On 23 and 24 May, the University of Glasgow will host in parallel the Sixth Annual CRCEES Research Forum and the Assessing Accession Research Symposium: Central and Eastern Europe in the EU.

As in previous years the CRCEES Research Forum is looking for papers which relate either to the original five broad research themes, or to the seven strategic research agendas that have emerged from CRCEES activities so far.
The original five broad research themes are:

  • Aspects of identity and culture and their social, political and economic implications
  • Economic and social transformation
  • Political transformation and international relations
  • Literary, cinematic and cultural developments in the area
  • The politics of language

The seven strategic research agendas which have emerged from CRCEES activities so far are:

  • Area Studies and Post-socialism
  • History and Memory
  • Post-enlargement Studies
  • Regionalism
  • Migration and Diaspora
  • Security
  • Material and Visual Culture and National Identity

Assessing Accession Research Symposium

The dual streams of the Assessing Accession Research Symposium will reflect two of the network study groups on Energy and Foreign Policies.

The EU is currently developing a coordinated approach to these challenges, but it will take time and effort by not only EU
institutions, but also its member states and corporate entities. In light of this, Assessing Accession welcomes original research and conceptual papers relating to:

  • CEE states and the liberalisation of the EU’s internal energy market
  • CEE and the EU’s "energy infrastructure package"
  • CEE and security of supply

With respect to the issue of foreign policy, Assessing Accession welcomes original research or conceptual papers relating to the:

  • Impact of Eastern enlargement on the EU’s foreign policy
  • Impact of EU accession on individual foreign policies of the CEECs
  • Role and involvement of the CEECs in the EU’s foreign policy, in particular their role in
  • EU’s policy towards the EU’s Eastern neighbourhood

We are also keen to encourage papers which link EU external action and energy issues. This may include studies relating to the EU's engagement with ‘strategic partners’ in Eastern Europe, the Caucasus and Central Asia through regional cooperation initiatives such as the:

  • Black Sea Synergy
  • Eastern Partnership
  • Central Asia Strategy
  • EU-Russia Energy Dialogue/EU-Russia Partnership and Cooperation Agreement and its replacement the New EU-Russia Agreement

Proposal Submissions

Proposals for papers relating to both events should be 250-300 words in length and be sent to Geoffrey Swain by 22 March 2013. Paper proposers should include their title, full name, institutional affiliation and paper title. All papers will be made available as work-in-progress papers via the CRCEES and Assessing Accession websites.

Date: 22 and 24 May 2013
Location: University of Glasgow
Conference Programme:  Sixth Annual Research Forum Final Programme
Deadline for papers:
22 March 2013
Registration: Contact Ann.Mulholland@glasgow.ac.uk, +44 (0) 141 330 8539

First published: 23 May 2013