. 476-492. (doi: 10.1177/02645505211050871)
Kersten, J., Vogt, C., Burman, M., Houtsonen, J., Leonhardmair, N., Herbinger, P. (2021) Risk-assessment and victim-support recommendations during the COVID-19-related lockdowns. University of Maribor University Press
Smith, E. (2021) Evaluating the transformative potential of photovoice for research into the global illicit trade in cultural objects. Springer
Rackley, E., McGlynn, C., Johnson, K., Henry, N., Gavey, N., Flynn, A., Powell, A. (2021) Seeking justice and redress for victim-survivors of image-based sexual abuse. Feminist Legal Studies, 29, pp. 293-322. (doi: 10.1007/s10691-021-09460-8)
Barkas, B., Allan, L., Allan, S., Armstrong, S., Kinnear, D. (2021) A Defective System: Case Analysis of 15 Years of Fatal Accident Inquiries After Deaths in Prison.
Armstrong, S., Allan, L., Allan, S., Barkas, B., Kinnear, D. (2021) Nothing to See Here?: Statistical Briefing on 15 Years of FAIs into Deaths in Custody.
Fraser, A., Clark, A. (2021) Damaged hardmen: organised crime and the half-life of deindustrialisation. British Journal of Sociology, 72, pp. 1062-1076. (doi: 10.1111/1468-4446.12828)
Barlow, C., Walklate, S., Johnson, K. (2021) Risk refraction: Thoughts on the victim-survivor's risk journey through the criminal justice process. International Journal for Crime, Justice and Social Democracy, 10, pp. 177-190. (doi: 10.5204/ijcjsd.1805)
Fraser, A., Matthews, D. (2021) Towards a criminology of atmospheres: law, affect and the codes of the street. Criminology and Criminal Justice, 21, pp. 455-471. (doi: 10.1177/1748895819874853)
Batchelor, S. A. (2021) Fighting like a boy? Victimization and agency in the lives of young women who offend. Berghahn Books
McGlynn, C., Johnson, K., Rackley, E., Henry, N., Gavey, N., Flynn, A., Powell, A. (2021) `It's torture for the soul': The harms of image-based sexual abuse. Social and Legal Studies, 30, pp. 541-562. (doi: 10.1177/0964663920947791)
Nair, S. (2021) Chimamanda Adichie's essay and the rise of trans exclusionary feminism.
Schwarze, T. (2021) Gangs, space and the state: bringing Henri Lefebvre’s spatial theory to critical gang studies. Routledge
McGlynn, C., Johnson, K. (2021) Criminalising cyberflashing: Options for law reform. Journal of Criminal Law, 85, pp. 171-188. (doi: 10.1177/0022018320972306)
Clark, A., Fraser, A., Hamilton-Smith, N. (2021) Networked territorialism: the routes and roots of organised crime. Trends in Organized Crime, 24, pp. 246-262. (doi: 10.1007/s12117-020-09393-9)
Fraser, A., Schliehe, A. (2021) The carceral city: confinement and order in Hong Kong’s forbidden enclave. British Journal of Criminology, 61, pp. 587-606. (doi: 10.1093/bjc/azaa087)
Lucas, S. E., Mirza, N., Westwood, J. (2021) ‘Any d*** can make a baby, but it takes a real man to be a dad’: group work for fathers. Qualitative Social Work, 20, pp. 718-737. (doi: 10.1177/1473325020909431)
Armstrong, S., Fletcher, M. (2021) 'It starts with conversations': Civic Engagement in the College of Social Sciences.
Smith, E. (2021) In Myanmar, protests harness creativity and humor.
Burman, M., Brindley, S. (2021) Challenges in the investigation and prosecution of rape and serious sexual offences in Scotland. Routledge
McGlynn, C., Johnson, K. (2021) Cyberflashing: Recognising Harms, Reforming Laws. Bristol University Press
Nair, S. (2021) Call it what it is: Rape.
Thompson, E. L., Smith, E. (2021) Stumbling towards repatriation.
