ESRC Festival of Social Science event
Cultural Connections: migration, identity and integration, new and old communities in Glasgow
Senate room,
Gilbert Scott Building (Main building)
University of Glasgow

Thursday 6th March, 2009
The ESRC is hosting a series of events in March 2009 to celebrate the Social Sciences

On Friday March 6th the Centre for Russian, Central and East European Studies at the University of Glasgow will host an event aimed at bringing together pupils from Glasgow schools who are from newly arrived migrant communities as well as pupils from the native communities.

This will take the form of workshops headed by representatives from these groups and from panels of young people to explore common experiences as well as common perceptions. The forum is entitled 'Cultural Connections: migration, identity and integration, new and old communities in Glasgow'. It will take place in the Senate room from 10.00am.

The city has seen an influx of workers from the new E.U. countries as well as refugees from many other non-E.U. states. This experience has at times been a problematic one – as noted in some press coverage. We wish to increase understanding of the many different cultures represented in this city and hope that by bringing together youth from diverse groups that we can increase contact, knowledge, and understanding.

First published: 12 January 2012