All CREATe digital resources aim to: 

  • Make primary research materials (data and historical sources) available. 
  • Enable public discourse and debate by translating complex findings and legal context into a more accessible format. 
  • Allow our methodological approach to be scrutinised by academic peers and stakeholders. 
  • Develop material appropriate to our interdisciplinary field. 
  • Be sustainable, particularly when created with partner organisations. 

Our core resources include: 

Copyright Evidence 

The Copyright Evidence Portal gives access to the world’s current knowledge about copyright law and its effects – as a data-minable Wiki catalogue and through visualizations.

Copyright User

Our Copyright User websites provide authoritative and accessible guidance on the most common questions and the most pressing concerns users (i.e. all of us) have about copyright.

Copyright History 

In partnership with CIPIL / University of Cambridge, we curate a unique digital archive of primary sources on copyright from the invention of the printing press (c. 1450) to the Berne Convention (1886) and beyond.