Armstrong, S., Biber, K., Linneman, T. (2021) Catching our breath: reading the pandemic through crime, media and culture. Crime Media Culture, 17, pp. 3-5. (doi: 10.1177/1741659020952586)
Berg, J., Shearing, C. (2021) Criminology: some lines of flight. Journal of Criminology, 54, pp. 21-33. (doi: 10.1177/26338076211014569)
Berg, J. (2021) Policing reform in the context of plural policing: the South African case. Policing, 15, pp. 412-424. (doi: 10.1093/police/paaa075)
Thomas, P. C., McNeill, F., Cathcart Froden, L., Collinson Scott, J., Escobar, O., Urie, A. (2021) Re-writing punishment? Songs and narrative problem-solving. Incarceration, 2, (doi: 10.1177/26326663211000239)
Armstrong, S., Sokhi Watson, D. (2021) Early impact of Covid-19 restrictions on Muslim & Black minority ethnic women in Scotland: analysis of survey data.
Fraser, A. (2021) The street as an affective atmosphere. Emerald Publishing Limited
Szakolczai, J. M. (2021) "Nothing new in the West": paralleling the war rhetoric and measures of the COVID-19 pandemic with the WW1 horrors described by Erich Maria Remarque. International Political Anthropology, 14, pp. 113-124. (doi: 10.5281/zenodo.5721749)
Fraser, A., Laidler, K., Leung, H. (2021) A genealogy of gangs in Hong Kong. Routledge
Schinkel, M., Lives Sentenced Participants, . (2021) Persistent short-term imprisonment: belonging as a lens to understand its shifting meanings over the life course. Incarceration, 2, pp. 1-20. (doi: 10.1177/2632666321989018)
Fraser, A., Armstrong, G., Hobbs, D. (2021) Policing the Olympic gang: the rise and fall of the Portuguese mafia. Policing and Society, 31, pp. 195-208. (doi: 10.1080/10439463.2019.1700985)
Hohl, K., Johnson, K. (2021) Responding to the Covid-19 domestic abuse crisis: developing a rapid police evidence base.
Armstrong, S., McCulloch, P., Weaver, B., Reed, D. (2020) Measuring Justice: Defining Concepts, Developing Practice.
Bradley, L., Brooks, O., Burman, M. (2020) Justice journeys: Survivor stories.
Armstrong, S. et al. (2020) Left out and locked down: impacts of COVID-19 for marginalised groups in Scotland.
Berg, J., Shearing, C. (2020) Polycentric security governance and sustainable development in the Global South. Emerald Publishing Limited
Burman, M., Dawson, K., McDougall, L., Morton, K., Nokhbatolfoghahai, F. (2020) Building authentic partnerships for responding to gender-based violence in Universities. Oxford University Press
Nair, S. (2020) Increasing age of marriage will be exercise of carceral power by state which will disproportionately affect Dalit, Adivasi women.
Burman, M., Brooks-Hay, O. (2020) Feminist framings of victim advocacy in criminal justice contexts. Palgrave Macmillan
Armstrong, S., Pickering, L. (2020) Scotland in Lockdown: How Have COVID-19 Measures Affected Your Life?
