Smith Hall 409,
Department of Geography,
University of Washington

18th September, 2009
2.00 – 4.30pm

Dr Judit Molna who is CRCEES/CEES EU Marie Curie Visiting Fellow (based at Department of Geography, University of Washington, Seattle, 2008-2010 and CEES, University of Glasgow, 2010-2011) will convene the project meeting.


14.00 - 14.15    Arrival

14.15 - 14.45    'Transnationalism in Transition', Professor Matthew Sparke (University of Washington)

14.45 - 15.15    '"Memory Work" and Collective Identity: New Perspectives on Societal Integration in Post-Soviet Estonia', Professor David Smith (University of Glasgow)

15.15 - 16.00    'Immigration from the Former Soviet Union in Washington State between 1990-2007'
Dr Judit Molnar (University of Glasgow / University of Washington

16.00 - 16.30    Discussion

First published: 12 January 2012