Williamson, E., Lombard, N., Brooks-Hay, O. (2020) Domestic violence and abuse, coronavirus, and the media narrative. Journal of Gender-Based Violence, 4, pp. 289-294. (doi: 10.1332/239868020x15893043718030)
Mirza, N., Wilks, L. (2020) Reframing agency in abusive contexts: beyond ‘free choice’ and ‘open resistance’ Journal of Gender-Based Violence, 4, pp. 295. (doi: 10.1332/239868020x15909982106020)
McNeill, F., Urie, A. (2020) Collaboration before collaborative research: the development of ‘Distant Voices’ Methodological Innovations, 13, pp. 1-11. (doi: 10.1177/2059799120937270)
Brooks-Hay, O. (2020) Doing the “right thing”? Understanding why rape victim-survivors report to the police. Feminist Criminology, 15, pp. 174-195. (doi: 10.1177/1557085119859079)
Mason, W., Morris, K., Webb, C., Daniels, B., Featherstone, B., Bywaters, P., Mirza, N., Hooper, J., Brady, G., Bunting, L., Scourfield, J. (2020) Toward full integration of quantitative and qualitative methods in case study research: insights from investigating child welfare inequalities. Journal of Mixed Methods Research, 14, pp. 164-183. (doi: 10.1177/1558689819857972)
Armstrong, S. (2020) At risk of rights: rehabilitation, sentence management and the structural violence of prison. Critical Criminology, 28, pp. 85-105. (doi: 10.1007/s10612-020-09503-7)
McNeill, F. (2020) Penal and welfare conditionality: discipline or degradation? Social Policy and Administration, 54, pp. 295-310. (doi: 10.1111/spol.12549)
Fraser, A., Van Hellemont, E. (2020) Gangs and globalization. Oxford University Press
Batchelor, S., Fraser, A., Whittaker, L., Li, L. (2020) Precarious leisure: (re)imagining youth, transitions and temporality. Journal of Youth Studies, 23, pp. 93-108. (doi: 10.1080/13676261.2019.1710483)
Barlow, C., Johnson, K., Walklate, S., Humphreys, L. (2020) Putting coercive control into practice: problems and possibilities. British Journal of Criminology, 60, pp. 160-179. (doi: 10.1093/bjc/azz041)
Henry, N., McGlynn, C., Flynn, A., Johnson, K., Powell, A., Scott, A. J. (2020) Image-based Sexual Abuse: A Study on the Causes and Consequences of Non-consensual Nude or Sexual Imagery. Routledge
Crockett Thomas, P., Collinson Scott, J., McNeill, F., Escobar, O., Cathcart Froden, L., Urie, A. (2020) Mediating punishment? Prisoners’ songs as relational ‘problem-solving’ devices. Law Text Culture, 24,
Smith, E. (2019) Transnational crime in Asia: causes, effects, challenges. Edward Elgar
Yates, D., Smith, E. (2019) Antiquities trafficking and the provenance problem. Rowman & Littlefield
Smith, E., Yates, D. (2019) The role of provenance in illicit antiquities research: an overview. Rowman & Littlefield
Urie, A., McNeill, F., Cathcart Frödén, L., Collinson-Scott, J., Crockett Thomas, P., Escobar, O., Macleod, S., McKerracher, G. (2019) Reintegration, hospitality and hostility: song-writing and song-sharing in criminal justice. Journal of Extreme Anthropology, 3, pp. 77-101. (doi: 10.5617/jea.6914)
Batchelor, S., Armstrong, S., MacLellan, D. (2019) Taking Stock of Violence in Scotland.
(2019) The Routledge Companion to Rehabilitative Work in Criminal Justice.
Schinkel, M. (2019) Rethinking turning points: trajectories of parenthood and desistance. Journal of Developmental and Life-Course Criminology, 5, pp. 366-386. (doi: 10.1007/s40865-019-00121-8)
Fraser, A. (2019) The Gang’s All Queer: The Lives of Gay Gang Members. By V. R. Panfil (NYU Press, 2017, 312 pp. Paperback £21.99) Surviving Gangs, Violence and Racism in Cape Town: Ghetto Chameleons. By M. Rosenkratz Lindegaard (Routledge, 2018, 290 pp. Hardcover £93.50) Mano Dura: The Politics of Gang Control in El Salvador. By S. Wolf (University of Texas Press, 2017, 320 pp. Paperback £17.99) British Journal of Criminology, 59, pp. 1260-1265. (doi: 10.1093/bjc/azz014)
McNeill, F. (2019) Contesting probation in Scotland: how an agnostic perspective travels. Law and Social Enquiry, 44, pp. 814-821. (doi: 10.1017/lsi.2019.33)
Brooks-Hay, O., Burman, M., Bradley, L. (2019) Justice Journeys: Informing Policy and Practice Through Lived Experience of Victim-Survivors of Rape and Serious Sexual Assault.
Happer, C., McGuinness, P., McNeill, F., Tiripelli, G. (2019) Punishment, legitimacy and taste: the role and limits of mainstream and social media in constructing attitudes towards community sanctions. Crime, Media, Culture, 15, pp. 301-321. (doi: 10.1177/1741659018773848)
Schinkel, M., Atkinson, C., Anderson, S. (2019) 'Well-kent faces': policing persistent offenders and the possibilities for desistance. British Journal of Criminology, 59, pp. 634-652. (doi: 10.1093/bjc/azy050)
Armstrong, S., McGhee, J. (2019) Mental Health and Wellbeing of Young People in Custody: Evidence Review.
McNeill, F. (2019) Mass supervision, misrecognition and the ‘Malopticon’ Punishment and Society, 21, pp. 207-230. (doi: 10.1177/1462474518755137)
Gormley, C. (2019) The prison experiences of people with learning disabilities. Howard League for Penal Reform ECAN Bulletin, 41, pp. 32-38.
Featherstone, B., Morris, K., Daniel, B., Bywaters, P., Brady, G., Bunting, L., Mason, W., Mirza, N. (2019) Poverty, inequality, child abuse and neglect: Changing the conversation across the UK in child protection? Children and Youth Services Review, 97, pp. 127-133. (doi: 10.1016/j.childyouth.2017.06.009)
Armstrong, S., Reilly, J. (2019) Analysis of EuroPris Survey on Prison Education in Europe.
Anderson, S., McNeill, F. (2019) Desistance and cognitive transformations. Oxford University Press
Batchelor, S. A. (2019) In the footsteps of a quiet pioneer: Revisiting Pearl Jephcott’s work on youth leisure in Scotland and Hong Kong. Women's History Review, 28, pp. 762-778. (doi: 10.1080/09612025.2018.1472893)
Armstrong, S. (2018) The problem of punishment in a progressive society. Europe Now, pp. 8 Nov.
Burke, L., Collett, S., McNeill, F. (2018) Reimagining Rehabilitation: Beyond the individual. Routledge
Berg, J., Shearing, C. (2018) Governing-through-harm and public goods policing. ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 679, pp. 72-85. (doi: 10.1177/0002716218778540)
Armstrong, S. (2018) Securing prison through human rights: unanticipated implications of rights-based penal governance. Howard Journal of Criminal Justice, 57, pp. 401-421. (doi: 10.1111/hojo.12270)
Morris, K., Mason, W., Bywaters, P., Featherstone, B., Daniel, B., Brady, G., Bunting, L., Hooper, J., Mirza, N., Scourfield, J., Webb, C. (2018) Social work, poverty and child welfare interventions. Child and Family Social Work, 23, pp. 364-372. (doi: 10.1111/cfs.12423)
Armstrong, S. (2018) The cell and the corridor: imprisonment as waiting, and waiting as mobile. Time and Society, 27, pp. 133-154. (doi: 10.1177/0961463X15587835)
Fraser, A., Hamilton-Smith, N., Clark, A., Graham, W., Mcbride, M., Doyle, M., Hobbs, D. (2018) Community Experiences of Serious Organised Crime in Scotland.
Smith, E., Hübschle, A., Yates, D. (2018) Heritage, Culture and Rights: Challenging Legal Discourses. By Andrea Durbach and Lucas Lixinski (Eds.). Oxford: Hart Publishing, 2017. Law and Society Review, 52, pp. 537-540. (doi: 10.1111/lasr.12333)
McFeely, C., Burman, M., Brooks-Hay, O. (2018) Conclusion: looking back, moving forward ('Ahin/gang forward') Dunedin Academic Press
(2018) Domestic Abuse: Contemporary Perspectives and Innovative Practices.
Burman, M. (2018) Domestic abuse: a continuing challenge for criminal justice. Dunedin Academic Press
Brooks-Hay, O., Burman, M., McFeely, C. (2018) Introducing Scotland's approach to domestic abuse. Dunedin Academic Press
Brooks-Hay, O. (2018) Policing domestic abuse: the gateway to justice? Dunedin Academic Press
Brooks-Hay, O., Burman, M. (2018) Understanding, defining and measuring domestic abuse. Dunedin Academic Press
McNeill, F. (2018) Rehabilitation, corrections and society: the 2017 ICPA Distinguished Scholar Lecture. Advancing Corrections Journal, 5, pp. 10-20.
Berg, J. (2018) Review of: Paul Higate and Mats Utas, eds. Private Security in Africa: From the Global Assemblage to the Everyday. London: Zed Books, 2017. viii + 184 pp. ISBN: 9781786990259. African Studies Review, 61, pp. 259-260. (doi: 10.1017/asr.2017.137)
Burman, M., Brooks-Hay, O. (2018) Victims are more willing to report rape, so why are conviction rates still woeful? Conversation, pp. 8 Mar.
Fraser, A., Ralphs, R., Smithson, H. (2018) European youth gang policy in comparative context. Children and Society, 32, pp. 156-165. (doi: 10.1111/chso.12265)
McNeill, F., Mark, , Thomas, O., Thornden-Edwards, K. (2018) Helping, holding, hurting: a conversation about supervision. Howard Journal of Crime and Justice, 57, pp. 94-106. (doi: 10.1111/hojo.12240)
Brooks-Hay, O., Lombard, N. (2018) 'Home game': domestic abuse and football; the role of research in policy and practice. Journal of Gender-Based Violence, 2, pp. 93-108. (doi: 10.1332/239868018X15155986580769)
Schinkel, M. L. (2018) Book review: Young Offenders: Crime, Prison and Struggles for Desistance. Criminology and Criminal Justice, 18, pp. 134-135. (doi: 10.1177/1748895817729965)
Fraser, A., Hagedorn, J. M. (2018) Gangs and a global sociological imagination. Theoretical Criminology, 22, pp. 42-62. (doi: 10.1177/1362480616659129)
Burman, M., Brooks-Hay, O. (2018) Aligning policy and law? The creation of a domestic abuse offence incorporating coercive control. Criminology and Criminal Justice, 18, pp. 67-83. (doi: 10.1177/1748895817752223)
Mirza, N. (2018) Reframing agency in abusive contexts: beyond ‘free choice’ and ‘open resistance’ Journal of Gender-Based Violence, 2, pp. 41-56. (doi: 10.1332/239868017X15127297709475)
Brooks-Hay, O., Burman, M., Bradley, L., Kyle, D. (2018) Evaluation of the Rape Crisis Scotland National Advocacy Project: Final Report.
Brooks-Hay, O., Burman, M., Bradley, L., Kyle, D. (2018) Evaluation of the Rape Crisis Scotland National Advocacy Project: Summary Report.
Westmarland, N., Johnson, K., McGlynn, C. (2018) Under the radar: The widespread use of `out of court resolutions' in policing domestic violence and abuse in the United Kingdom. British Journal of Criminology, 58, pp. 1-16. (doi: 10.1093/bjc/azx004)
McNeill, F. (2018) Pervasive Punishment: Making Sense of Mass Supervision. Emerald
McIvor, G., Graham, H., McNeill, F. (2018) Prisoner resettlement in Scotland. Routledge
Gormley, C. (2018) Researching inclusively with people with learning disabilities in prisons. SAGE Publications
McNeill, F., Graham, H. (2018) Resettlement, reintegration and desistance in Europe. Routledge
Fraser, A. (2018) The ghost of ethnography future. Springer
Berg, J., Howell, S. (2018) The private security complex and its regulation in Africa: select examples from the continent. International Journal of Comparative and Applied Criminal Justice, 41, pp. 273-286. (doi: 10.1080/01924036.2017.1364280)
Mason, W., Mirza, N., Webb, C. (2018) Using the framework method to analyze mixed-methods case studies. SAGE Publications
Brooks, O. (2018) Young women’s responses to safety advice in bars and clubs: implications for future sexual violence prevention campaigns. Routledge
Brooks, O. (2017) ‘Guys! Stop doing it!’: Young women’s adoption and rejection of safety advice when socializing in bars, pubs, clubs and implications for future campaigns. Routledge
Armstrong, S., Munro, M. (2017) Scotland the Just? The SNP, crime and justice. Luath Press
Mirza, N. (2017) South Asian women’s experience of abuse by female affinal kin: a critique of mainstream conceptualisations of ‘domestic abuse’ Families, Relationships and Societies, 6, pp. 393-409. (doi: 10.1332/204674315X14501013130928)
Mirza, N. (2017) South Asian women's experiences of family abuse: the role of the husband's mother. Discover Society, pp. 31 Oct.
Nair, S. (2017) Swachh Bharat’s forgotten soldiers.
Hall-Lew, L., Friskney, R., Scobbie, J. M. (2017) Accommodation or political identity: Scottish members of the UK Parliament. Language Variation and Change, 29, pp. 341-363. (doi: 10.1017/S0954394517000175)
Gormley, C. (2017) An extended social relational approach to learning disability incarcerated. Palgrave Macmillan
Fraser, A., Batchelor, S., Ling, L. L. N., Whittaker, L. (2017) City as lens: (re)imagining youth in Glasgow and Hong Kong. Young: The Nordic Journal of Youth Research, 25, pp. 235-251. (doi: 10.1177/1103308816669642)
Yates, D., Mackenzie, S., Smith, E. (2017) The cultural capitalists: notes on the ongoing reconfiguration of trafficking culture in Asia. Crime, Media, Culture, 13, pp. 245-254. (doi: 10.1177/1741659017700947)
Fraser, A., Cheuk-Yin Li, E. (2017) The second life of Kowloon walled city: crime, consumerism and cultural memory. Crime, Media, Culture, 13, pp. 217-234. (doi: 10.1177/1741659017703681)
Batchelor, S., Fraser, A., Ling, L. L. N., Whittaker, L. (2017) (Re)Politicising young people: from Scotland’s Indyref to Hong Kong’s Umbrella Movement. Palgrave Macmillan
Fraser, A. (2017) Gangs and Crime: Critical Alternatives. Sage
Nair, S. (2017) The too smart city.
Armstrong, S. (2017) Seeing and seeing-as: building a politics of visibility in criminology. Routledge
Batchelor, S., Whittaker, L., Fraser, A., Ling, L. (2017) Leisure lives on the margins: (re)imagining youth in Glasgow East End. Policy Press
Fitzgibbon, W., Graebsch, C., McNeill, F. (2017) Pervasive punishment: experiencing supervision. Routledge
Fraser, A., Hobbs, D. (2017) Urban criminal collaborations. Oxford University Press
Gormley, C. (2017) People with Learning Disability in Scottish Prisons: Left Out Again?
Liebling, A., McNeill, F., Schmidt, B. E. (2017) Criminological engagements. Oxford University Press
Burman, M., Gelsthorpe, L. (2017) Feminist criminology: inequalities, powerlessness, and justice. Oxford University Press
Robinson, G., McNeill, F. (2017) Punishment in the community: evolution, expansion and moderation. Oxford University Press
McNeill, F. (2017) Post-script: Guide, guard and glue – Electronic monitoring and penal supervision. European Journal of Probation, 9, pp. 103-107. (doi: 10.1177/2066220317700544)
Brooks, O., Burman, M. (2017) Reporting rape: victim perspectives on advocacy support in the criminal justice process. Criminology and Criminal Justice, 17, pp. 209-225. (doi: 10.1177/1748895816667996)
Nair, S. (2017) Battles lost and won.
Bartie, A., Fraser, A. (2017) Speaking to the ‘Hard Men’: masculinities, violence and youth gangs in Glasgow, c. 1965-75. Edinburgh University Press
Chantler, K., Baker, V., MacKenzie, M., McCarry, M., Mirza, N. (2017) Understanding Forced Marriage in Scotland.
Bartie, A., Fraser, A. (2017) 'It wasnae just Easterhouse: the politics of representation in the Glasgow gang phenomenon, c.1965-1975. Palgrave Macmillan
Armstrong, S., Jefferson, A. (2017) Disavowing 'the' prison. Palgrave Macmillan
Schinkel, M. (2017) Experiences of parole in Scotland: stalled lives. Palgrave Macmillan
Burman, M., McVie, S. (2017) Getting it right for every child: juvenile justice in Scotland. Springer International Publishing
Berg, J., Lamb, G., Howell, S. (2017) Report on Research Findings for the Projects: CCOS02940: Design of Standard Operating Procedures and Models on Section 6.1-6.13 Neighbourhood Watch & CCOS02941: Design of Standard Operating Procedures and Models on Section 5.1-5.3 Community Police Forums.
Fraser, A. (2017) Street Art, Public City: Law, Crime and the Urban Imagination, by Alison Young. Law and Literature, 29, pp. 373-375. (doi: 10.1080/1535685X.2017.1306220)
McNeill, F. (2017) Supervisible: Experiences of Criminal Justice in Scotland.
Gormley, C. (2017) Triage and Diversion: Getting it Right 24/7.
Nugent, B., McNeill, F. (2017) Young people and desistance. Routledge
Armstrong, S., Blaustein, J., Henry, A. (2016) Impact and the reflexive imperative in criminal justice policy, practice and research. Palgrave Macmillan
Armstrong, S., Lam, A. (2016) Policy as a Crime Scene. Palgrave Macmillan
(2016) Reflexivity and Criminal Justice: Intersections of Policy, Practice and Research. (doi: 10.1057/978-1-137-54642-5)
Mirza, N. (2016) The UK government’s conflicting agendas and ‘harmful’ immigration policies: shaping South Asian women’s experiences of abuse and ‘exit’ Critical Social Policy, 36, pp. 592-609. (doi: 10.1177/0261018316641239)
Nugent, B., Schinkel, M. (2016) The pains of desistance. Criminology and Criminal Justice, 16, pp. 568-584. (doi: 10.1177/1748895816634812)
Fraser, A. (2016) Researching crime and justice in Hong Kong. Routledge
(2016) Beyond the Risk Paradigm in Criminal Justice.
Trotter, C., McIvor, G., McNeill, F. (2016) Changing risks, risking change. Palgrave
McNeill, F. (2016) The collateral consequences of risk. Palgrave
Nair, S. (2016) In Rajasthan and Haryana, new rules for contesting panchayat polls exclude women, minorities from political system.
Piacentini, T., Fraser, A. (2016) Back to Back: Revisiting Ethnographies Past, Present and Future.
Myhill, A., Johnson, K. (2016) Police use of discretion in response to domestic violence. Criminology and Criminal Justice, 16, pp. 3-20. (doi: 10.1177/1748895815590202)
Mirza, N. (2016) South Asian Women’s Experience of Family Abuse: the Role of the Husband’s Mother.
Fraser, A. (2016) Global Gangs: Street Violence Across the World; edited by J. Hazen and D. Rodgers. British Journal of Criminology, 56, pp. 204-207. (doi: 10.1093/bjc/azv044)
Berg, J. (2016) Civilian oversight of police in Africa: trends and challenges. CRC Press
McNeill, F., Butter, R., Durnescu, I. (2016) Conclusion: the 12th question. Palgrave MacMillan
Fraser, A. (2016) Criminology in a controlled climate: reflections on learning and teaching in Hong Kong. Social Transformations in Chinese Societies, 12, pp. 37-43.
McNeill, F., Robinson, G. (2016) Explaining probation. Palgrave MacMillan
Durnescu, I., McNeill, F., Butter, R. (2016) Introduction: questions, questions, questions. Palgrave MacMillan
McNeill, F., Schinkel, M. (2016) Prisons and desistance. Routledge
(2016) Probation: 12 Essential Questions. (doi: 10.1057/978-1-137-51982-5)
McNeill, F. (2016) The fuel in the tank or the hole in the boat? Can sanctions support desistance. Routledge
McNeill, F. (2016) What (good) is punishment? Routledge
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Our research seeks to expose, understand and challenge multiple forms of violence – including forms of violence which are environmental, structural, systemic, symbolic and inter-personal. We also try to develop new responses which could create fairer, safer and more sustainable societies, rather than exacerbating social inequalities.
To these ends, as individuals and as a team (including staff, students and PhD researchers), we work in ways that are critical and reflective but also actively engaged. We seek to collaborate creatively with other activists, people with lived experience, practitioners, policymakers and wider publics to build movements for change.
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